UNIT 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 3: Postcards!(在线收听

[ti:UNIT 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 3: Postcards!]
[0:00.135]UNIT 1 第一单元
[0:01.749]Spring Is Coming! 春天来了
[0:03.318]Lesson 3: 第3课:
[0:05.111]Postcards! 明信片!
[0:08.114]Dear Jenny, 亲爱的珍妮:
[0:09.504]Today is March twenty-first. 今天是三月二十一号。
[0:12.238]Spring has arrived in Shijiazhuang. 春天已经来到了石家庄。
[0:15.286]When I walked to school this morning, the temperature was already fifteen degrees. 当我今天上午走到学校的时候,气温已经达到了十五度。
[0:20.755]This afternoon it was nineteen degrees. 今天下午是十九度。
[0:24.386]I didn't need my jacket! 我不需要穿夹克衫了!
[0:26.851]The days are getting longer. 白天也变长了。
[0:28.958]The sun rises earlier in the morning. 早上太阳升得早了。
[0:32.141]Today's sunrise was at 6:51. 今天的日出时间是6点51分。
[0:36.041]Every morning I see many people in the park exercising. 每天早晨我看到很多人在公园里锻炼。
[0:40.792]It is now 6:00 in the evening. 现在是晚上6点。
[0:43.751]The sun will set in about fifteen minutes. 再过十五分钟太阳就要落山了。
[0:47.382]What's your weather like? 你们那儿的天气怎么样?
[0:49.489]Is it spring in Canada? 加拿大现在是春天吗?
[0:51.999]Is it snowing? 下雪吗?
[0:53.792]Your friend, 你的朋友,
[0:55.002]Li Ming 李明
[0:56.751]Jenny Smith 珍妮·史密斯收
[0:58.140]522 Park Road 公园路522号
[1:00.606]Edmonton, Alberta 亚伯达,埃德蒙顿
[1:03.026]Canada T8B 9K2 T8B 9K2 加拿大
[1:08.764]Dear Li Ming, 亲爱的李明:
[1:10.512]Thank you for the postcard. 谢谢你的明信片。
[1:12.350]It is beautiful! 很漂亮!
[1:14.009]I love the picture of the flowers in the park. 我喜欢公园里花卉的图片。
[1:17.371]It isn't snowing today, 今天这没下雪,
[1:19.298]but there is still some snow on the grass. 但草丛里仍然有一些雪。
[1:22.347]In Edmonton, it often snows in March. 在埃德蒙顿,三月份经常下雪。
[1:25.843]Sometimes it snows in April and May, too! 有时候四月份和五月份还会下雪呢!
[1:29.384]We won't see any flowers until May. 我们五月份才能看到花。
[1:32.791]After school today, we played outdoors. 今天放学后,我们在户外玩儿。
[1:35.974]We played "snow" soccer. 我们玩儿“雪”球。
[1:38.260]We needed our jackets and boots, but it was fun. 虽然我们需要穿上夹克衫和靴子,但是很有趣。
[1:42.368]Danny fell in the snow! 丹尼掉进了雪里!
[1:44.565]Next month, maybe we will play in our shorts and T-shirts! 下个月,我们也许会穿着短裤和T恤玩儿!
[1:49.003]Jenny 珍妮
[1:51.334]Li Ming 李明收
[1:52.454]Apartment 12, 12号公寓
[1:54.068]69 Zhonghua Street 中华大街69号
[1:56.847]Shijiazhuang, Hebei 河北石家庄
[1:58.685]China 050051 050051 中国
[2:02.835]LET’S DO IT! 做一做
[2:04.872]Imagine you are travelling in another city or a country. 想象你正在另一个城市或国家做旅行。
[2:09.072]Write a postcard to one of your friends. 给一位朋友写一张明信片。
[2:12.572]You can write about weather, food, people, buildings or other interesting things. 内容可以是气候、食物、人、建筑或其他有趣的事物。
