听电影学英语-朱诺 03(在线收听

  [00:04.22]I’ll tell her. 我会和她说的
  [00:07.30]When I see them all running like that 每次我看他们这样穿着短裤跑步
  [00:11.66]I always picture them naked even if I don’t want to. 一幅全裸的画面浮现在我脑子里
  [00:12.26]with their things bouncing around in their shorts, 就会不由自主想到他们裤裆里那东西
  [00:15.66]All I see is pork swords. 全是那话儿…
  [00:18.82]I’m supposed to be running. 我该跑步去了
  [00:21.78]So guess what? 你知道吗?
  [00:24.02]What? I don’t know. 知道什么?
  [00:26.70]I’m pregnant. 我怀孕了
  [00:40.30]What should we do… about? 我们… 该怎么办?
  [00:43.46]Well, you know, I was just… 我在想…
  [00:47.26]I was thinking I’d just nip it in the bud 我想我会把它打掉的
  [00:48.42]before it gets worse. 免得不可收拾
  [00:50.26]’Cause they were talking about, in health class, 生理课上说过的

  [00:52.02]how pregnancy, it can often lead to an infant. 怀孕通常会带来胎儿
  [00:56.98]Typically, yeah, yeah. 嗯… 对… 理论上是的
  [00:58.86]That’s what happens when our moms and teachers get pregnant. 我们的老师和父母怀孕后是这样
  [01:04.34]So you’re cool with that then? 你没什么要说的?
  [01:06.14]Yeah, yeah, Wizard, I mean, you know, just, 哦,没,没,你知道
  [01:10.70]I guess do whatever you think you should do, you know? 你怎么想就怎么做吧
  [01:16.94]Well, I’m sorry I had sex with you. 好吧,我真不该和你做爱
  [01:20.86]I know it wasn’t, like, your idea. 我知道那不是你的主意
  [01:22.62]Whose idea was it? 那是谁的?
  [01:25.10]I’ll see you at school, all right? 学校见吧
  [01:30.86]Whose idea was it? 那是谁的?
  [01:59.10]Your book feel apart. 你书散开了
  [02:02.78]Right. 对
  [02:03.18]Must have looked at your face. 一定是被你的长相吓坏了
  [02:07.58]The funny thing is that Steve Rendazo secretly wants me. 搞笑的是,其实史蒂夫·兰多佐一直在暗地里垂涎我
  [02:10.42]Jocks like him always want freaky girls- 像他这样运动型的男生总是要标榜自己的独特口味
  [02:14.94]girls with horn-rimmed glasses, and vegan footwear, 戴厚框眼镜的,穿人造皮鞋的
  [02:17.02]and Goth makeup… 化哥特妆的…
  [02:19.22]Girls who, like, play the cello and read McSweeney’s 拉大提琴的,读文学期刊的
  [02:23.46]and want to be childrens’ librarians when they grow up. 长大想当儿童图书馆管理员的…
  [02:24.98]Oh, yeah, jocks totally eat that shit up. 他们就迷这样的
  [02:26.66]Theyjust won’t admit it because they’re supposed to be 不过他们不会承认
  [02:31.14]into, like, the perfect cheerleaders, you know? 因为他们喜欢的应该是那些漂亮的啦啦队员
  [02:31.90]Like Leah, who, incidentally, is into teachers. 像丽雅,顺便提一下,她对老师有兴趣
  [02:35.18]Me, too! 我也是!
  [02:36.98]I love Woody Allen. 我喜欢伍迪·艾伦
  [02:40.58]All right, all right.
  [02:41.78]All right, people, 大家听好了

  [02:44.94]we’re doing chromatography lab today. 今天我们做套色版的实验
  [02:47.66]So find your partners and break into groups of four. 找好搭档,四人一组
  [02:52.62]Well, there’s nothing like experimenting. 这实验该怎么做啊
  [02:58.46]the prep questions for this lab last night. 实验的预习题
  [02:58.98]Um, I did 哦,我昨晚做好了这个
  [03:01.86]So you can just copy my answers if you… 你们可以抄我的
  [03:03.10]You copy my work every week. 你每周都抄我的…
  [03:03.74]Oh, I couldn’t copy your work. 哦,我可不要
  [03:05.94]True. I’m kind of a deadbeat lab partner, aren’t I? 你是想说我是个游手好闲的搭档喽
  [03:07.82]I think you definitely bring something to the table. 我觉得你在组里很重要
  [03:08.10]No, I don’t mind. 哦,我没这个意思
  [03:10.70]Charisma. 因为领导魅力?
  [03:13.30]So who’s ready 那么…
  [03:14.74]for some chromo-magnificence? 谁要先来做?
  [03:16.18]Yeah, I have a menstrual migraine, 我今天例假
  [03:18.42]so I can’t really look at bright lights today. 看亮光头疼
  [03:20.14]Amanda, I told you to go 阿曼达,我一直和你说
  [03:21.22]to the infirmary and lie down. 去医务室好好躺着
  [03:23.14]You never listen. 你从来不听
  [03:25.34]No, Josh, because I don’t take orders, 乔许,别想命令我
  [03:27.10]-not from you and not from any man -You’ve been acting 所有男人都别想命令我
  [03:27.70]like this ever since I got back 自从我从明尼苏达洲立大学
  [03:29.78]from visiting my brother in Mankato. 看完哥哥回来,你就一直这样
  [03:30.58]I already told you, nothing happened. 我已经和你说过了,我没做什么
  [03:33.14]Well, I’m gonna set up the apparatus. 这个,我先来调下仪器
  [03:35.14]Um, Juno, do you want to plug in the Bunsen burner? 朱诺,你能插下本生灯的电源吗?
  [03:38.50]-It’s my pleasure -I’m going to the infirmary. -当然 -我去医务室了
  [03:40.62]Good. Call me when you get off the rag. 好极了,过了经期再找我
  [03:41.82]Fine. Call me when you learn how to love someone 等你知道该怎么爱一个人
  [03:43.82]instead of cheat at your brother’s college 而不是编什么去看哥哥的谎话时再来找我
  [03:44.26]just because you had four Smirnoff Ices 别以为我不知道,你那天喝了四瓶思美洛(啤酒类饮料)
  [03:47.50]and a bottle of snow peak peach flavored Boone’s. 和一瓶桃子味的水果酒
  [03:49.34]Good, Amanda, I’ll be sure to do that. 好极了,阿曼达,我下次一定会这么做的
  [03:52.46]I’ll make a note of it 我还要先做个笔记呢
  [03:54.82]the snow peak peach flavor 水果酒里桃子口味的最好喝
  [03:55.46]I’ve actually heard that 我真得听人说过
  [03:56.30]is the best flavor of Boone’s.
  [04:00.38]Isn’t that right, Bleek? 你听说过吗,布里克?
  [04:16.50]Oprima el numero dos. “请按2”
  [04:23.14]Hey, yeah, um, 嘿,嗯…
  [04:27.22]I-I’m just calling to procure a hasty abortion. 我想做一次快速人流

  [04:29.34]What? 什么?
  [04:32.82]Can you just hold on for a second? 你等一下
  [04:33.50]I’m on my hamburger phone. 我的电话有点儿问题
  [04:38.34]Y… okay, yeah, now I can… 现在好了
  [04:40.62]Yeah, it’s just, like, really awkward to talk on. 对,刚才我电话不好用
  [04:42.94]Um… 嗯…
  [04:44.62]Yeah, yeah, I… 对,对,我…
  [04:47.62]l-I need an abortion. 我要堕胎
  [04:49.02]Sixteen. 16岁
  [04:51.98]I’m gonna say it’s been about, um… 我想大概有
  [04:54.90]two months and four days since the sex. 二个月零四天吧
  [04:58.34]Mind you, that’s just, like, a guesstimation. 哦,我只是大概估计了下
