听电影学英语-撞车 20(在线收听

  [00:08.94]Oh, I get it. When I said get me a black Lincoln Navigator, 我让你帮我找辆黑色林肯小货车
  [00:13.26]you thought I said get me a white piece of shit panel van. 你却给我弄来了这辆垃圾的白色货车
  [00:15.14]- Fine, fine. Just give me whatever for it. - You should see this. - 好了好了 你随便给点就可以了 - 你过来看看这个
  [00:36.90]I’ll take the van. 这车我要了
  [00:38.90]They’re chained to the van. 他们被锁在里面了
  [00:42.26]So I’ll take them too. 他们我也要了
  [00:42.54]You wanna buy these Chinamen? 你要买下这些中国人?
  [00:45.06]Don’t be ignorant. They’re Thai or Cambodian. 别犯傻 他们是泰国人或者是柬埔寨人
  [00:47.74]Entirely different kind of chinks. 一看就知道不一样了
  [00:50.82]- What the hell are you gonna do with ’em? - Sell ’em. What you think? - 你要对他们做什么? - 卖了 你以为呢?
  [00:54.78]I’ll give you 500 apiece, and you can keep the van. 每个算你500块钱 车归你
  [01:15.58]Oh, no! 不!
  [01:24.42]No! No! 不!
  [01:41.38]This is Dorri. 我是多丽
  [01:56.74]My baby. My poor baby! 我的孩子 我可怜的孩子
  [02:01.66]Mom. 妈妈
  [02:05.94]I promise you... I promise I’m gonna find out who did this, Mom. 我保证帮你找出是谁干的这事

  [02:11.22]Oh, I already know. 我已经知道了
  [02:15.18]You did. 是你干的
  [02:19.46]I asked you to find your brother, but you were busy. 我让你去找你弟弟 你说忙
  [02:26.42]We weren’t much good to you anymore, were we? 我们对你来说已经无关紧要了
  [02:32.38]You got things to do. You go ahead. I’ll sign the papers. 你忙你就去做你的事吧 我签名就可以了
  [02:35.90]I wanna stay. 我要留在这里
  [02:37.66]I just wanna wait with my baby. 我只想在这里等我的孩子
  [02:52.70]He came home. 他回家了
  [02:54.30]Did you know that? 你知道吗?
  [02:57.34]My little boy. 是我的孩子
  [03:00.06]When I was sleepin’, 我睡着的时候
  [03:01.70]he brought me groceries. 他帮我买了很多吃的
  [03:05.38]It’s the last thing he did. 这是他最后帮我做的事
  [03:44.74]What happened? 发生什么事了?
  [03:54.78]What did you do? 你怎么了?
  [03:57.66]What did you do? 怎么了?
  [04:01.58]I shoot a little girl. 我朝一个小女孩开枪了
  [04:03.62]What? 你说什么?
  [04:06.94]No, she’s okay. She’s... 她没事
  [04:09.82]She’s... Here. 她...是这样的
  [04:12.78]The gun shoot her, but she’s okay, Dorri. 虽然开枪了 但她却没事 多丽
  [04:19.14]Nothing happened. 什么也没发生
  [04:22.94]She’s my... 她是我的...
  [04:25.42]What are you talking about, Daddy? 爸爸 你在说什么?
  [04:32.86]My angel. 我的天使
  [04:36.58]My angel! 我的天使
  [04:39.54]She came to protect me. 她来保护我
  [04:43.30]To protect us! 保护我们
  [04:47.86]You understand? 你明白吗?
  [04:54.38]Take this. Please. 拿着这个
  [04:56.82]Take it. 拿着
