听电影学英语-朱莉与朱莉娅 19(在线收听

  [00:01.94]But that’s not why I didn’t come to work. I didn’t come to work because I had... 但那不是我没来上班的原因 我是因为…
  [00:04.90]Stomach flu. 肠胃炎
  [00:05.60]Listen, it’s a free country. 听着,这虽然是一个自由的国家
  [00:08.10]But this little thing of yours on the Internet, I do not want to show up in it. Okay? 但是关于你的小博客 我不想因此而使公司蒙羞
  [00:15.54]And if you don’t feel like coming in to work, let me know. 如果你不想来上班了 请告诉我
  [00:17.26]Somebody will want this job. We’re trying to do something here. 有人想要这份工作 我们在这是做事的
  [00:24.50]I’m sorry. 对不起
  [00:26.98]Anyone else would fire you. 换成别人就会解雇你
  [00:29.54]A Republican would fire you. 共和党的人会解雇你
  [00:32.02]I’m not a schmuck. 别把我当傻子
  [00:40.18]I’m in shock. I can’t believe it. 我很震惊,难以置信
  [00:44.90]You’re like "The Ones." If you and Eric can’t make it work, who can? 你们两个就像命中注定的一对 如果你跟Eric都不能在一起,就没人能在一起了
  [00:48.06]All sorts of people can. Just not me because I am a bitch. 好多人在一起啊 只是我不能,因为我是个泼妇
  [00:52.50]I am, Sarah. I’m a bitch. barab,我就是个泼妇
  [00:56.42]I know. I know you are. 我知道,我知道
  [01:02.38]By the way, Garth and I broke up. 还有,我和Garth也分手了

  [01:03.74]Oh, God, I didn’t even ask. I am a one-way street, just like Eric says. 哦,天呐,我都没过问过你 Eric说的对,我是个自私的人
  [01:06.42]It’s okay. I wasn’t in love with him. 没事,反正我也不爱他
  [01:07.82]Do you really think I’m a bitch? 你真的觉得我是个泼妇吗?
  [01:12.90]- Well, yeah. - I know. - 额,是的 - 我就知道
  [01:13.90]But who isn’t? 谁不是泼妇呢?
  [01:17.06]Julia. Julia不是
  [01:21.14]I’ve been thinking about me and Julia. 我一直在把自己和Julia对比来看
  [01:23.46]She was a secretary for a government agency and I am, too. 她是一个在政府工作的秘书,我也是
  [01:26.70]A really nice guy married her. A really nice guy married me. 我们都嫁给了一个非常好的男人
  [01:32.78]Both of us were lost 我们都曾迷失自我
  [01:33.30]and both of us were saved by food in some way or other. 又都因为食物 重新点燃了生活的希望
  [01:38.58]So major overlaps. But let’s face it, I am not Julia Child. 我们有不少相同的地方 但是我并不是Julia Child
  [01:45.14]Julia Child never lost her temper just because something boiled over, Julia Child永远不会因为烧沸了东西
  [01:46.82]or collapsed in the oven, or just plain fell through. 做坏了饭或是打碎了盘子就发脾气
  [01:53.94]And she was never horrible to her husband, I’m sure. 而且她绝对不会这么凶暴地对她的老公
  [01:56.06]And she never behaved like, "Who has time to be married?" 她也绝不会像我一样 “谁结婚了还有时间?”
  [02:00.06]Which is how I behave sometimes, I’m sorry to say. 我为我的行为而感到惭愧

  [02:02.38]I wish I were more like her. She deserved her husband and I don’t. 我希望我能更像她 她值得她的丈夫的疼爱,而我却不配
  [02:07.98]That’s the truth. 这就是事实
  [02:10.38]Well, anyway, that’s the truth for now. 至少现在是
  [02:12.74]Yogurt for dinner. 晚餐喝的酸奶
  [02:38.98]Hi, you’ve reached Eric Powell at Archaeology magazine. Leave a message. 嗨,这里是考古杂志的eric Powell 请留言
  [02:42.86]I hated sleeping without you last night. 昨晚没有你,我彻夜难眠
  [02:48.02]Where are you? 你在哪儿?
  [02:49.74]I miss you. 我想你
  [03:22.22]- Hello? - Honey, is something wrong? - 喂 - 亲爱的,怎么了?
  [03:27.30]No. 没什么
  [03:28.86]Are you and Eric having some kind of problem? 你跟Eric没吵架吧
  [03:29.42]Why would you think that? 你怎么会这么想?
  [03:33.14]Of course not. 当然没有
  [03:35.34]- Is he there and you can’t talk? - He’s not here. - 是不是他在场,你不好意思说啊? - 他不在这儿
  [03:38.06]I just read your blog, and it was strange and uncharacteristically thoughtful. 刚读了你的日志,觉得很奇怪 很不寻常的想法啊
  [03:42.22]- Where is he? - Out. - 他去哪儿了? - 出去了
  [03:45.06]Have you stopped cooking? 你不做饭了吗?
  [03:45.10]He went out to get pizza. 去买比萨去了
  [03:49.30]Just temporarily. Just taking a little break from cooking. 只是暂时的 间隙休息一下
  [03:52.66]Well, get back to it. 接着做饭吧
  [03:54.74]It’s gonna be good for you to finish something for once in your life. 一生至少做成一件事对你一生来说很好
  [03:57.54]- Julia didn’t give up. - Who says I’m giving up? - Julia就没放弃 - 谁说我放弃了?
  [04:00.58]Well, I’m just saying don’t. 我只是说别放弃
  [04:52.18]Hey. 嘿
  [04:55.26]Are you back? 你回来了?
  [04:56.98]Please be back. 回来吧
