听电影学英语-撞车 01(在线收听

  [02:47.12]It’s the sense of touch. 这是触摸的感觉
  [02:52.64]What? 什么
  [02:54.40]Any real city, you walk, you know? 穿梭在城市之间 你知道吗?
  [02:58.28]You brush past people. People bump into you. 你和人们擦肩而过 邂逅相遇
  [03:02.04]In L.A., nobody touches you. 在洛杉矶 没人触摸你
  [03:07.00]We’re always behind this metal and glass. 我们总是躲在冰冷的建筑物后面
  [03:13.92]I think we miss that touch so much 我想我们很怀念那种触摸的感觉
  [03:16.96]that we crash into each other just so we can feel something. 我们彼此碰撞 只是为了感觉到彼此的存在
  [03:22.84]You guys okay? 你们没事吧?
  [03:23.04]I think he hit his head. 我想他肯定碰坏脑袋了
  [03:26.60]You don’t think that’s true? 你不认为那是事实吗?
  [03:28.32]Stay in your car. 呆在车里
  [03:30.36]Graham, I think we got rear - ended. 格雷厄姆 我想我们被人从后面撞了
  [03:35.64]And somewhere in there, one of us lost our frame of reference. 我们中的一个开始说胡话了
  [03:35.96]I think we spun around twice. 撞了两下
  [03:40.92]And I’m gonna go look for it. 我要去找找看

  [03:46.68]- Calm down, ma’am. - I am calm! - 冷静点儿 女士 - 我冷静着呢
  [03:49.28]I need to see your registration and insurance. 我要看看你的注册证和保险单
  [03:51.44]Why? It’s not my fault! It’s her fault! 为什么? 这不是我的错! 是她的错!
  [03:53.84]- She do this! - My fault? - 是她干的 - 我的错?
  [03:55.04]Ma’am, you really need to wait in your vehicle. 女士 你得在你的车里等着
  [03:57.72]- My fault? - Stop in middle of street! - 我的错? - 别在路中间挡道!
  [03:59.72]Mexicans no know how to drive. 墨西哥人根本就不知道怎么开车
  [03:60.80]- She "blake" too fast. - I "blake" too fast? I "blake" too fast. - 她刹车太快了 - 我刹车太快了? 我刹车太快了?
  [04:08.24]See, I stop when I see a long line of cars stopped in front of me. 瞧 当我看到我前面停着一长溜汽车的时候 我就停下了
  [04:13.84]Maybe you see over steering wheel, you "blake" too! 也许换做你 你也会刹车的
  [04:16.60]- Ma’am! - I call immigration. Look what you do my car. - 女士! - 我要给移民局打电话 看看你把我的车怎么样了
  [04:19.12]Officer, can you please write in your report 警官 请你在报告里写上
  [04:20.36]how shocked I am to be hit by an Asian driver! 我被一位亚洲司机开车撞了受到惊吓
  [04:22.60]- Ma’am! - Ma’am, no. See, Detective... - 女士! - 女士 不 看 警探
  [04:30.80]All right. You’ve got to calm down. 行了 你们冷静一下
  [04:41.84]- Hey, Detective! Nice entrance. - Fuck you. - 嗨 警官 很好的开端 - 他妈的
  [04:49.64]- Hey, you okay? - I’m freezin’ - 嗨 你没事吧? - 我快冻僵了
  [04:52.28]Shit. I heard it might snow. 妈的 我听说可能要下雪

  [04:57.76]- Get outta here. - That’s what I heard. - 得离开这儿 - 我是道听途说的
  [04:58.64]- You got a smoke? - Nah. I quit. - 你吸烟吗? - 不 我戒了
