听电影学英语-朱莉与朱莉娅 01(在线收听

  [00:48.00]Repeat after me, okay? 跟着我念,好吗?
  [01:06.68]Oh, Paul, leave me alone. 哦,Paul,你放过我吧
  [01:14.64]片名:朱莉与朱莉娅/美味关系 根据真实事件改编
  [01:27.24]- Bon app閠it. - Bon app閠it. - 祝你好胃口(法语) - 祝你好胃口
  [01:40.44]Butter. 黄油
  [01:48.92]Oh, my goodness. 噢,我的老天
  [01:53.96]You have to taste this. 你一定要尝尝这个
  [01:57.64]Here. 来
  [02:06.40]I mean... It’s... 我是说...这简直...
  [02:09.16]- I know. - But I’m... - 我知道 - 只是我...
  [02:11.48]I know. I know. I know. 我懂,我懂,我懂
  [02:16.56]Look at that! Oh, Paul, it’s so beautiful! 快看那个!哦,Pual,太美了
  [02:28.84]Slow down. 慢点儿
  [02:30.64]Sorry. 对不起了
  [02:42.00]This is it. Look, right... Just stop. 就是这儿了,看,对...停车吧
  [02:46.16]I can’t believe we get to live here. 真不敢相信我们要在这儿住下了
  [02:53.20]Paul! Paul!
  [03:19.64]Is this a mistake? Should we have stayed in Brooklyn? 这是个错误码? 我们难道应该呆在布鲁克林?
  [03:22.56]We’re gonna love Queens. Queens is beautiful. 我们会喜欢皇后区的 皇后区很美
  [04:10.88]Moving truck’s here. 搬家公司的车到了

  [04:24.08]You okay? 你没事吧?
  [04:27.24]- Everything is falling down. - Hey. - 东西都掉下来了 - 嘿
  [04:30.44]Repeat after me. 跟着我说
  [04:30.92]What are we doing here? 我们搬来这儿干嘛?
  [04:34.12]- Nine hundred square feet. - Nine hundred square feet. - 九百平方英尺 - 九百平方英尺
  [04:40.20]Plus, it’s close to my office, but we don’t have to move. 是,这儿是离我的公司很近 但是我们不是非得搬家
  [04:40.36]Plus, it’s close to your office. 而且,这儿离你上班的地方很近
  [04:43.88]We could renege on the lease, repack everything and live in the Jeep. 我们可以毁了租约 重新收好所有的东西,再住进吉普车里
  [04:50.80]You’re right. You’re right. 你是对的,你是对的
  [04:55.16]- Eric, what is that noise? - What noise? - Eric,那是什么声音? - 什么声音?
  [05:00.44]Is it going to be like this every night? 每天晚上都会这么吵吗?
