听电影学英语-朱莉与朱莉娅 20(在线收听

  [00:02.42]What’s for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?
  [00:20.46]Well, Avis said she’d be here. Even if we were late. Avis说她会来车站接我们的 我们都迟到了
  [00:24.98]Well, if she’s not here, we can take a taxi. 如果她不来,我们就坐的士去
  [00:26.38]They probably have taxis in Boston. 波士顿应该有的士吧
  [00:29.46]She’ll be here. Wearing a plaid jacket. 她会来接我们的,她穿了格子外套
  [00:33.54]That’s how I’m to recognize her. 我能认出她
  [00:35.90]What do you mean, "recognize her"? Has she changed? 你说啥?认出她? 她变样了吗?
  [00:42.66]Well... 呃…
  [00:45.18]"Look for the middle-aged woman in a plaid jacket." 注意一个穿苏格兰呢子外套的中年女性
  [00:51.82]- So... - You and Avis have never met? - 哦… - 你们还没有见过面吗?
  [00:52.42]We’re just pen pals. 我们只是笔友
  [00:55.90]You don’t know each other? 你们不认识?
  [00:57.22]Well, we do. We write. 我们当然认识,我们写信交流
  [00:59.78]But how did you start writing one another? 你们是怎么相识的?
  [01:02.94]That’s a long story. 这就说来话长了
  [01:06.54]Avis’ husband, Bernard De Voto, now dead, was a wonderful, wonderful writer. Avis的丈夫Bernard De Voto 当初是很棒很棒的作家,现在不在了
  [01:12.70]He wrote an article in Harper’s Magazine all about stainless steel knives 他专为Harper杂志写关于 不锈钢刀的文章

  [01:18.98]- and how he absolutely detested them. - Yes. - 写他有多么讨厌它们 - 恩
  [01:23.86]And so I wrote him a fan letter because he was 100% right 然后我给他写了一封读者来信 支持他的观点
  [01:29.58]and Avis wrote me back. 后来Avis给我回信了
  [01:32.90]And so I wrote her back. And she wrote me back. 我又回信 这样一来一往
  [01:37.98]Well, it’s been eight years, I think. 然后,就写了八年
  [01:52.78]- Avis. - Julia. - Avis - Julia
  [01:58.42]- My darling friend. - Look at you. - 我亲爱的朋友 - 瞧瞧你啊
  [02:02.62]Brilliant friend. Bless you. 我的智友,祝福你
  [02:07.90]This is a very impressive undertaking, Mrs. Child and Mrs. Beck. Child和Beck女士 这是一部让人印象深刻的著作
  [02:12.86]Well, thank you very, very much. 谢谢夸奖
  [02:17.14]And your editor loves it. 你的编辑很喜欢它
  [02:19.50]I do. I think it’s brilliant. 确实,我认为相当精彩
  [02:21.98]There’s really nothing else like it on the market. 市场上并无相似的著作
  [02:25.10]- The problem is not just the length. - It’s 700 pages. - 问题不仅在于它的厚度 - 700页啊
  [02:28.74]- Yes, we know. It is long. - Yes, we know it’s long. - 我们知道它有点儿厚 - 我们知道它有点儿厚
  [02:35.14]You have 700 pages of just sauce and poultry recipes. 而且你700页都是来讲酱汁和家禽的食谱
  [02:42.10]We were thinking that you could publish it in a series of volumes. 我们想过,你们可以按照一个系列来出版

  [02:44.86]Volume One, Sauces. 第一卷,酱汁
  [02:47.42]- Volume Two... - Poultry. - 第二卷 - 禽类
  [02:51.58]Volume Three, Fish. Meat, vegetables, and desserts. 第三卷,鱼类 以此类推,肉类,蔬菜类和甜点类
  [02:51.74]Yes. 对
  [02:57.86]That’s one, two, three... That’s six volumes. 一,二,三… 一共六卷
  [03:01.86]Eggs. 蛋类
  [03:06.22]- Eggs. - Eggs. Seven. Seven volumes. - 蛋类 - 蛋类,第七卷
  [03:10.34]But we don’t want to publish an encyclopedia. 但我们并不想出一本百科全书
  [03:11.02]I thought this was intended for housewives. 我们认为这本书是针对家庭主妇的
  [03:14.66]Yes, housewives want something quick, with a mix. 而且,主妇需要的是快捷,实用的综合烹饪书
  [03:18.54]Like this. 就像这个
  [03:23.30]But if I may speak for everyone, 我说一句
  [03:25.38]if you were willing to revise it, I’m sure we would all be interested. 如果能够将书缩减一下的话 每个人就都满意了
  [03:34.06]Simca, I am so sorry. Simoa,我很抱歉
  [03:37.54]You just picked the wrong collaborator. 你不该选择我们作为合作伙伴
  [03:40.54]Yes, I should have worked with this woman, "Baked Alaska in a Flower Pot." 是的 我应该跟这个女人合作 在花盆里做火烧冰激凌
  [03:47.86]We’ll just take the book away from Houghton Mifflin and find another publisher. 别理那本书了 再选别家的出版社就好了
  [03:53.62]We have just begun to fight. Julia, your book is a masterpiece. 我们才开始起步呢 Julia,你的书是本杰作
  [03:57.82]What is Marshmallow Fluff? 葵蜜饯酱是什么?
  [04:00.10]And keep the advance, by the way. Keep the entire $250. 把那250美元预付款留着
  [04:05.98]Don’t give them back a penny of it. 一分也别还给他们
  [04:08.14]Why did we ever decide to do this anyway? What were we thinking? 我们最初究竟为何要写这本书的?
  [04:13.74]Who can remember? 谁还记得吗?
  [04:16.50]I can. 我
  [04:17.90]We wanted to write a French cookbook for American women who do not have cooks. 我们要写一本教美国女性做法国菜的食谱
  [04:24.26]So then, that’s what we’ll do. We’ll just do it all over again. 这就是我们写书的初衷 我们就再从头做一遍
  [04:30.90]And that’s that. It’ll be easy. 就这么办,很容易的
  [04:35.78]It will. The dessert section is done. Thanks to Simca, it is brilliant. 甜点部分已经整理完了,而且很精彩 多亏了Simca
  [04:42.54]Thank you. 谢谢
  [04:43.22]I just haven’t typed it up yet. 只是我还没有把它打出来
  [04:45.14]But that will give me something to do in Oslo. 不过这样我在奥斯陆就有事做了
