Cherry Cox讲故事 24 Mrs. Spider's beautiful web(在线收听


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  Mrs. Spider's beautiful web
  Mrs. Spider was hungry."I'm going to make a web. I'm going to make a beautiful web,"she said."I want to catch a fly."
  Mrs. Spider made a line, and she let it go in the wind. The wind blew the line on to a leaf.
  Mrs. Spider made some more line. She went down with it and she came back up. Down and up,down and up. She worked and worked.
  Then Mrs. Spider went around and around inside the web.She went around and around and around and around.
  "My web is beautiful,"said Mrs. Spider,"and it is very sticky.Now I can catch a fly."
  Mrs. Spider hid by her sticky web.She sat and she sat and she sat."A fly will come,"she said.
  She sat there all day. She was very,very hungry.Then......something did come into her web."A fly! A fly! It can't get away,"said hungry Mrs. Spider."I will have this fly for my dinner."
  After dinner,Mrs.Spider looked at her web."Oh,no! "She said."My beautiful web is broken!I will have to make it again.I will have to work all night." So she did.And ,in the morning,Mrs. Spider's web was beautiful again.
