Cherry Cox讲故事 09 The lion and the mouse(在线收听


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  The lion and the mouse
  One day, a little mouse jumped onto a sleeping lion. The lion woke up. "Got you!" he said. "Eee-eee!" said the mouse."Please let me go!" Please let me go! One day I may help you."
  "Ha-ha-ha," laughed the lion."A little mouse like you can't help a lion like me!"But he let the mouse go.
  "Thank you,"said the little mouse, and away she ran to her hole. The lion laughed at the little mouse. He laughed and laughed. He did not see the big net by the trees, and he walked into it.
  "Help!" he roared."I can't get away! Who will help me? Who will come and help me?" But no one came, all day.
  Then, after the sun went down, the mouse came out of her hole.
  "The lion is roaring for help!" she said."I'm coming!"
  The mouse ran to help the lion."I can make a hole in that net with my teeth." she said. And she did.
  "you can get out now," said the mouse."See! Little mouse like me did help a big lion like you."
  "Yes, I see,"said the lion. "Yes,a mouse can help a lion.
  Thank you, little mouse," "I am pleased I let you go, little mouse," said the lion.  "So am I," said the mouse.
