听电影学英语-如果能再爱一次 12(在线收听

  [00:08.31]You really are acting funny today. 你今天的举动真是古怪
  [00:12.15]Keep it up, okay? 继续努力,好吗?
  [00:18.03]Can I ask you a question? 可以问你个问题吗?
  [00:20.24]Sure. 好
  [00:24.33]If for some reason you thought you didn't have a lot of time left... 若是为了某种原因 你觉得自己时间所剩无几...
  [00:26.62]You mean today? 你是指今天吗?
  [00:30.33]No, I mean in life. 不,我指生命
  [00:35.26]If you had one day left, what would you do? 如果你只剩一天可活 你会怎么做?
  [00:40.97]That's an odd question. 好怪的问题
  [00:42.85]I'd just like to know. 我只是想知道
  [00:45.77]Well, let's see... my last day on earth. 我想一下... 我在人世的最后一天
  [00:50.06]Shoe shopping. And eating ten hot fudge sundaes. 买鞋子、吃它十个软绵绵的圣代
  [00:55.48]And there's that Calvin Klein underwear model. Might be fun to get to know him better. 还有那个卡文克莱内衣模特儿 能认识他可能会更有趣
  [01:05.87]It's an easy answer. A no-brainer. 很容易答,不用想也知道
  [01:10.37]I'd spend it with you. 我要与你共度
  [01:13.67]Really? 真的?
  [01:15.59]Of course. 当然
  [01:18.59]Just being together. Like now. 就是在一起,像现在一样

  [01:22.84]Doing nothing. 什么也不做
  [01:29.73]And that's it? 就那样?
  [01:36.44]Nothing else? 没别的了吗?
  [01:41.07]A closeness. An intense closeness. 亲密,浓烈的亲密
  [01:48.16]Really sharing things with each other. 真正彼此分享事情
  [01:51.54]Silly things. Difficult things. 糗事、难事
  [01:58.88]That's what I've always wanted for us, and if we could have that... 我一直希望我们能那样 如果我们能做到那样...
  [02:03.76]nothing could hurt us. 就什么也伤害不了我们
  [02:14.98]I love you. 我爱你
  [02:22.11]Good. 很好
  [03:26.13]The rain's letting up. Do you want to go to the top of your hill? 雨停了,想去你的山顶吗?
  [03:31.43]No. 不想
  [03:36.02]I want to take you somewhere else. 我要带你去别处
  [03:39.52]Do I have to climb? 我非爬不可吗?
  [03:55.37]Maybe we should wait another minute. 也许我们该再等一会
  [03:59.04]Good idea. 好主意
  [04:44.42]Your dad was a very handsome guy. 你爸长的很帅呢
  [04:47.22]So I guess you took after your mom, right? 所以我猜你长的像你妈,对吧?
  [04:52.85]He spent a lot of time here? 他多半时候都待在这里?
  [04:54.72]Yeah, he did. 没错
  [04:56.14]After he got laid off in '93. Here all the time. 他1993年被解雇之后 就一直待在这里
