听电影学英语-紫罗兰 16(在线收听

  [00:12.53]* 还记得你是谁吗 * ’Have you forGotten Who you are.’
  [00:15.16]好吧 在个完全没有联系的话题 Okay, on a completely unrelated topIc
  [00:17.50]再说一次你有多喜欢我的故事 TeII me again how much you Iike my story.
  [00:20.40]好啊 你现在真的是得寸进尺啊 Okay. You know what? Now you’re just being greedy.
  [00:23.34]我很妒忌它     好吧好吧  l’m jeaIous as it is.         Okay, okay.
  [00:25.31]天哪      谢谢你太感谢你了 Jesus.         Thank you. Nothing more.
  [00:27.28]认真点 告诉我 Okay, but seriousIy. TeII me
  [00:30.38]我想知道你以前喜欢它吗 你曾经喜欢吗? l wanna know you Iiked it. You Iiked it.
  [00:34.52]一直喜欢它吗? Do you Iike it?
  [00:42.39]* 声声入耳 * ’ The sound of sounds.’
  [00:46.06]* 声声细语 * ’EnlIGhtenInG.’
  [00:49.36]* 是你 * ’ You.’
  [00:52.67]* 是你 * ’ You.’
  [00:55.37]它告诉我 你是个谨慎的人... And It shoWs that you’re a very cautIous person...
  [00:57.74]但不担心给第二个机会 but one not afraid of giving second chances.
  [01:01.48]有趣      这是你的心线  lnteresting.         Uhhuh. And then here is your heart Iine.
  [01:04.15]很平稳 这条线越是深越是粗... Okay, so generaIIy, the deeper and stronger the Iine...
  [01:07.68]投入的就越热烈越多 the Warmer and steadIer the devotIon.
  [01:10.05]那它够深吗?      是的 看起来不错  ls it deep?         Yeah. lt Iooks good.
  [01:12.29]除了这里有一个模糊的片段 就在那里 Except there is this shaIIow section right there.
  [01:14.29]肯定是伯纳黛特 Must be Bernadette.
  [01:16.66]* 声声细语 * ’EnlIGhtenInG.’.’
  [01:56.23]喔 真糟糕 Oh, shit.

  [02:55.66]早上好 Good mornInG.
  [02:59.66]海滩怎么样      很漂亮  How’s the beach?         BeautifuI.
  [03:02.36]是吗? Yeah?
  [03:10.84]恩 咖啡好了 Uh, coffee’s aIready out there.
  [03:13.34]很好 Great.
  [03:24.35]我还有个惊喜要给你 l got one more IittIe surprise.
  [03:27.79]不要被这个小盒子吓住 Don’t be aIarmed by the box.
  [03:30.56]小小的礼物 LittIe gift.
  [03:32.56]什么东西      就是个礼物  What is it?         lt’s a gift.
  [03:35.76]快打开它吧 You Gotta open It, sIlly.
  [03:40.54]是把钥匙 lt’s a key.
  [03:46.58]是这个房子的 To the house.
  [03:49.95]任何你需要远离城市进行创作的时候... Anytime you need to get away from the city to write...
  [03:52.45]你可以来这儿      布莱恩 你不需要这么做  you can come out here.         Brian, you didn’t have to.
  [03:55.62]没关系 别顾忌 Come on. Don’t worry about it.
  [03:58.65]嘿 如果它能让你重新拿起笔是多么好的事啊 Hey, if it heIps you get started on the noveI again, great.

  [04:01.46]或者你来只是让自己能思考些东西 Or If you just need to come here to thInk...
  [04:04.19]清醒你的头脑 读些书 clear your head, do a lIttle readInG
  [04:06.26]随便做什么 我希望你可以接受它 Whatever. l want you to have it.
  [04:08.40]太多了 It’s too much.
  [04:10.53]别这样 最重要的是 Come on. What Good Is all
  [04:12.73]你可以和你爱的人完成你的心愿 thIs If you can’t enjoy It WIth the people you love?
  [04:14.07]你明白我在说什么吧 Uh, Iike. You know what l mean.
  [04:16.27]谢谢你 Thank you.
  [04:18.77]吃点东西吧      好 Let’s eat.         Hmm.
  [04:22.51]嘿 她在哪呢      你好 迈克  Hey, there she is.         HeIIo, MichaeI.
  [04:25.81]你最近怎么样?      挺好  How you doin’?         Okay.
  [04:30.92]我想我们可以先过马路 So Iook. l thought maybe we’d go down the street...
  [04:33.02]边吃边谈      好的  grab a bite to eat, taIk.         Okay.
  [04:37.93]顺便说句 你今天真漂亮 You Iook great, by the way.
  [04:42.13]你安定了2年      是的  So you’ve been sober two years?         Yep.
  [04:45.27]有什么事情发生吗 What was the big reveIation?
  [04:48.10]我在路边醒来 WeII, l uh l woke up on the sidewaIk...
  [04:50.74]早上六点在酒吧外 outside a bar at 6:00 in the morning.
  [04:53.34]人们都去上班了 我的手表不见了 PeopIe were going to work, my watch was missing...
  [04:55.78]然后有张纸条出现在我的胸前 上面写着 and there was a note on my chest that said...
  [04:58.61]"对于你的手表很抱歉 但你根本不需要它" ’’Sorry about the watch, but cIearIy you don’t need it.’’
