听电影学英语-征婚广告 04(在线收听

  [00:04.80]She’s in her early 20s. You know the epic narrative I talked about? 她还年轻,我不是说过那个"剧本论"吗?
  [00:05.76]Hers would not only be secret, it would be incoherent. 她的本子不单神秘,还缺乏连贯性
  [00:08.36]I wouldn’t get past the cover page. 我连开场白都通不过
  [00:11.88]I mean, I’m looking for something more than Sherry. 我是说我要找个比她更有内涵的人
  [00:14.76]"Hopelessly romantic, young 50s widower... "极其浪漫,50挂零的鳏夫...
  [00:17.24]...seeks lady friend who enjoys the slow bloom of affection. ...诚征欣赏迟来的爱情之花...
  [00:21.68]Loves dogs, children and long, meandering bike rides. 喜欢狗,孩子以及骑车闲游的女性朋友为伴
  [00:26.48]I will be carrying a single yellow rose." 我会带一支黄色玫瑰"
  [00:29.64]- I gotta meet this guy. - Where are your boob shirts? -就选这个好了 -你的低胸衫放哪了?
  [00:33.04]- My what? - Your boob shirts. -什么? -低胸衫
  [00:35.44]- Don’t worry, I brought some of mine. - Oh, boob shirts. -别担心,我带了我的几件 -哦,低胸衫
  [00:39.32]- I can’t wear that. - Okay, I have some dating tips for you. -我不能穿这个 -好了,我有些约会建议给你
  [00:41.60]I got them from Sports Illustrated. Solid gold. 从杂志上看到的,绝对有用

  [00:46.04]Yes, that’s always been my bible for personal relationships. 没错,能永远当作 我处理私人关系的金科玉律
  [00:48.56]At least listen to the tips. 至少听听看啊
  [00:50.44]- Your sister has gone to a lot of trouble. - Okay. -你妹妹花了不少时间才找来的 -好吧
  [00:55.48]"One, maintain eye contact. "一,保持视线接触
  [00:57.56]But be sure it isn’t too intense. You aren’t a hawk eyeing its prey." 但确保不要过头, 你不是一只掠食的老鹰
  [01:01.68]Good that you told me. I might have done my hawk thing. 多谢你的提醒,没准我这么做过
  [01:03.64]"Two, men respond sexually when they think women are excited by them." "二,觉得女人为自己着迷时 男人会有生理反应
  [01:10.00]- Really? - "The more you like what you see... -是吗? -"你越喜欢你看到的...
  [01:10.20]...the more your pupils will open wide to take it all in." ...你的瞳孔就会张得越大"
  [01:15.88]Open your pupils. 试试看
  [01:20.24]- I’m dating again. I can’t do this! - It’s okay. Come on. -又要约会,我办不到 -这没关系
  [01:21.04]Oh, my God. 老天
  [01:25.44]- No, you’ll be fine, it’s okay. - It’ll be fun. -你不会有事的 -会很有意思的
  [01:26.20]What if he wants to have sex? What if I want to? 他有性要求怎么办?我有又怎么办?
  [01:30.16]You don’t understand. It’s been a long time, christine. I could freak out. 你不明白,我单身太久,很可能会失态
  [01:34.68]What if I can’t control myself? 如果我失控怎么办?
  [01:35.76]You’re meeting for muffins in a public place. I think you’ll be safe. 你们是在公共场合会面, 我相信你是安全的

  [01:55.52]- Dad? - Sarah. -爸? -莎拉
  [01:57.40]My darling girl. 亲爱的
  [01:59.72]Darling, don’t you put the sunshine to shame. 亲爱的,你能让阳光黯然失色
  [02:03.60]What are you doing here? 你在这干嘛?
  [02:04.40]That’s a fine how-do-you-do from one of my favorite daughters. 我最喜欢的女儿竟然就这样跟我问好
  [02:07.48]I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m meeting a... why do you have a yellow...? 对不起,我是来见-- 你怎么有朵黄...
  [02:14.24]- Is that a rose? - It is a rose, if the truth be told. -那是玫瑰吗? -是玫瑰,如果名字没弄错的话
  [02:18.12]But by any other name... 不过其他的什么叫法....
  [02:18.48]- And it’s for a lady friend, isn’t it? - That is, in fact, the very purpose. -是为女性朋友准备的对吧? -对,一点不错
  [02:23.16]- No! - Now, Sarah, come on. -不 -莎拉,别这样
  [02:29.56]It is a natural course of this life that your dad would have a lady friend by now. 你父亲现在需要一个女友是很正常的事
  [02:32.12]I feel your mother whispering her approval to me every day. 我每天都感到你母亲在鼓励我这样做
  [02:37.88]And would this lady friend be someone who might enjoy... 而这位女友将是一个懂得欣赏...
  [02:39.64]...the slow bloom of affection, perhaps? ...迟来的爱情之花的人,是不是?
  [02:42.28]That would be grand, yes. 那再好不过
  [02:44.64]I’m your date, Dad. 就是我,爸爸
  [02:53.92]Don’t laugh. It’s not funny! 别笑,这不好笑
  [02:55.80]It shows I brought you up to know the diamond from the riffraff. 这表示我教会了你怎样去沙里淘金
  [02:56.64]A young 50, Dad? You’re 71. 50挂零?你71了
  [03:00.56]And when was the last time you rode a bike? 还有你上次骑车是什么时候...?
  [03:03.40]- Meandering or any other way? - Well, think of it as poetry, darling. -不管是闲游还是什么? -当成诗来读好了,亲爱的
  [03:06.20]As who I am in the bottom of my soul. 就象灵魂深处的那个我
  [03:11.88]And, Sarah, my darling. 另外,亲爱的
  [03:14.76]- What? - I’m glad you’ve started dating again. -怎么? -我很高兴你又开始约会了
  [03:16.92]Dad, please. This is disturbing on so many levels. 得了,爸爸,这从哪个角度看都是徒劳的
  [03:20.20]- At least let me have the rose. - I can’t. -至少这玫瑰该归我吧 -不行
  [03:23.08]I’m seeing someone else at 4:00. 我四点还另有约会
  [03:37.64]Hello. You’ve reached Sarah Nolan. Leave a message if you want to. 你好,我是莎拉-诺兰, 如果愿意请留下口信
  [03:41.40]Sarah, it’s me, Christine. Pick up. 莎拉,是我,克瑞斯蒂,拿起话筒
  [03:43.96]Come on, Sarah, I already talked to Dad. 快,莎拉,我已经见过爸爸了
  [03:53.64]- Who else knows? - No one. -还有谁知道? -没了
  [03:55.52]Come on, carol has to know. 得了,卡萝肯定知道
  [03:58.08]Why does Carol have to know? Couldn’t I once know something before she does? 她干嘛非得知道? 我就不能比她先知道一次吗?

  [04:03.16]She’s there with you, isn’t she? 她和你在一起对不对?
  [04:03.76]- No. - Hello, carol. -没有 -喂,卡萝
  [04:08.12]Hi, Sarah. I was telling Chris it’s a shame I didn’t know about this before... 莎拉,我刚和克瑞丝说我应该先知道...
  [04:12.40]...because I could have called Uncle Chet. We could have doubled. 那样我就能叫上切特叔叔来次四人约会
  [04:14.00]Oh, no.
  [04:19.36]This story is going to be immortalized into family history, isn’t it? 这个故事会写进家史世代相传对吧?
  [04:22.08]Told and retold at Thanksgiving dinner, year after year. 每年在感恩节晚餐时翻来覆去地说
  [04:25.44]Oh, not just Thanksgiving. I think it’s a good Christmas story too. 不只是感恩节,在圣诞节也是个不错的话题
  [04:31.32]- Bye, guys. - Wait. -再见,各位 -等等
  [04:32.40]Tell the truth. On a scale of one to 10, how would you rate Dad as a date? 老实说,你觉得老爸作为约会对象能打几分?
  [04:35.48]Hot, super hot? 很好还是非常好?
  [04:45.32]Don’t be mad at me for this, okay? 别为这事生我气好吗?
  [04:48.32]The last time you said that to me you stole my boyfriend. Danny Shea. 你上次这样跟我说时偷走了我的男友, 丹尼-谢
  [04:53.08]I did not steal Danny Shea. 我可没偷丹尼-谢
  [04:56.08]- I haven’t forgiven you, by the way. - Stop. He was a terrible kisser. -总之我还没有原谅你 -行了,他接吻的技术糟透了
  [04:58.72]- He kissed just fine with me. - Okay. Here goes. -他和我接吻时可挺不错 -好吧,是这样
