人教版小学英语五年级上--Unit 5 Is this your schoo(在线收听

 Unit 5  Is this your schoolbag?
[00:02.44]第五单元  这是你的书包吗?
[00:04.88]Lesson 25  Just speak
[00:07.22]第二十五课  刚才的谈话
[00:09.56]Hey,boys and girls!
[00:13.04]Don't leave your things like this.Put them away.
[00:18.78]Is this your schoolbag,Mike?
[00:22.65]Yes,it's mine.
[00:25.81]Is this your English book?
[00:29.36]No,it isn't.         It's Tom's.
[00:31.39]不,它不是。  这是汤姆的。
[00:33.41]Is this your glue,Ann?
[00:36.96]Yes,it's mine.
[00:40.12]Whose textbook is this?
[00:43.89]Oh,it's mine.
[00:47.41]Remember to put your things away after class.
[00:52.48]OK.we will.
[00:56.42]Lesson 26 1.Just practise
[00:59.81]第二十六课 1. 刚才的练习
[01:03.19]Is this your eraser? Yes,it is.
[01:06.02]这是你的橡皮擦吗? 是的。
[01:08.86]Is this your sharpener?
[01:12.20]No,it isn't.
[01:15.57]Whose textbook is this?
[01:19.23]It's mine.
[01:22.08]schoolbag            activity book        dictionary
[01:27.25]书包  活动书  字典
[01:32.42]4.Let's read and chant Ss
[01:35.35]4. 让我们读并唱Ss
[01:38.27]Sue likes science books.Sam likes storybooks.
[01:48.02]Susan likes picture books.They all like books.
[01:53.89]Sue likes science books.Sam likes storybooks.
[01:59.77]Susan likes picture books.They all like books.
[02:06.30]Lesson 27  Just speak
[02:08.57]第二十七课  刚才的谈话
[02:10.85]Oh,what a big zoo!
[02:15.52]It's our zoo.We made all the animals.
[02:22.37]Look at he bear.
[02:25.71]It's mine.           I made it.
[02:27.89]这是我的。  我做的。
[02:30.07]It's very nice.      Thank you.
[02:32.74]这非常好。  谢谢。
[02:35.40]Is that your panda,Lisa?
[02:39.53]No,it's not mine.    It's Mary's.
[02:42.06]不,这不是我的。  这是玛丽的。
[02:44.60]It looks cute.       Whose zebra is that?
[02:47.33]它看起来可爱。  这是谁的斑马?
[02:50.06]Is it yours,Peter?   Yes,it's mine.
[02:52.79]是你的吗?彼得。  是的,这是我的。
[02:55.52]I like zebras.       It's a good.
[02:57.95]我喜欢斑马。  这个好。
[03:00.38]Thank you.
[03:03.12]Lesson 28 1.Just practise
[03:05.90]第二十八课 1. 刚才的练习
[03:08.68]Is that your cat?    Yes,it is.
[03:11.57]这是你的猫吗?  是的,它是。
[03:14.46]Is that your dog?    No,it isn't.
[03:17.03]这是你的狗吗?  不,它不是。
[03:19.60]Whose zebra is that? It's mine.
[03:22.14]这是谁的斑马?  这是我的。
[03:24.67]seal                 whale
[03:28.20]海豹   鲸
[03:31.72]hippo                dolphin
[03:35.26]河马   海豚
[03:38.80]4.Let's read and chant Zz
[03:41.88]4. 让我们读并唱Zz
[03:44.97]Zebras,zebras,zebras!Zebras in a zoo.
[03:54.95]You like zebras.I like zebras.We all like zebras,too.
[04:01.19]Zebras,zebras,zebras!Zebras in a zoo.
[04:07.35]You like zebras.I like zebras.We all like zebras,too.
[04:15.01]Lesson 29  Just speak
[04:17.35]第二十九课  刚才的谈话
[04:19.68]I can't find my mask, Lisa!
[04:23.52]Don't worry.Let me help you.
[04:27.18]Peter can't find his mask.
[04:31.44]Is this his mask?
[04:34.68]No,it isn't.
[04:37.94]He is playing a bear.
[04:41.18]Whose mask is that?
[04:45.13]Oh, it's his.Peter,your mask is over there.
[04:51.66]Lesson 30 1.Just practise
[04:54.30]第三十课 1. 刚才的练习
[04:56.93]Is this his coat?    Yes,it is.
[04:59.87]这是他的外套吗?  是的,它是。
[05:02.81]Is that his jacket?  No,it isn't.
[05:05.59]这是他的夹克吗?  不,它不是。
[05:08.38]Whose mask is that?  It's his.
[05:11.20]这是谁的面罩?  这是他的。
[05:14.02]umbrella             mirror
[05:17.51]雨伞  镜子
[05:20.99]belt                 mop
[05:23.92]地带  拖把
[05:26.84]4.Let's read and chant Rr
[05:29.78]4. 让我们听并唱Rr
[05:32.72]Raining,raining outside.Rose wears a red raincoat.
[05:41.26]She looks at herself in the mirror,And gets ready to run out.
[05:47.74]Raining,raining outside.Rose wears a red raincoat.
[05:54.09]She looks at herself in the mirror,And gets ready to run out.
[06:01.25]Revision  Fun story
[06:03.38]修改  有趣故事
[06:05.51]I have a new book.
[06:08.56]It's about animals'tails.
[06:12.40]Can you guess,Mimi?  All right.
[06:14.77]你能猜吗?眯眯。  好的。
[06:17.13]Whose tail is this?  Oh,it's mine.
[06:22.09]Whose tail is this?  It's hers.
[06:26.93]Whose tail is this?  It's his.
[06:31.58]Whose tail is this?  It's ...
[06:36.54]I'm sorry.I don't know.
[06:40.20]It's a monkey's tail.It's mine.Ha ha!
[06:45.05]Words in Unit 5
[06:48.61]schoolbag            activity book        dictionary           eraser
[06:54.80]书包                 活动手册             字典                 橡皮擦
[07:00.99]sharpener            yes                  no                   not
[07:06.12]卷笔刀               是;是的              不;没有              不
[07:11.26]seal                 whale                hippo                dolphin
[07:16.57]海豹                 鲸                   河马                 海豚
[07:21.89]that                 cat                  dog                  bear
[07:26.82]那;那个              猫                   狗                   熊
[07:31.76]umbrella             mirror               belt                 mop
[07:37.04]雨伞                 镜子                 皮带                 拖把
[07:42.32]coat                 jacket               jeans                shoes
[07:47.79]大衣,外套            短上衣;夹克衫        牛仔裤               鞋
