听电影学英语-紫罗兰 03(在线收听

  [00:01.64]听着 人们要看这类书 他们需要这个 Look, peopIe want this kind of book. They need it.
  [00:04.81]更何况 蝉联了6次的最佳销售量 Besides, after giving them six best seIIers...
  [00:06.88]我想我应该有个免死金牌旁身了吧 l think l’m entitIed to a IittIe reprieve.
  [00:09.89]说到书 你觉得最后的定稿怎么样? Speaking of the book, what’d you think of the filnaI draft?
  [00:12.79]我 呃…你知道 我还没来得及看完 我… l, uhYou know, l haven’t gotten around to it yet. l
  [00:17.43]你都拿去3个月了 你个鸟人  You’ve had it for three months, you prick.
  [00:19.36]我知道 但我… l know, but you
  [00:20.16]你雇我是来看合同的 又不是你的书 不是吗? You pay me to read your contracts, not your books, right?
  [00:23.33]更何况 你知道我更喜欢一些有深度的故事 Besides, you know l prefer a good yarn to the more esoteric stuff.
  [00:27.14]对 那你现在是准备慨叹 Yeah, you faII into the
  [00:28.67]"人生短暂得来不及思考"? ’’Life’s too short to think’’ category?
  [00:29.67]布莱恩 我大学里就认识你了 对不? B, l’ve known you since coIIege, right?
  [00:31.67]我是说 我看过你穿成啦啦队长 l mean, l’ve seen you dressed as a cheerIeader...
  [00:33.68]抱着洗脸盆狂吐的样子 hugging a toiIet bowI, puking your guts out.
  [00:35.68]所以 要我跟你谈论深沉真的需要多点时间 Therefore, l’m gonna have a tough time taking you seriousIy.
  [00:38.08]我的上帝啊 我绝对不会忘记那次的 Jesus Christ. l’m never gonna Iive that down.
  [00:40.44]那次万圣节 lt was HaIIoween.
  [00:41.42]可我还能扮成谁呢?      不知道  What eIse was l supposed to go as?         l don’t know.
  [00:43.09]我只是觉得对一个没阴道的人来说 l just think a cheerIeader was an odd choice for somebody,
  [00:45.61]扮啦啦队长是个很奇怪的选择 you know, without a vagina.
  [00:47.96]家具上哪儿去了? Where’s aII the furniture?

  [00:49.83]报纸的图片上看这里是很漂亮的 l mean, in the picture in the newspaper, this this pIace Iooked beautifuI.
  [00:54.53]呃 他们搬走了… Uh, they moved...
  [00:56.77]所以他们就带走了自己的东西 and they took their things.
  [00:59.94]我没告诉过你我不喜欢这种乡巴佬吗?  WeII, didn’t l teII you l don’t Iike the West ViIIage? Huh?
  [01:03.97]算了 他们要价多少? Anyway, uh, what are they askin’?
  [01:07.74]4      4? 见鬼了  Four.         Four? Geez.
  [01:11.38]他们疯了 脑抽 They’re crazy. Pazzo.
  [01:18.55]好吧 还算有点优点 AII right, l gotta give you this.
  [01:20.69]还有些风景 This is some view.
  [01:22.73]那么 说说看  So, uh, teII me.
  [01:25.19]你的真实想法呢? What’s your honest opinion?
  [01:30.07]我不知道 我觉得这里是个很漂亮的地方 l don’t know. l think it’s another beautifuI pIace.
  [01:32.77]你知道 这里是一个… You know, it couId be a great home with...

  [01:35.94]明亮 风景好 环境好的地方 great Iight, great views, great outdoor space.
  [01:40.44]所以 我不懂 也许是我漏看了什么 So, l don’t know. Maybe l’m missing something...
  [01:42.51]但我就是不懂为什么你不喜欢这儿 but l can’t see why you wouIdn’t be very happy here.
  [01:45.62]你刚刚说什么? 什么? 什么? 什么? What are you sayInG here? What? What? What?
  [01:47.82]你是不是想暗示什么? 嗯?      呃 不 是…  You tryin’ to impIy something? Huh?         Uh, no. Ye
  [01:52.09]呃 事实上 萨巴缇尼先生… WeII, actuaIIy, Mr. Sabatini
  [01:54.09]听着 我不知道到底是怎么了 Listen. l don’t know what it is.
  [01:56.99]过去的两年里我们几乎看遍了所有的公寓 We have seen every apartment on the market in the past two years...
  [01:59.66]我知道要做决定很困难… and l know it is hard to make a decision
  [02:01.83]我不知道自己到底做错了什么 l don’t know what l’m doing wrong,
  [02:03.30]但我开始觉得也许… but l’m starting to think that maybe
  [02:06.77]也许 只是…我不知道 该怎么说呢?  Maybe,just l don’t know. How do l put this?
  [02:09.17]我觉得也许我们可能… l think that maybe we’re possibIy
  [02:11.44]我不知道…是不是定错了价位呢? l don’t know Iooking in the wrong price range?
  [02:13.44]定错价位 你个… The WronG prIce ranGe. You lIttle
  [02:16.05]什么…你知不知道自己在跟谁说话? 嗯? What Do you know who you’re taIking to here? Huh?
  [02:18.48]嗯? 我都能把你卖了再买回来五十多次! Huh? l couId buy and seII you 50 times over!
  [02:21.38]别跟我谈什么价位问题! Do not taIk to me about my price range!
  [02:24.09]好吧! 没必要对我吼的 先生 Okay! There’s no need to scream at me, sir.
  [02:30.76]若我是你 就开始担心自己的下份工作了 lf l was you, l’d begin to Iook for a new Iine of work. Hmm.
  [02:36.20]我希望你能给我一个合理的解释  I Would lIke you to please explaIn to me
  [02:39.80]为什么你会觉得侮辱客人 how you think that insuIting customers...
  [02:42.81]会对我们的生意有所助益 is an acceptabIe way of doing business...
  [02:45.47]尤其你还是为我工作的 代表着我和我的声誉 whiIe you’re working for me and representing me and my reputation.
  [02:49.81]好吧 但您必须理解…      我什么? 我什么?  Okay, but you have to understand         l what? l what?
  [02:53.28]您必须理解…  You have to understand
  [02:54.17]不不不 你瞧 你还是没明白 亲爱的 No, no. No, you see, you don’t get it, honey.
  [02:57.22]我不需要去理解任何事情 l don’t have to understand anything.
  [02:58.80]我是吉尔默尔 我说了算 l’m GiImore. l’m the big guy.
  [03:02.02]你要做的只是告诉我 What you have to do is teII me...

  [03:06.10]你很抱歉 that you’re sorry...
  [03:08.26]给我个因为你的无能而不开除你的理由 teII me why l shouIdn’t filre you because you’re incompetent...
  [03:11.90]比如你今天过得不顺而且以后不会再发生了 that you were having a bad day, and that you’II never do it again.
  [03:16.27]好吧 但是吉尔默尔先生 Okay, but Mr. GiImore,
  [03:17.92]不管什么时候我带萨巴缇尼先生 whenever l take Mr. Sabatini...
  [03:19.38]去看房子…      识相点  to Iook at a pIace         Bright eyes?
  [03:21.98]我就站在这儿 等你说"我很抱歉" l’m standin’ here, and l’m waiting for ’’l’m sorry.’’
  [03:27.95]我很抱歉      还有呢? I’m sorry.         And?
  [03:31.89]以后不会再发生了 因为我今天过得很不顺  And It Won’t happen aGaIn, because I Was havInG a bad day.
  [03:34.92]很好 Very Good.
  [04:24.97]我是奇斯 有事请留言      奇斯 又是我  This is Chazz. Leave a message.         Chazz, it’s me again.
  [04:29.88]我很担心 都快3点了 l’m worried. lt’s aImost 3:00.
  [04:31.05]你在哪儿? 这太扯了 回我电 Where are you? This is crazy. CaII me.
  [04:37.65]回我电 回我电 CaII me. CaII me.
  [04:56.51]谁?      哟 是墨菲 我拿报纸来了 Yeah.         Yo, it’s the Murph. l got the papers.
