听电影学英语-蒸发的摩根夫妇 13(在线收听

  [00:01.28]I mean, not me, specifically. I’m an agnostic. 当然并不是在说我,因为我是无神论者
  [00:04.96]Next thing you’ll be telling us you’re Democrats. 你该不会要跟我说你是民主党人吧
  [00:08.12]Well, I mean, there’s gotta be a few of us in town. 这镇上总会有几位是吧
  [00:11.32]Fourteen. And we know who they are. 14位,我们都知道那群人是谁
  [00:15.68]Thirteen, honey. 是13位
  [00:16.00]Bill Herr died a month ago. 海比尔上个月去世了
  [00:18.36]Of natural causes, or is he... 是自然死亡,还是.....
  [00:20.36]You’re not getting smart with me, are you, tea-drinker? 你少来跟我那套,你这个小英国仔
  [00:24.88]You know what I did to the last man who called me that? 你知道上一个这样叫我的人 下场怎样了吗
  [00:29.56]I stole his crumpet. 我偷吃了他的饼干
  [00:35.24]Doc. 医生
  [00:37.76]Howdy, Fosters. How are you tonight? 你好,福斯特夫妇,晚安唷
  [00:40.44]Good. We just had a lovely meal at Annette’s. 晚安,我们刚在安奈特用餐
  [00:43.96]- Must be Earl’s night off. - Yeah. -欧尔今晚没值班啊  -对
  [00:50.64]You okay? 一切还好吗
  [00:52.48]Well, we just need to call Clay and Emma. They said they’d pick us up. 我们得打电话给警长夫妇 叫他们来接我们
  [00:58.84]They’re playing poker with the Millers and the Caseys. 他们在跟米家和凯家玩牌
  [01:00.52]Here, just take my truck. It’s that one right there. 你可以开我的车,就停在那
  [01:06.88]We couldn’t possibly. 怎么可以

  [01:07.88]I don’t need it till tomorrow. Door’s open, key’s inside. 反正我明天之前用不到 车没锁,钥匙在里面
  [01:12.88]Really? 真的假的?
  [01:14.24]Yeah, around here, everybody leaves their keys in case someone needs a ride. 对啊,镇上大家都把钥匙放在车里 以防有谁需要用
  [01:18.92]You don’t do that in the city? 城里不这么做吗
  [01:23.28]Well, people do take each other’s cars, but... 城里确实会有人拿别人的车
  [01:23.76]Yes, yeah, but the return policy’s a bit fuzzy. 但通常他们不打算交还
  [01:28.12]- Well, you be sure to return mine, all right? - Okay, Doc, thanks. -那你们要记得还给我  -当然,谢了
  [01:33.32]- Yeah. - Night. -嗯  -晚安
  [01:34.48]- Thank you. - Good night, y’all. -谢谢  -晚安罗
  [01:35.84]- Which one was it? - I don’t know. They’re all exactly the same. -是哪一条啊  -我不知道啊,看起来都一个样
  [01:45.04]Are we lost? 我们迷路了吗
  [01:47.68]Certainly not. I turned right at the broken fence. 当然没有,我刚刚有在破栅栏旁右转
  [01:48.72]And left at the second big rock? 然后在第二个大石头处左转
  [01:52.40]Second big rock? 第二个大石头?
  [01:56.72]Oh, no, then we are lost. All right, I’m going to turn right up here. 我们迷路了啦,好吧现在得右转
  [02:01.08]No, I’m not. I’m gonna go ’round. Hang on. 不,我要回转,等等
  [02:09.44]- Can I ask you something? - Yeah. -我可以问你一件事吗  -说吧

  [02:12.32]Why her? 为什么跟她
  [02:18.64]You want to discuss this now? In the middle of absolutely nowhere? 非得现在讨论不可? 我们正处于鸟不生蛋的地方耶
  [02:20.00]Yeah, I know it’s probably not the time, but... 我知道时机不太好,但是
  [02:25.36]But why her? 为什么是她
  [02:28.20]I mean, you meet lots of women. You’re always at lunches and meetings, so, 你遇过那么多女生, 你总是有那么多机会
  [02:33.04]why her? I mean, was it just that she was pretty? 为何偏偏是她?只因为她很美?
  [02:35.24]Who said she was pretty? She was quite hideous, actually. 谁说她美了?其实她很俗
  [02:41.76]A leper, really. I mean, if the Elephant Man had a sister, she... 她有淋疯病,就像象人的姊妹一样
  [02:42.24]I googled her. 我上网查过了
  [02:44.92]Yeah, I just looked under "loose legal ladies." 我只是输入:淫荡女律师
  [02:49.28]She’s pretty. 她很美
  [02:56.16]So, what’s she like? 那她是怎样的人
  [03:06.84]She’s reserved. I don’t know, a bit cynical. You know. 她很沉默,有点爱讽刺人
  [03:08.04]Yeah, no, I can see that. That makes sense. 我懂,原来如此
  [03:13.04]It was probably like, you know, 就像是
  [03:17.72]going to a spa, you know, very quiet 你去SPA按摩一样,又安静又舒适
  [03:22.08]and cool and laid back, 躺着感受那种平静的时刻
  [03:24.76]and nobody nagging you or asking you questions 不会有人一直烦你或问问题
  [03:28.12]like some crazy, neurotic woodpecker 不会有像我一样的啄木鸟 一直呱呱叫
  [03:32.64]who won’t let go of an issue until it’s been pecked to death. I know. 不愿放开一件事物 直到确定它死掉为止
  [03:37.80]It was nothing. It was nothing. It was really nothing. It was... 根本没什么其实
  [03:40.84]You know, I was stupid. I’d had a few drinks. 我很莽撞,我喝醉了
  [03:43.52]I was upset about us. 我对我们之间的关系很茫然
  [03:48.36]And it just happened, and I did not enjoy it. 然后事情就发生了, 我根本不感到愉快
  [03:51.36]I was feeling guilty the whole time, and her perfume smelled a bit like a burrito. 我感到很内疚,再说她的香水闻起来 有墨西哥煎饼的味道
  [04:00.24]And you are, easily, 况且你才是
  [04:03.92]the sexiest, most exciting woman 我见过最性感最热情的女人
  [04:06.44]I have ever been with or ever wish to be with. 我是真心想和你在一起的
  [04:23.32]I sort of believe you. 我开始有点相信你了
  [04:27.52]Good. 很好
  [04:30.84]Progress. 有进展罗
  [04:36.56]Maybe it wasn’t the fragrance. Maybe she just smells like a burrito. 或许不是香水的缘故 是她本来就像墨西哥煎饼
  [04:40.72]Very possible. 有可能
