听电影学英语-撞车 16(在线收听

  [00:18.34]Get outta the car! 下车
  [00:20.06]Gimme the keys! Get out... What the fuck? 给我要是 出来...什么?
  [00:22.94]Whoa! What the fuck are you doing, man? 喂 你要干吗?
  [00:25.50]Shit! You wanna get killed, nigger? 该死的黑鬼 你找死吗?
  [00:27.38]Say that again! 你再说一遍试试?
  [00:30.38]- Say that again! - You stupid motherfucker! - 你敢再说一遍? - 你这个该死的混蛋
  [00:33.86]Say it again, huh! Call me a nigger again! 你敢再叫我黑鬼试试?
  [00:35.46]- Man, what the fuck? Get off! - Fuck you! - 你干吗 滚开 - 操你妈的
  [00:39.34]- Shoot him! - I’ll blow your head off! - 射他 - 我要把你脑袋给打下来
  [00:41.82]- Shoot this motherfucker! - I swear to God, I’m gonna blow your head off! - 开枪打死这混蛋 - 我保证要把你脑袋给打下来
  [00:45.50]Stop talkin’ and shoot! 别说了 开枪
  [00:46.78]- Stop! Let’s go! Here comes the po-po. - Get off of me! - 警察来了 我们走 - 从我身上滚开
  [00:51.66]Hey, hey! Where you goin’, man? Hell, no! 喂 你要去哪?
  [00:54.14]- Oh, shit. - Anthony! Anthony! - 该死的 - 安东尼! 安东尼!
  [00:59.50]Get the fuck outta my car! 从我车里滚出去
  [00:59.78]Shit! Damn! 放屁
  [01:03.22]- What are you doin’, man? Get outta the car! - Fuck you! - 你在干吗? 下车 - 我操你妈

  [01:09.94]Car 25 in pursuit of a black Navigator. West bound. 25号巡逻车正在城西追捕一辆黑色小货车
  [01:18.22]2-2 Ida Tom Adam 3... Oh, Christ! 编号2-2 ITA3... 老天
  [01:27.86]- Get the fuck outta the car! - You get the fuck outta the car! - 你他妈的下车 - 你他妈的滚下车
  [01:31.10]- Get outta the fucking car! - It’s my fucking car! - 你给我瞎扯 - 这是我的车
  [01:35.22]- It’s my fucking gun! - Fuck, it’s my gun now! - 这是我的枪 - 我操 现在是我的枪了
  [01:36.10]Gimme my fucking gun! 把枪给我
  [01:46.58]Fuck! 该死
  [01:48.70]Hands in plain sight! Step out of the vehicle! 手举起来 下车
  [01:54.94]Hands in plain sight! Step out of the vehicle! 手举起来 下车
  [02:03.18]Slowly step out of the vehicle. 慢慢走下车
  [02:04.86]- Get out of my car. - You so brave, you get outta the car, man. - 滚下我的车 - 你那么猛你下车啊
  [02:13.94]Turn off the engine. Throw the keys out the window. 关掉引擎 把车钥匙扔出来
  [02:28.74]You fucking want me? Here I am, you pig fuck! 你们要找我是吗? 我在这里了 你们这些狗养的
  [02:33.74]Lie face down on the ground. 趴在地上脸朝下
  [02:34.02]- Spread your arms and legs. - No, you lie face down! - 腿和胳膊都伸开 - 你趴下吧
  [02:38.30]Don’t come any closer! Down on your knees! 别靠近了 蹲下

  [02:42.50]On your knees now! 蹲下来
  [02:43.78]You get on your knees and suck my fucking dick! 你蹲下来给我做口交吧
  [02:45.98]Do I look like I’m fucking joking with you? 你别以为他妈的我是跟你开玩笑
  [02:48.62]That’s what you look like, a fucking joke to me. 你这衰样看起来就是那样
  [02:49.30]- This man is making threatening gestures. - Threatening gestures? - 这个人的行为对别人构成了威胁 - 我的行为构成了威胁?
  [02:52.50]You wanna see a threatening gesture? I got a threatening gesture. 你想看看吗? 我现在就威胁给你们看
  [02:56.22]- I know this man! I know this man! - Get back. - 我认识这个人 - 回去
  [02:59.46]- Give me some space. I know this guy. - Get outta the way. - 给我点时间 我认识他 - 别挡着路
  [03:00.98]Step away. 走开
  [03:02.94]Give me some goddamn room. I know this guy. 给我点时间 该死的 我认识这个人
  [03:06.42]- Man, don’t walk up on me! - See what’s happening here? - 小子 别走近我 - 你知道这里是什么情况吗?
  [03:08.10]Do you wanna die here, huh? Is that what you want? 你真的想死在这里吗?
  [03:11.30]’Cause these guys really wanna shoot you. 这些家伙都是想杀了你的
  [03:13.46]And the way you’re acting, they’ll be completely fucking justified. 你要真在这里闹事哪他们就可以名正言顺地杀你了
  [03:15.26]Fuck you! 你这该死的
  [03:17.34]Fuck me? I’m not the one who’s fucked here. You’re the one. 我该死? 我想该死的是你
  [03:21.42]’Cause you’re the one whose head’s gonna be blown off 因为你就是一会头被打掉的那个人
  [03:21.74]- and onto that man’s patio. - Officer Hanson, step away. - 然后功劳算他的 - 汉森警官 走开
  [03:25.50]He’s a friend of mine, okay? He’s a fucking friend! This man is not armed! 他是我的朋友 你他妈的知道了吗? 他身上没武器
  [03:29.98]He’s not gonna shoot you, me, or anybody else, all right? 他不会对任何人开枪
  [03:32.78]Lower your firearm. Lower your firearm! 放下枪来
  [03:32.98]So give me two goddamn seconds. Can you do that? 你能给我几秒钟时间吗?
  [03:42.42]You startin’ to understand the situation? 你清楚现在的情况了吧?
  [03:46.90]What do you want from me? 你想在我身上得到什么?
  [03:49.26]Unless you think your wife is better off with a husband who has a bloody stump for a head, 如果你不想你的妻子看到你血肉模糊的脑袋的话
  [03:52.82]I want you to sit on that curb, put your hands on your head 就请蹲到路边 把手放在头上
  [03:54.82]and do nothing until I speak with these officers. 什么也不要动直到我和这些警察说清楚为止
  [03:58.14]I’m not sittin’ on no curb, I’m not puttin’ my hands on my head for nobody. 我不要蹲到路边 我也不会把手放到头上

  [04:01.42]Then stand where you are and keep your hands in sight. Can you do that, huh? 那你就站着别动 然后把手放在我们看得到的地方 做得到吗?
  [04:08.82]Good. 那好
  [04:08.86]Yeah, I can do that. 可以
  [04:12.30]I told this man to stay where he is and keep his hands in plain sight. 我让他站着别动 然后手放出来
  [04:15.90]This man better be related to you by blood because this is fucking nuts. 这家伙最好和你是有血缘关系 我们这样做简直是疯了
  [04:20.38]I need this favor. 请你们帮我这个忙
  [04:23.18]You can check the guy’s name, his license. He’s got no priors, no warrants. 你们可以去查他的身份证和驾照 他没有前科 也不是在逃
  [04:27.74]I need to let him go with a warning. 我想给予他一次警告就放他走了
  [04:29.42]- What kind of fucking warning? - A harsh warning. - 什么警告? - 严重警告
  [04:38.46]Thank you. 谢谢你
  [04:42.14]You’ve been warned. Do you understand me? Do you understand me! 你被警告了 你明白吗? 你明白我说的话吗?
  [04:46.82]You want something from me? ’Cause I’m right here. 你想要什么? 我在这里没犯错
  [04:51.30]- I’m trying to help you. - I didn’t ask for your help, did I? - 我是在帮你 - 我可没让你帮我
  [04:55.14]Go home. 回家吧
