听电影学英语-蒸发的摩根夫妇 01(在线收听

  [00:52.52]Hi. You’ve reached Meryl Morgan. I can’t take your call right now, 这里是梅莉摩根的办公室,我现在不在
  [00:54.88]so leave a message and have a great day. Thanks. 有事请留言,谢谢 祝你有个愉快的一天
  [00:59.04]Hello. It is me, your husband. 喂,是你老公
  [01:04.56]At least, legally still your husband, as recognized by the state of New York. 至少就纽约州立法律上而言 我仍旧是
  [01:08.60]And, in the end, who are we to argue with the Governor? 不过话又说回来 我没事提这个干嘛
  [01:12.12]I wanted to call and just say hello, (片名:蒸发的摩根夫妇) 我只是想打声招呼
  [01:16.60]as it is approaching the three-month anniversary of our being separated, 而且我们分居三个月的纪念日就快到了
  [01:20.96]and I thought, perhaps it might be nice to get together, 我在想你是否有时间出来跟我见个面
  [01:22.80]as, you know, occasions like this only come around once in a lifetime. 毕竟这样的机会很少见
  [01:26.48]And... Oh, yes! And I saw the cover of New York Magazine’s real estate issue, 对了,我看到你在纽约杂志上的
  [01:29.52]and there you were. And you looked lovely, frankly. 房地产特刊封面了 你看起来真的很美
  [01:36.52]You are staring out from every newsstand and bus and taxi. 你的封面遍布各大小摊贩 和公车、计程车上

  [01:39.56]And it is... 该怎么说┅
  [01:41.20]"It is genuinely incredible how you have built your business 一手掌握纽约房地产企业
  [01:43.72]"into the premier boutique real estate firm in the city." 并将其扩展成一间华丽的精品店 十分令人敬佩
  [01:47.72]I’m quoting here from the article. I have five copies. 这是报上写的 我买了五份
  [01:49.40]This way, if we ever get back together and lose yours, we’re covered. 这样当我们和好时 就算你的那份不见了,也没关系
  [01:56.76]Hi. You’ve reached Meryl Morgan. I can’t take your call right now, 这里是梅莉摩根的办公室,我现在不在
  [01:59.12]so leave a message and have a great day. Thanks. 有事请留言,谢谢 祝你有个愉快的一天
  [02:03.48]Anyway, the point is that I am sad, 总之我还满伤心的
  [02:07.32]and I miss you, 而且我很想你
  [02:09.16]and I bitterly regret what I did, 我对于自己的所作所为感到很抱歉
  [02:14.00]and it would be very, very nice if you called or, in fact, if we could see each other. 如果你能回电,那我真的会很开心 如果能见个面会更好
  [02:21.88]I hope you’re getting the gifts. I know they’re not all perfect. 我希望你有收到我的礼物 虽然它们看起来不怎么样
  [02:27.24]The ice sculpture, I concede, was a disaster. 尤其是那个冰雕,我承认真的很可怕
  [02:29.40]I did specify that they shouldn’t leave it if you weren’t home, 我还特别嘱托他们,务必要确认你在家 才能把它留下来
  [02:32.76]and I will be suing. 放心,我会告他们的
  [02:33.60]Talking of which, I must get back to work. 说到这,我该回去工作了

  [02:36.60]I’m actually in court. I have a man... 其实我现在在法院,我有个客户┅
  [02:43.96]Isn’t this a beautiful view? You could pay for this whole apartment 这景观很美吧? 只要向每个愿意一瞻美景的路人收费
  [02:47.64]just by charging people to come and look at this. 就足够你买下整栋公寓了
  [02:50.64]And if you like this, you’re going to love this, 如果你喜欢那个的话,你会更爱这个
  [02:55.68]what I call the ballroom or the grand salon. 这就是我提到的舞厅,也就是大交谊厅
  [02:59.88]It’s the perfect combination of classic architecture 这真可谓是古典建筑和
  [03:04.72]and understated elegance. 高贵优雅的完美组合
  [03:18.08]You’re pregnant? 你怀孕了吗
  [03:19.96]I mean, if you’re planning on having a baby, this is the most magical place. 这里对小孩子而言 绝对是最完美的成长环境
  [03:26.80]How many? Let me see, I have... Well, I have zero. 几个啊?我算算看┅ 其实我一个都没有
  [03:32.48]My husband and I are separated. 我和我老公正分居
  [03:35.16]I know what you’re thinking, the clock is ticking, right? 我知道你在想什么 分秒必争是吧
  [03:42.68]But I’m, you know... I’m considering adoption, 不过,我有在考虑领养
  [03:45.56]and you gotta stay optimistic. You know? 而且人就是要乐观一点嘛
  [03:48.56]Don’t get down on yourself. 别太沮丧了
  [03:54.56]Mr. Morgan, I have the depositions on the Anderson case for you. 摩根先生 我要给你看看安德森那个案子的供词
  [03:55.44]Excellent. I hear it’s a page-turner. 很好.听说还不错啊?
  [03:57.28]Now, where are we on the star front? 星星那件事处理得怎样了
  [04:00.28]Well, you can buy and name a star "Meryl." 你可以买一个星星并命名为梅莉
  [04:04.12]It’s $75, and you get a celestial map and a certificate. 只要75美金,还附赠天体地图和证书
  [04:09.12]Well, I was really looking for something more impressive. 我想要更刻骨铭心的东西
  [04:11.80]Can I buy a constellation? 那星座买的到吗
  [04:14.64]I don’t know. You can buy a black hole. 不清楚,不过黑洞的话倒是买的到
  [04:16.84]I’m not sure a black hole sends exactly the right message 黑洞好像感觉有点不太对
  [04:19.84]at this point in our relationship. 就我们现在的关系而言
  [04:20.52]Somewhat redundant. 好像有点多馀
  [04:25.04]Thank you. 谢了
  [04:27.04]And thank you to everyone at the National Breast Cancer Foundation. 我要感谢国家防癌协会的所有贵宾
  [04:30.56]I’m so honored to be here tonight on behalf of Park Avenue Realty. 我谨代表公园大道房产
  [04:33.24]Thank you to Jimmy, my waiter, at table number two. Yes, you. 谢了吉米,二号桌那个服务生,对就是你
  [04:38.08]I’m not done with my dessert yet. 我的甜点还没吃完
  [04:44.28]This disease represents a crisis. 这个疾病是个警讯
  [04:46.12]Are we going to use this crisis to come out 而藉此我们必须表现地

  [04:51.48]stronger, better and more powerful than ever before? 更积极,更有力不是吗?
  [04:56.16]You bet we are. 没错
