UNIT 7 Enjoy Your Hobby Lesson 54:Show and tell!(在线收听

[ti:UNIT 7 Enjoy Your Hobby Lesson 54:Show and tell!]
[0:00.847]UNIT 7 第七单元
[0:02.628]Enjoy Your Hobby 享受你的爱好
[0:04.766]Lesson 54: 第54课:
[0:06.503]Show and Tell! 展示并告诉!
[0:09.041]THINK ABOUT IT!
[0:10.823]·Do you know a lot about your family history?
[0:15.499]·Who is the most interesting person in your family?
[0:19.819]·What is Danny's hobby?
[0:22.491]Today, all of the students are showing their hobbies to the class. 今天,所有学生正在向全班同学展示他们的爱好。
[0:27.435]Brian shows his stamp collection. 布赖恩展示他的集邮册。
[0:30.196]He has four books full of stamps! 他有满满四本的邮票!
[0:33.670]Some of them are very old. 有些邮票非常古老。
[0:36.030]Two other students also show their stamp collections. 另外两个学生也展示了他们的集邮册。
[0:40.039]The teacher tells them that they might organize a stamp collecting club! 老师告诉他们,他们或许可以组织一个集邮俱乐部!
[0:44.581]That would be an enjoyable hobby! 那会是一个令人愉快的爱好!
[0:47.343]Another boy shows his collection of sports cards. 另一个男孩儿展示了他的体育卡片收藏品。
[0:50.950]He likes to trade the cards with other teenagers. 他很乐意和其他同学交换卡片。
[0:54.602]Finally, it's Danny's turn. 最后,轮到丹尼了。
[0:57.497]"My hobby is in a big box in the parking lot," says Danny. 丹尼说:“我的爱好收藏在停车场的大盒子中,
[1:02.485]"Would someone help me bring it in?" 哪位能帮我把它弄进来吗?”
[1:05.469]The teacher and three students go to help Danny. 老师和三位同学去帮丹尼的忙。
[1:09.165]But the box is too tall! 但是大盒子太高了!
[1:11.838]It won't go through the door. 它进不了门!
[1:14.065]One student says, "Let's put the box on its side, Danny. 一个学生说,“让我们横着放盒子,丹尼。
[1:18.162]Then it will go through the door." 然后它就能进去了。”
[1:20.300]"We can't," says Danny. 丹尼说:“不能那样做,
[1:22.794]"See the sign I put on the box?" 看到盒子上我做的标记了吗?”
[1:25.466]FRAGILE THIS SIDE UP! 易碎物品,请勿倒置!
[1:28.717]"Okay," says the teacher. 老师说:“好吧,
[1:31.567]"Let's ask the class to come to the parking lot. 让我们请全班同学到停车场。
[1:35.041]Get your hobby out of the box, Danny. Hurry!" 丹尼,把你的爱好从盒子中取出来吧。快点!”
[1:38.381]When the teacher comes back with the class, Danny is ready. 当老师和同学们回来时,丹尼准备好了。
[1:42.746]It's my family tree! 这是我的家谱!
[1:44.661]I know about everyone in my family. 我了解我家里每一个人。
[1:47.823]"Many people enjoy learning about their family trees. 老师说。“很多人喜欢了解家谱。
[1:51.520]But most people draw their family trees. 但是大多数人画自家家谱。
[1:54.192]They don't plant them!" says the teacher. 他们不种它!”
[1:57.398]"I have two hobbies," says Danny. 丹尼说:“我有两个爱好,
[2:00.650]"I like to learn about my family, and I like to garden!" 我喜欢了解我的家庭成员,我还喜欢园艺!”
[2:05.237]LET'S DO IT!
[2:06.796]In Lesson 50, Danny's grandmother wrote his a letter about his Great Great Grandpa Rex.
[2:15.837]But she didn't talk about Danny's great great grandmother.
[2:20.571]Imagine what his great great grandma was like.
[2:25.069]Share your ideas with a partner, then write a letter to Danny talking about her.
