听电影学英语-这个男人来自地球 14(在线收听

  [00:01.60]即席创作 有些写得很真 Improvisation, some of it very sincere,
  [00:04.20]填补了空白 Fills the gaps.
  [00:05.33]那时候伪造 It would have been easy
  [00:06.70]一段历史很容易 To falsify a past back then-
  [00:09.63]寥寥数笔 轻信 时间会完成剩下的部分 A few words, credulity - Time would do the rest.
  [00:13.03]现在你说得好像你相信了他 Now you’re talking as if you believed him.
  [00:15.16]过几年 看看那些流行的 Art: well, look at the popular myths surrounding
  [00:17.61]关于肯尼迪刺杀的传说 The kennedy assassination in a few short years-
  [00:20.03]你会看到 阴谋 黑手党 中央情报局 You had, uh, conspiracy, mafia, cia-
  [00:23.06]那个谜团永远不会消失 That’s a mystique that’ll never go away.
  [00:26.03]早逝的领袖与神明只有一步之遥 It’s always been a small step from a fallen leader to a god.
  [00:29.90]我觉得没人会神化肯尼迪 I don’t think anybody will deify kennedy.
  [00:32.76]我们比起那个年代可成熟多了 We’re more sophisticated than that.
  [00:34.73]是吗? Dan: we are?
  [00:36.26]是的 We are.
  [00:41.46]好吧 你至少实现了 Harry: well, you’re finally fulfilling
  [00:43.76]一个千禧年的预言 John One prophecy about the millennium, john.
  [00:46.03]那是什么? John: what’s that?
  [00:47.96]你又回来了 Here you are again.
  [00:59.40]你喜欢火吗 John? You like the fire, john.
  [01:01.40]我居住过的每个地方 都有个壁炉 Everywhere I’ve lived, I’ve had a fireplace.
  [01:04.93]童年的依恋 我估计 Childhood fixation, I guess.
  [01:09.06]让我有安全感 Helps me to feel secure.

  [01:12.50]外面有野兽 There are predators out there.
  [01:17.00]有一样东西我没有打包  One thing I didn’t pack...
  [01:18.85]我觉得我可能会需要它 I thought I might need it.
  [01:27.86]《春之祭》会更应景 <i>Wouldn’t sacre du printemps be more appropriate?</i>
  [01:31.20]什么? What?
  [01:33.86]你令  You’ve got...
  [01:35.96]四位科学家完全吃瘪了 我的朋友 Four men of science completely baffled, my friend.
  [01:39.16]我们不知该如何看待你 We-We don’t know what to make of you.
  [01:41.73]你们知道伏尔泰是第一个提出 Did you know voltaire was the first to suggest
  [01:44.50]宇宙爆炸论的人吗? That the universe was created by a gigantic explosion?
  [01:47.96]我觉得保罗会赞成的 I think paul would agree.
  [01:50.26]歌德是第一个提出 And then goethe was the first to suggest
  [01:52.73]螺旋星云是群星做围绕着群星做漩涡运动的物质 That spiral nebulae were swirling masses of stars.
  [01:56.63]我们现在把它们叫做银河 We now call them galaxies.
  [01:58.80]挺有意思的 科学的新概念往往 It’s kind of funny how often new concepts of science
  [02:01.53]最先通过艺术表达出来 Find their first tentative forms of expression in the arts.
  [02:04.46]那么贝多芬也兼职物理研究吗? So did beethoven do physics on the side?
  [02:08.61]他大多数时间躺在地板上 He spent most of his time lying on the floor

  [02:12.73]面前放着无腿的钢琴 In front of his legless piano
  [02:14.43]周围全是橘子皮和苹果核 Surrounded by orange peels and apple cores.
  [02:19.33]现在我们坐在地板上听着贝多芬的乐曲 Now we’re on the floor listening to beethoven.
  [02:23.40]围成一圈 Full circle.
  [02:24.96]你有没有  Did you have, um...
  [02:28.36]任何宗教信仰 Any religious beliefs,
  [02:30.10]或者有没有想过? Or did you give it much thought?
  [02:32.38]人不想 无信仰 You can’t get there with thought.
  [02:34.63]你有信仰? You have faith?
  [02:36.32]有很多 In a lot of things.
  [02:37.93]你认为人类有未来吗? Do you have faith in the future of the race?
  [02:41.03]我见证过物种的产生和消亡 I’ve seen species come and go.
  [02:43.00]取决于它们与周遭环境的契合度 Depends on their balance with the environment.
  [02:46.76]我们在这点上表现糟糕 We’ve made a mess of it.
  [02:48.50]但是还有时间 There’s still time,
  [02:50.21]如果我们好好利用 If we use it well.
  [02:51.86]基督教在世界范围内 Christianity has been a worldwide belief
  [02:54.60]已经盛行了2000年 For 2,000 years.
  [02:56.30]那埃及人崇拜伊希斯有多久 How long did the egyptians worship isis
  [02:58.53]或是闪族人的伊师塔? Or the sumerians ishtar?
  [03:00.16]在印度 圣牛群自由地在散步 In india, sacred cows wandered freely
  [03:02.83]被当做转生的灵魂敬仰 As reincarnated souls.
  [03:04.66]一千年后 他们又会被烤了吃 In a thousand years, they’ll be barbecued
  [03:06.38]灵魂会转世到松鼠身上 And their souls will be in squirrels.
  [03:08.06]你绝不是耶稣! You weren’t jesus!
  [03:11.43]哦 伊迪斯 Oh, edith.
  [03:15.43]- 要是下雨了...  - 不会下的 If it rains... it won’t.
  [03:18.23]你怎么知道? How do you know that?
  [03:19.62]因为我没闻到 I don’t smell it.
  [03:24.40]你是不是  Were you...
  [03:26.63]我猜 你当过巫师? I guess... a medicine man?
  [03:28.93]我做过一段时间的萨满法师 I was a shaman a few times.
  [03:31.16]我为了吃得更好 揭露过一些真相 I revealed some truths to eat a little better.
  [03:34.53]你认为所有的宗教都是  You think that’s all religion is about...
  [03:37.60]推销希望和救赎? Selling hope and survival?
  [03:40.16]《旧约》推销的是恐惧和内疚 The old testament sells fear and guilt.
  [03:42.75]《新约》推销良善的道德规范 The new testament is a good code of ethics,
  [03:45.27]诗人和哲学家以我的名义传教 Put into my mouth by poets and philosophers
  [03:47.76]至少比我聪明多了 That are much smarter than I am.
  [03:49.86]这些教义从未被实施过 The message is never practiced.
  [03:53.06]教堂的基础是神话 Fairy tales build churches.
  [03:55.76]"耶稣"这个名字怎么来的? What about the name "jesus"?
  [03:57.95]你是凭空想象的吗? Did you pull that out of a hat?
  [04:00.10]我称我自己为John I called myself john.
  [04:02.46]一般不改名 I almost always do.
  [04:04.76]在我复活的故事传开后 As tales of the resurrection spread,

  [04:06.83]这个名字被误认为希伯来语的"Yochanan" The name was confused with the hebrew "yochanan,"
  [04:09.63]意思是"上帝是仁慈的" Meaning "god is gracious. "
  [04:11.48]我的存在被当做 My stay on earth was seen
  [04:13.26]神奇的不朽的证明 As divine proof of immortality.
  [04:16.95]演变成"上帝是来拯救人类的" That led to "god is salvation"
  [04:20.60]或用希伯来语说是"Yahshua" <i>Or hebrew "yahshua,"</i>
  [04:22.10]在翻译中变成我的专有名词 Which in translation became my proper name,
  [04:25.30]翻成后期的希腊语"iesous" <i>Changing to late greek, "iesous,"</i>
  [04:27.93]再翻成后期的拉丁语"iesus" <i>Then to late latin, "iesus,"</i>
  [04:30.50]最后在中世纪的拉丁语中 被翻成"jesus" And finally medieval latin, "jesus,"
  [04:33.13]能见证这事的发展真是不可思议 And it was a wonder to watch it all happen.
  [04:36.13]那你并没有声称自己是上帝的儿子? Then you didn’t claim to be the son of god?
  [04:39.28]从学堂到教堂 Began as a schoolhouse and ended as a temple.
  [04:42.36]我只说过有一个老师比我更伟大 I said I had a master that was greater than myself.
  [04:45.96]我从没说他是我父亲 I never said he was my father.
  [04:47.98]我想把我学到的教给人们 I wanted to teach what I learned.
  [04:49.93]我从没说过我是犹太人的国王 I never claimed to be king of the jews,
  [04:52.03]我不会水上漂 也不会起死回生 I never walked on water, I never raised the dead.
  [04:55.20]我从未说过神谕 I never spoke of divine except in the sense
  [04:58.53]除了世上人类的良善 Of human goodness on earth.
