听电影学英语-朱莉与朱莉娅 18(在线收听

  [00:04.14]But we are a team. 但是我们是一个团队啊
  [00:05.98]We are Les Trois Gourmandes. One for all. 我们是无敌三剑客啊,是一个整体啊
  [00:10.30]Yes, it’s absolutely true, Louisette. Yes, it’s true. 确实是这样,Louisette,对,就是这样
  [00:13.86]And you have been very valuable to the project. 你确实曾经对这本书做出过贡献
  [00:17.74]Thank you. 谢谢你
  [00:19.70]But... 但是…
  [00:20.90]But... 但是…
  [00:24.58]I am getting a divorce. 我要离婚了
  [00:29.38]- What? - Jean-Luc is leaving me. - 什么? - Jean-Luc要跟我离婚
  [00:32.62]I’m so sorry. Louisette. Just forget that I even mentioned it. 真是抱歉,Louisette,就当我没说
  [00:39.78]But it isn’t fair for Louisette to get the same amount of money that we do. 但是让Louisette跟我们拿同样多的钱是不公平的
  [00:42.26]Simca, this is not the time to discuss this. She’s getting a divorce. Simca,现在不是讨论这事的时候,她要离婚了啊
  [00:46.26]But she doesn’t do the work. 但是她什么都没干啊
  [00:50.42]You don’t do the work, so your share should be 10%. 你什么都没做,所以你只能拿10%
  [00:55.34]Ten percent? 10%?

  [00:56.58]You’re not doing the work. 你没干活
  [00:56.62]Twenty-five. 25%
  [01:00.18]Eighteen and not a penny more. 就18%了,多一分都不行
  [01:00.86]- Fifteen. - Twenty. - 15% - 20%
  [01:04.14]And where it says our names, I think it should say, 当以后人们提到作者的时候 我认为他们应该说
  [01:06.06]"By Julia Child and Simone Beck, with Louisette Bertholle." “Julia Child和Simone Beck主编, Louisette Bertholle协编”
  [01:11.82]- "With"? - And in smaller type. - “协编” - 而且要用小号字印刷
  [01:16.66]No, no, no, no, Simca. 不,不,不要这样,Simca
  [01:17.30]Our names exactly the... Exactly... And alphabetical. Alphabetical. 我们的名字一定要,一定要按字母顺序来,要按字母顺序来
  [01:28.10]But it was not even her idea to put the peas in the coq au vin. 其实就连把豌豆加到酒闷仔鸡里都不是她的主意
  [01:31.70]- No. - But it bothers me. - 确实不是 - 但这很困扰我啊
  [01:36.58]For me? 给我的吗?
  [01:40.14]Dear Avis, we’ve been through our own version of Kafka. 亲爱的Avis,我们已经上演了自己版本的卡夫卡
  [01:45.50]Paul went off to Washington, and in my innocence Paul去了华盛顿,但是我曾天真的以为
  [01:49.18]I thought it must be because the United States government 一定是因为美国政府
  [01:50.10]had finally realized how valuable he was. 最后意识到了他的价值所在
  [01:53.98]Far from it. He was being investigated. 其实根本不是,他在接受调查
  [01:59.02]He spent three days being grilled in a windowless room 他在一个没有窗户的房间里被审讯了三天
  [02:04.98]with a foot-high stack of papers ominously sitting on the table. 他面前的桌子上,摆着成堆不祥的卷宗
  [02:09.74]They asked him about our friends, our books, 他们讯问他交什么朋友,看什么书

  [02:11.22]our China years, our patriotism. 我们在中国的日子,还问我们是否叛国
  [02:15.86]They even asked him if he was a homosexual. 他们甚至问他是不是同性恋
  [02:19.50]- Are you a homosexual, Mr. Child? - No. - Child先生,你是同性恋吗? - 不是
  [02:23.78]I am not a homosexual. 我不是同性恋
  [02:25.58]This is not a joke. 我们没开玩笑
  [02:30.46]I’m well aware of that. 这个我非常清楚
  [02:32.34]He came home exonerated but thoroughly bruised. 他免除嫌疑回家了 但是精神上受了很大的伤害
  [02:36.38]Julia, it was a nightmare. Julia,这绝对是个噩梦
  [02:41.26]What am I going to do? 我该怎么办?
  [02:44.86]I feel like my entire life has been a waste. 我觉得我整个人生都浪费掉了
  [02:48.34]- Paul. - I have one more posting, - Paul - 我还有一项任务
  [02:49.60]then I’ll retire and then what? 然后就可以退休了,可是然后呢?
  [02:58.66]We’ll figure it out. 我们会想出办法的
  [03:02.86]I just don’t know what it was all for. 我只是不知道做这一切都是为了什么
  [03:09.30]You know? 你知道吗?
  [03:12.86]You at least have the book. 你至少还写了那本烹饪书
  [03:15.74]Well, it’s your book, too. 那也是你的书啊
  [03:17.94]It is. 就是你的书
  [03:21.10]Without you, it wouldn’t be a book. 没有你的支持,永远也不会有这本书
  [03:24.62]Not that Simca and I’ll ever be done with it. 不过我们好像永远都写不完
  [03:31.46]- Someday you’ll be done with it. - I’m beginning to wonder. - 总有一天你会写完的 - 我开始怀疑了
  [03:51.14]So to wrap things up, 集中注意力
  [03:53.02]at 6:22 last night, guess who wasn’t coming to dinner? 猜猜昨晚6:22谁没来吃晚餐
  [03:57.10]That’s right. 是的
  [03:59.42]It began pouring down rain and Judith Jones canceled. 由于下起了倾盆大雨,Judith Jones取消了约会
  [04:02.10]I was utterly crushed. 我着实被打击着了
  [04:06.46]And then on top of everything, 最糟的是
  [04:08.26]I had a horrible fight with my husband and he left me. 我跟丈夫大吵了一架 然后他走了
  [04:25.38]The boeuf bourguignon was delicious, not that I ate it. 红酒炖牛肉很美味 但我没吃
  [04:28.62]As for the raspberry Bavarian cream, I am taking it to the office. 至于甜点 我想把它带到办公室去
  [04:39.14]Morning. 早上好
  [04:43.54]Julie, could you come in here? Julie,你来一下
  [04:44.86]I didn’t tell him, I swear. 我发誓我没说出去
  [04:48.34]Julie? Julie?
  [04:54.18]- Feeling better? - Much. - 感觉好些了吗? - 好多了
  [04:58.58]So you burned the stew? 听说你把牛肉炖糊了?
