听电影学英语-朱诺 11(在线收听

  [0-1:56.48]Oh. 哦
  [00:00.96]You should have gone to China. 你们应该去中国
  [00:02.84]You know, ’cause I hear they give away babies 我听说他们送孩子就像大赠送
  [00:05.16]like free iPods. 知道吗
  [00:06.44]they pretty much just put them in those T-shirt guns
  [00:06.56]You know, 也有把小孩放进赠品枪里面
  [00:12.48]Your parents are probably wondering where you are. 你父母可能在担心你了
  [00:15.48]Nah. I mean, I’m already pregnant, 我都已经怀孕了
  [00:20.28]so what other kind of shenanigans could I get into? 还能做什么坏事呢?
  [00:22.96]Though, I should… I should probably bounce. 不过我也该撤了
  [00:24.52]Oh, bag. 哦,书包
  [00:25.84]Hey, don’t forget your bag. 别忘记你的书包
  [00:27.40]Thank you. 谢谢
  [00:31.28]Okay, take care. 路上小心
  [00:56.80]I just drove to St. Cloud to show Mark and Vanessa the ultrasound. 开车去了圣克劳德,给马克和凡丽莎看超声波结果

  [00:56.96]Where the hell have you been, June bug? 跑哪去了,金龟子?
  [01:01.92]I ended up staying for a couple hours. 结果耗了几个小时
  [01:03.68]What are you going over there in the first place? 你最初想去干什么的?
  [01:04.48]A couple hours?! 几个小时?!
  [01:05.16]Oh, they just… you know, they wanted to know about the stuff 他们想多了解了解些事情
  [01:10.16]and I said I’d keep them updated, so I did. 我说了会保持联系的,所以就去了
  [01:13.36]Well, you could have mailed it to them. 你可以寄给他们
  [01:14.32]Why would you drive an hour out to East Jesus nowhere? 何必还要开一个小时车去?
  [01:16.92]Mm-mm! I just did. 去都去了
  [01:18.20]You know, and while Mark and I were waiting for Vanessa, 马克和我等凡丽莎的时候
  [01:22.36]we, uh, we watched The Wizard of Gore 我们看了血之魔法师
  [01:25.56]and then he burnt me 然后他给我
  [01:25.88]a couple CDs of this weird music. 刻录了几张怪歌的CD
  [01:27.52]So, it was cool. He’s kind of cool. 挺好的,他挺好的
  [01:31.24]Juno, you can’t just drop in on them like that. 朱诺,你不能这样贸然去他们家
  [01:37.12]No, it… it was not a big deal. 没什么大不了吧
  [01:40.60]He was totally cool with it. 他一点都不介意
  [01:41.04]Mark is a married man. 马克是个已婚男士
  [01:41.56]You don’t understand. 你还不懂
  [01:43.88]There are boundaries. 要知道分寸
  [01:45.84]Oh, come on. 少来了
  [01:48.12]Listen, Brenda… 听着,布兰达…
  [01:49.80]Now you’re acting like you’re the one 你说起来好像你自己
  [01:53.52]who has to go through this. 亲身经历过似的
  [01:54.60]Like you’re the one who has to get huge 好像你是那个越来越胖
  [01:56.88]and shove a baby out of your vag for someone else. 还要帮别人弄出个小孩来的人
  [01:57.64]And what does it even matter if he’s married? 就算他结婚了又有什么关系

  [01:59.48]I can have friends that are married. 我能结交结过婚的人啊
  [02:02.64]You don’t know squat about the dynamics of marriage. 你还不知道婚姻的奥妙
  [02:03.04]It doesn’t work that way, kiddo. 话不是这样说的
  [02:04.12]You don’t know anything about me. 我根本不了解我
  [02:08.44]I know enough. 我很了解
  [02:10.08]We don’t even have a dog. 你都没有养狗
  [02:11.16]Yeah, we don’t have a dog 是的,我们没养狗
  [02:14.16]I have sacrificed a lot 我已经牺牲了很多
  [02:14.28]because you’re allergic to their saliva. 因为你对狗的唾液过敏
  [02:16.44]for you, Juno, and in a couple years, when you move out, 就为你,朱诺,几年后,当你搬出去了
  [02:20.56]I’m going to get Weimaraners. 我就要养魏玛猎狗
  [02:22.32]Oh, dream big. 做梦
  [02:24.04]Oh, go fly a kite! 滚一边去
  [02:48.08]Hey, Juno. 嘿,朱诺
  [02:51.32]What can I do for you? 你想干什么?
  [02:53.32]Uh, Bleeker home? 布里克在家吗?
  [02:56.64]Bleeker’s mom was possibly attractive once, 布里克的老妈也许曾经很迷人
  [02:59.68]but now she looks like a hobbit. 但她现在就像个霍比矮人
  [03:01.36]You know the fat one that was in The Goonies? 《七宝奇谋》里面胖胖的那个
  [03:12.32]Hey, man. 嘿,伙计
  [03:12.44]Don’t concentrate so hard. 别太入神了
  [03:14.52]I think I can smell your hair a-burnin’. 都能闻到头发的焦味了
  [03:15.80]Hey, what’s up? 找我什么事?
  [03:17.60]Not much. I just… wanted to come say hey. 没事,就是过来问个好
  [03:20.48]I mean, I miss like… just hanging out with you 我怀念和你相处的日子
  [03:23.68]on school nights, you know. 那些在学校的晚上
  [03:23.72]Orange tic tacs are Bleeker’s one and only vice. 橙味嘀嗒糖是布里克的唯一怪癖
  [03:30.64]The day I got pregnant, 我怀孕的那一天
  [03:31.32]his mouth tasted really tangy and delicious. 他的嘴尝起来有浓郁的香味
  [03:41.12]Boy, you really… 你还真…
  [03:42.92]really seem to be getting, uh, pregnant-er these days. 看起来真像个孕妇
  [03:46.60]Yeah. 没错
  [03:49.20]You know, I set up this whole private adoption, 我搞好了整个收养的事情
  [03:51.80]and this… this married couple 这对夫妇…
  [03:54.08]in like St. Cloud, they’re… they’re going to be the parents. 住圣克劳德的两口子,他们将会成为孩子的父母
  [03:57.84]-So, it’s… -Really? -那么… -真的吗?
  [03:58.72]Wow, what are they like? 他们人怎么样?
  [03:59.36]Yeah. 是啊
  [04:01.04]Well, I mean, the guy-he’s awesome. 男方满不错的
  [04:03.48]His name is Mark and, um… 他叫马克…
  [04:06.40]he likes old horror movies 喜欢看老式恐怖电影
  [04:07.08]and he plays the guitar. 还喜欢玩吉他
  [04:10.60]We actually hung out this afternoon. 这下午我们都在一起玩
  [04:12.76]Is that normal? 这正常吗?
  [04:13.96]Probably not, but… 也许不好,但是…
  [04:15.16]Listen, I talked 听着,我已经和
  [04:17.60]to Dad and Bren and they said they wouldn’t narc you out to your folks, so… 爸妈讲过了,他们不会把事情透漏给你家人

  [04:21.88]Okay. 好的
  [04:22.28]I think we should be cool, you know? 所以不用太紧张
  [04:26.08]That’s a relief. 松了一口气
  [04:29.68]I’m gonna start looking like a pretty big dork soon. 不久我就会变得很胖很呆瓜
  [04:37.64]You still going to think I’m cute when I’m huge? 你觉得大码的我还会可爱吗?
  [04:39.72]I always think you’re cute. 我一直觉得你很可爱
  [04:43.40]I think you’re beautiful. 我一直觉得你很美丽
  [04:45.64]Geez, Bleek. 天,布里克
  [04:46.24]I do. 我真这么想
  [04:52.72]Hey, June bug, you know, when this is all over 金龟子,当这些都结束了
  [04:55.12]we should get the band back together. 我们应该再组回乐队
  [04:55.68]Yeah. I mean, that would be… that would be awesome. 是的,那样挺棒的
  [05:00.68]I mean, once Tino gets the new drumhead, 一旦蒂诺换上新的鼓面
