听电影学英语-紫罗兰 06(在线收听

  [00:01.01]但是…那她怎么样? But So how was she?
  [00:03.17]我是说 她…她看上去开心吗? l mean, is she is she She seem happy?
  [00:07.35]不 不算很开心 No. Not reaIIy.
  [00:09.52]我今天下午碰到安东了 I ran Into Anton thIs afternoon.
  [00:11.61]他是 呃 阿缪斯的头儿 He’s, uh, head chef over at Amuse.
  [00:15.52]他跟我说那天晚上某个很特别的人 He toId me someone very speciaI paid a visit
  [00:18.67]上你们那桌去了 to your tabIe the other night.
  [00:20.63]哦 对 凯特和我遇到了布莱恩… Oh. Yeah, Kate and l ran into Brian
  [00:22.63]记得吗 就是那次你没跟我们一起吃晚饭 You know, the night you didn’t want to have dinner with us.
  [00:25.30]因为你忘记跟我说 但是… Because you forgot to teII me about it, but...
  [00:27.47]一笔归一笔 好吗? that’s another argument for another time, right?
  [00:30.17]那个爱尔兰打字员都说了些什么? So, What dId the Great IrIsh scrIbe have to say for hImself?.
  [00:35.61]哦 没怎么多说 Oh, weII, not reaIIy much of anything.
  [00:37.88]凯特很快就把他吓走了 Kate scared him away pretty quickIy.
  [00:39.92]噢 那你 就这么碰巧忘记告诉我了? Oh, and you, uh,just forgot to teII me about it?
  [00:43.85]你知道 完全忘记了 Ah, you know. SIipped my mind.
  [00:46.35]会发生这种事还真是新奇 嗯?  lnteresting how that happens, hmm?
  [00:48.55]发生这种事? HoW What happens?
  [00:49.73]你跟我刚吵完架 就遇到了你痛失的爱人? You and l get in a filght, and then you run into your IongIost Iove?
  [00:52.36]怎么会 就是巧合?      没错  What,just a coincidence?         Yes.
  [00:55.03]就是巧合 而且他也不是我痛失的爱人 lt was just a coincidence. And he’s not my IongIost Iove.
  [00:58.43]你告诉他你结婚了吗?      呃 还没聊到  Did you teII him you were married?         Um, It dIdn’t come up.
  [01:02.20]噢 那真的很有趣 Oh. That’s funny too.

  [01:04.51]你知道 我…我肯定他看到我的戒指了  You know, l’m l’m sure he saw my ring.
  [01:06.11]哦 也许吧 Oh, probabIy did.
  [01:08.38]那么 你们两个聊了什么呢? So, what’d you two taIk about, hmm?
  [01:10.41]书 写作 你最喜欢的作者还是诸如此类的事? Books and writing and your favorite authors and aII that shite?
  [01:12.95]你是不是想暗示我做错了什么? Are you trying to impIy that l did something wrong?
  [01:16.38]不不 我只是随便问问 No. No, l’m mereIy making an observation.
  [01:19.39]不 事实上你这是在斥责 No, you know, ’cause you You’re making an accusation.
  [01:22.96]他向你要电话号码了吗? Did he ask for your phone number?
  [01:25.89]没有 因为他只是来打个招呼的 No, ’cause he just stopped by to say heIIo.
  [01:28.33]你从什么时候开始这么爱吃醋了? And since when are you so jeaIous?

  [01:30.33]如果他要了 你会给他吗? Ifhe dId, Would you have GIven It to hIm?
  [01:32.70]你到底想干嘛 奇斯? 这是干嘛? You know, what the fuck are you doing, Chazz? What is this?
  [01:36.00]因为我…我不明白了 ’Cause l don’t l don’t get it.
  [01:37.92]我不是那个在外面鬼混到很晚回家的人 You know, l am not the one who stays out Iater than usuaI.
  [01:40.21]也不是那个老是取消计划的人 l am not the one who canceIs pIans.
  [01:42.71]也不是那个会把完美的约会日 l am not the one who thinks that a perfect date night
  [01:46.30]毁在5个小时的蜘蛛侠身上的人 is filve hours of SpIderMan.
  [01:48.28]少来 蜘蛛侠1和2很好看的 Oi, come on. SpIderMan 1 and 2 are great filIms.
  [01:52.15]没错 如果你还是12岁的话 Yeah, if you’re 1 2.
  [01:54.66]你干嘛这么不安? What are you GettIn’ so upset about, all rIGht?
  [01:57.76]听着 是你那天晚上出去的 Listen. You went out the other night.
  [02:00.06]你还遇到你的前男友 你却忘了告诉我 You ran into your ex. You forgot to teII me,
  [02:02.48]我想知道为什么 and l wanna know why.
  [02:03.77]而且我也有权知道  And l have every fuckin’ right to know.
  [02:04.99]因为我完全忘记了 Because it sIipped my mind!
  [02:07.44]好吧 不算个好理由 帕蒂 AII right, not good enough, Pat.
  [02:13.91]你还有什么是完全忘记了的? What eIse sIipped your fuckin’ mind?
  [02:16.44]我忘了告诉你我真的他妈的受不了你了 l forgot to teII you that l fucking can’t stand you.
  [02:29.36]*扪心自问才发现* Lookin’ for a heart to break the news to
  [02:35.03]*一切都已太迟了* That it’s much too Iate
  [02:37.00]我们能走了吗? 我想走了 我看够了 Can we pIease get out of here? l need to go. l’ve seen enough.
  [02:40.30]你说什么呢? 我们来这儿都是为了你不是吗?  What are you taIkin’ about? We’re here for you, aren’t we?
  [02:42.61]那我已经看到想看的了 And l’ve seen aII l need to see.
  [02:44.51]我们公司绝对不可能会签这种三流歌手的 There’s no way these jackoffs are gonna get signed by my IabeI.
  [02:48.44]*别让它随风而逝* Don’t bIow it
  [02:52.11]我得跟你说 伯尼 我挺喜欢他们的 l’II teII you, Bernie. l Iike this guy a Iot.
  [02:54.22]他唱高音的感觉颇有点史帝芬派瑞的味道 He’s got a bit of the Steve Perry thing goin’ with those high notes.
  [02:57.09]再听一下嘛 也让墨菲多了解一下   GIve these Guys another lIsten. Murph mIGht be onto somethInG.
  [02:59.55]大错特错了 大叔 Wrong demographic, grandpa.
  [03:02.56]我受够了! l’m done!
  [03:10.80]好了 听好了 我有个天大的消息 AII right. Listen up. l got huge news.
  [03:13.17]你终于决定要刮腋毛了? You’re filnaIIy gonna shave those armpits?
  [03:15.84]我的女性特征碍着你了吗?  Does my naturaI femininity bother you?
  [03:17.98]不不 完全没有 No. No, not at all.

  [03:18.71]只是当我吃东西或是呼吸或是喝酒的时候 Just when l’m eating or breathing or drinking.
  [03:21.21]真的啦 真的很恶心 你就稍微弄一下嘛  Come on. lt’s disgusting. Just take care of that.
  [03:23.55]你怎么还在这儿? Why are you stIll here?
  [03:24.88]我知道了 那是因为你总是无处不在 l know. lt’s because you’re alWays here.
  [03:27.88]因为我们从来都跟你混一块儿 但你猜怎么着?  Because we never go anywhere without you. But guess what, funnyman?
  [03:31.42]这些即将要改变了 That’s aII about to change.
  [03:34.16]你终于决定要和这家伙分手 So you’re filnaIIy gonna break up
  [03:36.05]跟个叫墨菲的人好了? with this guy and come over to the Murph?
  [03:37.26]只要你开口 我这个墨菲随时候命 Give me the word. l’II throw you a Murph anytime you want.
  [03:39.76]哈! 不是啦 我们要搬去西雅图 Ugh! No. We’re moving to SeattIe.
  [03:42.80]我找到工作了! l got the job!
  [03:44.80]我…我什么? 西…什么?      对呀  l’m l’m what? SeWhat?         Yeah.
  [03:46.80]什么工作? What job?
  [03:48.94]什么? 什…别弄得自己好像是第一次听到这个 What? Wha Don’t act Iike this is the filrst you’re hearing of this.
  [03:52.11]我几个月前就告诉过你了 他们… l toId you months ago. They’re
  [03:54.61]他们就像是最棒的新生唱片公司 They’re, Iike,just the cooIest indie IabeI...
  [03:57.71]而他们请我去当西海岸A&R分部的头儿 and they want me to head their West Coast A & R offilce.
  [04:01.65]懂了吗? 我说今天晚上那些人很烂是有原因的 See? There’s a reason l knew that guy sucked tonight.
  [04:04.39]而你们这两个中年土包子还觉得他们好呢  And you two middIeaged dorks thought he was cooI
  [04:06.72]33不能…不能算进中年之列 Thirtythree is hardIy hardIy middIeaged.
  [04:09.52]不能      嘿 打断一下 回正题  HardIy.         Hey, l’m sorry, rewind.
  [04:12.36]呃 这份工作在西雅图? Uh, this job is in SeattIe?
  [04:14.36]对啊      是在华盛顿的那个西雅图  Yeah.         Same SeattIe that’s in Washington.
  [04:16.80]那个在另一边的华盛顿吗?      对啊 没错  Same Washington that’s on the other side of the country?         Yeah. Yes.
  [04:19.77]对的 你一定会喜欢的 Yes. You’re gonna Iove it.
  [04:20.80]那里很美的 到处是自然风光 lt’s so beautifuI. Tons of nature.
  [04:23.54]对 而且也是美国北部自杀率最高的城市 Yeah, it’s aIso got the highest suicide rate in North America
  [04:26.74]甚至要比纽约还高 那儿老有孩子跳河 Even more than lthaca, New York, where the kids aIways jump off the bridge.
  [04:29.91]都是常春藤的孩子们 他们…  lvy League kids. They’re
  [04:31.30]对 我也有听说 You know, l heard that.

  [04:32.05]不是这样的      不 我…我也有听说的  lt does not.         No, l l heard that too.
  [04:33.92]你乱说      不 是真的 我听说过  You just make shit up.         No, it’s true. l heard that.
  [04:36.95]那是 呃…那是因为那儿每天都下雨 lt’s, uh lt’s because it rains every day.
  [04:39.39]每天都下雨 难得不下雨就会起雾  Every day it’s rainy. When it’s not rainy, it’s foggy.
  [04:41.36]没有 不是的 那里… No, it is not. This is such
  [04:43.19]这不是真的 那里不下雨 那里… That is not true. lt does not rain. lt
  [04:45.36]那里是下点雨 但不是每天下的 lt rains a IittIe, but not every day,
  [04:46.92]而且…你干嘛在意这个? and it What do you care?
  [04:48.46]总是这样 我都把你拖不出公寓 Anyway, l can’t even get you to Ieave the apartment.
  [04:50.67]中央公园你都不去 You never even go to CentraI Park.
  [04:52.17]你瞎说什么? 我很喜欢户外的 What are you taIking about? l Iove the outdoors.
  [04:54.50]我不去中央公园 l just don’t go to CentraI Park
  [04:55.61]是因为我受不了那些溜冰的孩子 ’cause it upsets me to see grown men on RoIIerbIades.
  [04:58.11]为什么这些人老爱穿那么紧身短裤呢? And why do those guys aIways have to wear the tight shorts?
  [05:00.55]噢 我的天哪 Oh, my God.
