听电影学英语-这个男人来自地球 01(在线收听

  [00:42.90]嘿 老兄 Hey, buddy.
  [00:45.23]你可真抓紧时间 You don’t waste time, do you?
  [00:47.26]我试试慢慢来 I try not to.
  [00:48.96]需要帮忙吗? Well, you need help?
  [00:50.30]当然 Sure.
  [00:55.10]你能告诉我们 Harry: would you like to tell us
  [00:57.20]这究竟是怎么回事吗? What the hell that was all about?
  [00:59.26]我也不想说再见 I don’t like good-Byes.
  [01:00.60]这才是饯行派对要说的话 John Kind of the point of a good-Bye party, john.
  [01:03.46]搬家总会遇到一堆的麻烦 Went to a certain amount of trouble, you know?
  [01:06.01]而这些正好给咱们一点时间聚聚 Could’ve at least stayed a few minutes, huh?
  [01:08.50]吃点我们精心准备的食物吧 Eaten some of the food we so feverishly prepared?
  [01:12.43]对不起 哈里 I apologize, harry.
  [01:14.03]你为什么这么急着走? But why are you moving so quickly?
  [01:15.63]几天前你才决定辞职 You only resigned a couple of days ago.
  [01:17.76]难道你被斯坦福大学历史系挖走了? You got the history chair at stanford.
  [01:19.86]我希望是 I wish.
  [01:20.96]看 有卷饼 鸡翅 Well, taquitos, chicken wings,
  [01:23.16]调味烧烤和啤酒 Roastie-Toasties and beer.
  [01:25.05]要是时间充裕的话 If we’d had more time,
  [01:26.86]我们可以做些更美味的菜 We’d have done something a little more grandiose.
  [01:28.93]比如在麦当劳办烛光晚餐 Candlelight dinner at mcdonald’s.
  [01:30.70]脱衣女郎 Strippers.
  [01:32.26]有卷饼就可以了 Taquitos are fine.
  [01:34.10]好吧 A’right.
  [01:36.03]安特也会来 Dan: art’s gonna be along, too.
  [01:37.83]他在和学生谈话 He’s, uh, talking to a student. Pfft.
  [01:39.63]乔治来接手你的工作了吗? Is george taking over for you?
  [01:41.53]乔治还是特贝尔 院长考虑好了吗? George or trimbell - Has the dean made up his mind?
  [01:44.23]他还没决定 He hasn’t called.
  [01:45.33]天哪 My god!
  [01:46.36]这是什么? Wh-What is this?
  [01:47.80]看起来是梵高的画 It looks like a van gogh,
  [01:49.10]但我从没见过这幅 But I’ve never seen it before.
  [01:50.58]这是真品吗?John Dan: is that an original, john?
  [01:52.00]不 这只不过是某人给我的礼物 No, it’s just a gift someone gave me.
  [01:54.36]但他仿得很好 Still, it’s a superb copy.
  [01:56.35]我觉得是同时代的 Contemporaneous, I think,
  [01:58.31]我能凑近看看嘛? May I take a closer look?
  [02:00.23]当然可以 Please, yeah.
  [02:03.53]这里的笔法和梵高的一模一样 Yeah, it’s the same stretcher as van gogh used.
  [02:06.16]是啊 背面还写着法文 Yeah, there’s writing on the back in french.
  [02:08.76]"送给我的朋友Jacque Borne" Oh, "to my friend jacque borne. "
  [02:11.20]这人是谁? Wonder who that was?
  [02:12.43]估计是他认识的什么人 Someone he knew, I guess.
  [02:13.93]推理很棒 夏洛克 Brilliant deduction, sherlock.
  [02:15.63]你当然很得意了 估好价了? Surely you’ll have this looked at, appraised?

  [02:18.56]下次再说吧 Well, maybe sometime,
  [02:20.56]但我肯定不会卖了它 But I wouldn’t really want money for it.
  [02:25.30]算了吧 That does it.
  [02:27.53]把这些东西放到厨房里吗 Put that stuff in the kitchen.
  [02:29.40]不 把它放进浴室里 John No, I’m gonna put it in the bathroom, john.
  [02:32.93]天然气停了 但还有电 Gas is off, electricity’s on.
  [02:36.86]现在能过得舒服 尽量过得舒服点 Get comfortable while you can.
  [02:38.43]家具今天下午就会搬走 The furniture’s going this afternoon.
  [02:40.96]我好几年没坐过地板了 It’s been years since I sat on a floor.
  [02:43.46]我都记不得她的名字了 Heh. I can’t remember her name.
  [02:45.41]呃 那样对背部有益 Eh, it’s good for the back.
  [02:47.06]我们能做瑜伽吗? Can we do yoga exercises?
  [02:48.94]我们能做密宗瑜伽 Harry: tantric yoga, we can.
  [02:52.13]John 你这就要走了 So you’re leaving good old "we teach u. "
  [02:54.76]太仓促了吧 Rather suddenly, you must admit.
  [02:57.83]说实话吧 John Truth time, john.
  [02:59.52]有什么困难吗? Is there a problem?
  [03:01.16]没有 No.
  [03:02.53]说吧 我们都很热心的 Oh, come on, you know we wanna help.
  [03:04.75]我很感激 但真的 That’s appreciated, but really-
  [03:06.93]没什么困难 There’s no problem.
  [03:08.97]那我倒要好奇了 Well, now I am curious.
  [03:10.58]你要去哪? Where are you going?
  [03:11.89]放弃长期聘用 Givin’ up tenure...
  [03:13.13]十年的教授职位 A decade of professorship,
  [03:15.13]相当于学院的管理权 In line to chair the department,
  [03:17.56]而你却不知道你要去哪? And you don’t know where you’re going?
  [03:20.43]就算是幽居病吧 Call it cabin fever.
  [03:21.90]过一段时间 我就坐不住 After a while, I get itchy feet.
  [03:24.43]我以前也做过 I’ve done this before.
  [03:25.73]不 不 照你的年纪 你不可能做过 No, no, no, you’re too young to have done this before.
  [03:28.83]而且他10年了都没变老 And he hasn’t aged a day in ten years.
  [03:31.13]学院里的所有女人 Every woman on the faculty
  [03:32.66]都想知道保养秘诀 Would give anything to have that secret.
  [03:35.26]这就是她们想要的?伊迪斯? Is that what they’re after, edith?
  [03:36.86]哦 拜托 哈里 Oh, stop, harry.
  [03:41.33]哇 你能拉动它吗? Wow, can you pull this?
  [03:44.63]什么东西? Harry: what the hell?
  [03:45.95]你狩猎吗? What do you hunt?
  [03:47.27]主要狩鹿 Deer, mostly.
  [03:48.52]在熊出没的地方 Around big bear.
  [03:49.70]就用弓箭? With a bow and arrow?
  [03:51.10]大多数人甚至无法用 Most people can’t bag a deer
  [03:52.86]来复枪配狙击镜来狩鹿 With a rifle and a telescopic sight.
  [03:54.90]尽管很美味 Though, good eatin’.
  [03:56.52]最好的野外生存 The best wild game.
  [03:58.06]就是住在大自然 吃得自然 Lives naturally, eats naturally.
  [03:59.66]真漂亮 Edith: well, it’s beautiful.
  [04:04.33]是安特 Art.
  [04:07.73]啊 Ah.

  [04:09.40]我可以把"啊"理解为帅呆了吗? So, can I get an "a" for awesome?
  [04:12.70]哦 老天 Oh, my gosh.
  [04:15.01]挺有意思 That was fun.
  [04:16.52]嘿 John Hey, john.
  [04:17.96]你见过琳达 上个学期你教过的 You know linda. You had her last semester.
  [04:20.43]你好 Hi. Hey.
  [04:21.80]她现在是我的人质 我得把她带回家 She’s one of my victims now. I’m taking her home.
  [04:23.73]她想过来说一声"你好"和"再见" She wanted to come by and say hello good-Bye.
  [04:25.63]安特很严格吗? Is art as tough as I hear?
  [04:27.10]哦 考古学本来就很严格 Oh, archaeology’s tough.
  [04:28.50]简肯斯教授是个好老师 Dr. Jenkins is a fine teacher.
  [04:30.53]听起来太官腔了 Art: oh, that’s very politic.
  [04:32.53]我说真的 It’s very true. Uh-Huh.
  [04:34.10]这是给你路上看的 伙计 Something for you to read on the road, pal.
  [04:36.60]《山洞之影:同与先人》 <i>"Shadows of the cave: Parallels to early man. "</i>
  [04:39.53]作者: 简肯斯 Author: m. Jenkins.
  [04:40.96]不是出版就是消失 Publish or perish.
  [04:42.18]我宁可读一读 I’d rather read
  [04:43.33]总比自己再写一本要好 Than write another one.
  [04:44.43]谢谢 Thank you.
  [04:46.36]嗨 Hi.
  [04:47.63]哦 各位 这是琳达 Oh, everybody, this is linda.
  [04:49.91]琳达 这些是大家 Linda, this is everybody.
  [04:52.16]琳达 你好 Linda. Hi.
  [04:53.73]那么 So.
  [04:56.00]你要去哪 John 我们关心一下 Where you going, john, like we give a damn?
  [04:58.53]我们已经问过了 Dan: we’ve already covered that.
  [04:59.73]John的屁股坐不住 John’s got itchy feet.
