听电影学英语-重返17岁 09(在线收听

  [00:10.62]Don’t hurt yourself, big boy. 别让自己受伤了,大男孩
  [00:22.50]Whoa, whoa, hey. Drinking age is still 21, thank you very much. 哇,哇,嗨,喝酒年龄是二十一岁 非常感谢
  [00:25.86]Unless your spirit guide gave you a fake ID, this is mine. 除非你的精神引导者给了你一个假的 身份证,不然这些可都是我的
  [00:35.22]What are you eating? 你在吃什么?
  [00:37.06]I don’t even know. I just know I’m hungry. 我也不知道,我只知道我现在饿坏了
  [00:39.74]All the time. 总是如此
  [00:40.22]Okay, that’s not safe or sanitary. 好了,那可既不安全也不卫生
  [00:41.74]That’s your can now. We’ll label it like that. 那全是你的了 稍后我们给它贴个标签
  [00:47.58]So, what did you learn at school today? 那么,你今天在学校学到什么了?
  [00:52.78]- That I’m a bad dad. - I thought it was going great. - 我是一个坏爸爸 - 我以为一切都很顺利呢
  [00:55.98]It was going fantastic for me. 以前我把事情太理想化了
  [00:58.98]And then what? 然后呢?
  [01:01.82]And then I found out my son spent the last year being the school punching bag... 我发现我儿子在学校的最后一年 都在被别人当做练习拳头的沙包…
  [01:06.82]...and watched my daughter get a tongue bath from a psychopathic jackass. …而且我看到我的女儿 跟一个变态的蠢货忘情舌吻
  [01:11.54]High school’s delightful, isn’t it? 高中生活还是令人愉快的,不是吗?
  [01:12.70]Yeah. But I think I was wrong about my spirit path. 是的,但是我认为 我似乎对我的心灵旅程有所误解
  [01:17.86]NED: And who was right? See? I told you. 那谁是正确的?你看,我告诉过你
  [01:18.06]I told you high school was the wrong thing. 我告诉你回到高中生活是一个错误
  [01:20.74]High school was right, but it’s not about basketball. 回到高中生活本身是没错的 但不是和我的篮球生涯有关

  [01:24.26]It’s about helping Alex and Maggie. 而是要去帮助亚历克斯和玛姬
  [01:29.42]Mmm. 嗯…
  [01:32.94]All right. I’m getting out of here. 好,我要走了
  [01:34.94]- Disgusting. - My kids need their father. - 真恶心 - 我的孩子们需要他们的父亲
  [01:44.82]- What’s going on? - Oh, hey, Mark. - 怎么了? - 嗨,马克
  [01:50.18]What was that? 刚才是什么?
  [01:54.18]A three-pointer. 三分球
  [01:56.02]Can you do that twice in a row? 你可以连续进两次吗?
  [02:01.54]Okay. Let’s see you do it with a little pressure. 好,看看在有点压力的情况下 表现如何
  [02:13.94]Wow, you’re great. You should be on the team. 哇,你棒极了 你应该在队里大展身手
  [02:15.62]You should be on the team. I’m going to get you on the team. 你应该这样,我会帮你的
  [02:21.82]That’s it. That’ll solve everything. 就是这样 这么一切问题都会迎刃而解
  [02:23.82]Dude, what are you talking about? 兄弟,你到底在说什么?
  [02:26.66]Nothing. 没什么
  [02:34.70]Well, that was fun. I haven’t been to happy hour in, like, a week and a half. 好吧,那倒是很有趣 我从未有如此的快乐时光了

  [02:41.06]Naomi, thank you so much. That is exactly what I needed. 娜奥米,非常谢谢你 这正是我想要的
  [02:42.38]NAOMl: Oh, great. 噢,那就最好了
  [02:46.22]SCARLET: Mike who? - Mike who? I’ve never heard of the guy. - 哪个麦克? - 那个麦克?我从没听说有这么个人
  [02:48.06]Ow. 噢
  [02:51.42]Hey, Mom, this is Mark, Uncle Ned’s bastard. 嗨,妈妈,这是马克 奈德叔叔的私生子
  [02:52.78]Wow. 哇
  [02:54.62]I know. Someone had a kid with Uncle Ned. Ew. 我明白你的意思 竟然有人和奈德叔叔生了个孩子
  [02:58.46]You okay, Mrs. O’Donnell? 你还好吗,奥唐纳太太?
  [03:00.98]Yeah, I’m fine. 嗯,我很好
  [03:02.82]It’s "Ms.," kid. It’s "Ms.," Scarlet. Don’t forget that. 是“小姐”,孩子,是斯嘉丽小姐 别弄错了
  [03:05.98]Oh, right. 噢,对
  [03:09.34]Wow. 哇
  [03:14.70]You look just like my husband. Doesn’t he? 你看起来就像我的丈夫一样,不是吗?
  [03:18.18]- My ex-husband. That is so weird. - Heh, heh. - 应该说我的前夫,感觉怪怪的 - 呵,呵
  [03:22.22]SCARLET: What is that? 这是怎么回事?
  [03:23.06]It is weird. 真是怪极了
  [03:23.54]NAOMl: Scarlet, I need you to come. 斯嘉丽,你得跟我走了
  [03:26.58]- Do you see that? - I did see it. - 你看见了吗? - 我看见了
  [03:27.06]SCARLET: Weird. 真是太怪了
  [03:30.74]SCARLET: You see him? - She’s nice. - 你看见了? - 她人不错
  [03:32.10]But look at him. 可是你看看他
  [03:33.94]You gotta let that guy go, just out of your brain and move on. 你得忘了那个人,从你的脑中抹去 并且迈向新的人生
  [03:38.26]I know you need to grieve a relationship. It’s only natural. 我知道你需要一段时间释怀 这很自然
  [03:38.94]Okay. 好吧
  [03:41.62]You wait here. I’m going to go smell him. 你等我一下,我要去闻闻他的味道
  [03:43.62]No, no, no. Sweetie. You’re not allowed to smell teenagers. 不,不,亲爱的 你不可以去闻一个青少年
  [03:48.66]Sweetie, you need to hear me on this. Here’s the thing. 亲爱的,你得听我的,事情是这样的
  [03:50.34]The other thing, you need to acknowledge... 但是,你得承认…
  [03:51.60]...that he looks exactly like Mike used to look in high school. …他看起来和高中时代的麦克 一摸一样
  [04:17.64] Naomi.  I don’t care.  娜奥米  我才不管呢
  [04:20.00]I’m just saying. I’m just saying, Naomi. 我只是说说而已,说说而已,拉奥米
  [04:23.84]In Afghanistan, she’d be dragged through the streets by goats with her hands cut off. 要是在阿富汗,她可是会被砍下双手 用羊群拖着游街示众的
  [04:25.52]...is planning to run around with every guy she can get. …竟然在计划勾引 任何一个她能钓到的男人
  [04:27.36]...at hearing about how his mother, who is still married, by the way... …在听着还是身为人妻的妈妈…
  [04:32.40]I guess I was, uh, kind of distracted, as I imagine Alex was... 我猜我有点心不在焉 因为我想到亚历克斯…

  [04:33.04]My bad. Gosh, I’m so sorry. 我的错,天呐,真抱歉
  [04:37.56]You little turd. You little snot. 你这臭小子,你这个混球
  [04:42.76]Or lunch. But, yes, we’re gonna find you a new playmate. Ow! 或者吃饭,但是,你得找个新玩伴了 噢!
  [04:44.08]...to just get me to go home with him. …他只是想让我跟他回家
  [04:45.44] You do.  Even if it is...  当然  即使…
  [04:50.44]Yeah, I deserve to have somebody smile at me and tell me I’m pretty. 没错,我还是值得别人对我微笑 并且对我说我很美丽动人的
  [04:53.48]You need to hook up with someone new. 你得去寻找一段新感情了
