听电影学英语-字典情人 15(在线收听

  [00:02.28]she should wait till you’re asleep,
  [00:04.28]then cut off your testicles with a kitchen knife.
  [00:06.80]他们很擅长干这个的  依班人
  [00:06.96]They’re very good at that kind of thing, the Iban.
  [00:08.60]甚至可能不用醒你  现在…
  [00:08.80]Probably wouldn’t even wake you. Now--
  [00:12.92]Henry sent me.
  [00:13.10]We’ve got to unbugger up your last month’s work.

  [00:23.64]you know, I would have made her happy.
  [00:33.40]I told him we’d remember this song.
  [00:38.64]Don’t be so pathetic.
  [00:39.12]You should forget all about this love business.
  [00:41.92]没有这个  婚姻会更好的
  [00:42.12]Marriages work far better without it.
  [00:44.80]You should concentrate on the school.
  [00:46.60]You like that.
  [00:49.96]He just needs a little time.
  [00:52.04]When was the last time he slept with you?
  [00:56.64]When was the last time he even touched you?
  [01:02.12]That’s how you judge men.
  [01:06.72]你好  亲爱的
  [01:06.88]Hello, darling.
  [01:13.80]晚安  布拉德夫人
  [01:13.96]Good evening, Mrs. Bullard.
  [01:19.24]你会让我们独处的  是不是?
  [01:19.40]You will excuse us, won’t you?
  [01:30.48]你吻我只是做给我母亲看到  是不是?
  [01:30.64]You kissed me just to get one over on my mother, didn’t you?
  [01:33.60]不 不 当然不是
  [01:33.80]No. No, of course not.
  [01:51.00]Take one more reading before we go leave.
  [02:30.76]-孩子是我的? -哦 是的
  [02:30.96]- Is the baby mine? - Oh, yes.
  [02:36.24]And are you open to bribery?
  [02:40.68]哦  当然了
  [02:40.80]So you’ll arrange for us to meet?
  [02:40.84]Oh, very much so.
  [02:44.24]我先你一步了  我已经问过了
  [02:44.40]I am one step ahead. I already make inquiries,
  [02:46.88]and she will not see you.
  [02:52.16]So you tell her Tipong has been beaten again
  [02:55.72]and needs her help.
  [03:00.60]Shipperly I will send on a vital mission somewhere.
  [03:05.88]Somewhere famed for the size and quantity of its tiger leeches.
  [03:29.52]I want to see my son.
  [03:31.64]I don’t understand "son."

  [03:34.20]My child.
  [03:37.56]你明白的  他是9个月前出生的
  [03:37.76]You understand perfectly. He was born nine months ago.
  [03:43.44]I don’t understand English anymore.
  [03:47.28]我的儿子  你有我的儿子  他叫曼德
  [03:47.44]My son. You have my son. His name is Mandar.
  [03:51.44]我把他放阳台上了 我害怕耐维尔
  [03:51.60]I left him on the veranda. I was frightened of Neville.
  [03:54.36]I’ll get him!
  [03:57.84]You can have one minute,
  [03:58.84]如果让他们看见我们在一起  他们会杀了我们的
  [03:59.04]but they’ll kill me if they see us together.
  [04:15.72]塞丽玛  等一下
  [04:15.88]Selima, stay!
  [04:16.60]等多久?  永远吗?
  [04:16.76]For how long? Forever?
  [04:22.40]我不知道他们会对我们这样  对不起
  [04:22.60]I didn’t know they were going to treat us like that, I’m sorry.
  [04:26.80]I don’t know what to say.
  [04:27.16]He’s Belansai’s son now.
  [04:30.60]他知道我怀孕  还是娶了我
  [04:30.76]He marry me even though he knew I was pregnant.
  [04:44.28]"Deep, deep beneath the sea...
  [04:47.44]where the water is clear as the purest glass,
  [04:49.64]there lies the palace of the Sea King.
  [04:52.40]And there, behind the walls of coral,
  [04:57.72]and beneath its roof of cockleshells
  [04:59.28]lived the little mermaid."
