听电影学英语-足迹 07(在线收听

  [00:09.04]Jesus. 老天
  [00:19.64]What do you think? 觉得怎样?
  [00:21.24]They’re quite beautiful. 相当美丽
  [00:26.04]Put them in your pocket. 放进你的口袋
  [00:29.64]Eight hundred thousand pounds, eh? 八十万镑?
  [00:32.84]That’s what I said. 我是那么说没错
  [00:41.44]Okay. 好的
  [00:45.64]So far, so good. 到目前为止很好
  [00:48.24]Hey, you’d better give me the address of that fence. 你最好给我那销赃者的地址
  [00:50.84]-What fence?-The fence in Amsterdam. -什么销赃者? -在阿姆斯特丹的销赃者啊
  [00:54.04]Oh, that fence. 哦 那个销赃者
  [00:55.24]Listen, you put that gun down. 听着 把枪放下
  [00:58.24]Why? 为什么?
  [01:01.24]It’s pointing directly at me.I’m not very happy about it. 它直指着我 我可不乐意
  [01:06.24]Why not? 为什么?
  [01:08.44]-Look, is this a game?-This is the real game. -这是一场游戏吗? -这是真正的游戏
  [01:14.44]The real game has just begun. 真正的游戏才刚刚开始
  [01:19.44]You and me. 你和我
  [01:19.64]What’s the real game? 什么真正的游戏?
  [01:23.84]You, defenseless.Me, with a gun. 你 手无寸铁 而我 手上拿着枪
  [01:29.64]It’s the end of the jewelry story, you see. 这就是珠宝窃贼的故事结局 你瞧

  [01:33.24]-Oh, is it?-Yeah. -是吗? -是的
  [01:34.04]I enjoyed it, though. 我很喜欢
  [01:35.44]I’m not enjoying this. 我可不喜欢
  [01:37.24]I don’t blame you. 我不会怪你
  [01:40.44]What’s it all about? 这是怎么一回事?
  [01:43.84]Oh, come on.Buck your ideas up. 噢 拜托 把脑子弄清醒
  [01:46.84]You really didn’t think I was gonna let you have my wife and the jewels? 你不会真以为我会让你 带走我的妻子和珠宝吧?
  [01:54.84]You’re joking. 你在开玩笑
  [01:56.84]You’ve been leading me up the garden. 你一直在引我入瓮
  [01:58.84]Right up. 说对了
  [02:01.04]Stand on the bed. 站到床上
  [02:16.24]Listen.Wait a minute. 听着 等一下
  [02:17.84]Before you do anything, there’s something I must tell you. 在你做任何事情之前 有件事我一定要告诉你
  [02:24.84]-What?-Maggie respects you. -什么事? -玛吉敬重你
  [02:26.64]-Really?-Yes. -真的? -是的
  [02:29.64]She often says you’re a man of true integrity... 她常说你是正直不阿的人...
  [02:30.20]...that you’re a really decent guy. 真正正派的家伙
  [02:33.04]She’s right.I’m a really decent guy. 她说的对 我是真正正派的家伙
  [02:35.64]-I believe it.-She’s quite right. -我相信 -她说的相当对
  [02:36.84]I’m a really decent guy. 我是真正正派的家伙
  [02:39.64]I know you are.I know you are. 我知道你是 我知道你是
  [02:40.04]And that’s what she often says. 她常常那么说
  [02:42.84]You’re...She admires your mind. 你是...她欣赏你的思想
  [02:45.24]-She admires my mind?-Yes. -她欣赏我的思想? -是的
  [02:48.44]-Your mind excites her.-Sexually? -你的思想令她兴奋 -性方面吗?
  [02:49.00]Very.Your mind excites your wife sexually. 非常 你的思想令你妻子性兴奋

  [02:52.64]-What about my body?-What about it? -那我的身体呢? -身体怎么样?
  [02:55.84]Well, what does she say about my body? 她对我的身体怎么说?
  [03:00.04]Do you know, I don’t think she’s ever mentioned it. 你知道吗 我不认为她有提到过
  [03:03.40]You’re a prick. 你这个烂鸡鸡
  [03:08.04]-怎么会扯上我的生殖器? -我能猜出怎么扯上的
  [03:10.24]But I wasn’t talking about your prick. 但我不是在讲你的烂鸡鸡
  [03:12.84]-I was calling you a prick.-Oh, thanks. -我是在叫你烂鸡鸡 -哦 谢谢
  [03:18.24]But you know what you are now, though? 但你现在知道你是什么了吧?
  [03:19.44]-You’re a dead duck.-Really? -你是只死鸭子 -真的?
  [03:20.24]What? 什么?
  [03:22.04]This is the way the story goes to the police. 警方听到的故事最后是这样子的
  [03:26.60]I find you in my house, you threaten me. 我发现你在我的屋子里 你威胁我
  [03:30.04]You open the safe, you take the jewels. 你打开保险箱 拿走珠宝
  [03:31.64]You put them in your pocket. 把它们放进你的口袋里
  [03:32.04]I manage to grab the gun while you’re looking at the jewels. 趁你看着珠宝之际 我打算动手抢枪
  [03:36.64]There’s a struggle.The gun goes off. 于是我们开始搏斗 然后枪响了
  [03:39.24]Suddenly, I realize you’re dead. 突然间 我意识到是你死了
  [03:42.44]You’re gonna shoot me. 你要开枪打死我
  [03:44.84]-What do you think?-Why? -你觉得怎样? -为什么?
  [03:46.44]I planned all this from the word go. 一切都是从这句话开始计划的
  [03:49.60]I’ve always longed for an intimate chat with a hairdresser. 我一直渴望跟一个美发师 来段亲密的聊天
  [03:55.64]Especially a hairdresser who is fucking my wife. 尤其是那个搞我妻子的美发师
  [03:59.44]I’m not a hairdresser! 我不是美发师!
  [04:02.84]My wife is mine!She belongs to me! 我妻子是我的!她属于我!
  [04:06.84]And I’m her husband! 我是她的丈夫!
  [04:09.40]And what you’ve done is this. 而你的下场就是这样
  [04:16.64]You’ve invited yourself to attend your own death. 你自寻死路
  [04:20.04]Please. 求求你
  [04:24.64]No, don’t do it.Please don’t shoot me. 不 别开枪 请别杀我
  [04:26.20]Please don’t shoot me, please!I’ll just get in my car and go, okay? 请别射杀我 求求你!我会上车离开 好吗?
  [04:30.04]That’s all.You’ll never see me again. 那样好吧 你永远不会再见到我
  [04:31.00]You’re crazy. 你疯了
  [04:33.24]No, you’re not crazy.You just got things wrong. 不 你没疯 你只是误会了
  [04:37.44]You hear me?I hate women.I hate your wife! 听见没? 我讨厌女人 我讨厌你妻子!
  [04:37.64]I don’t want your wife.I hate women. 我不想要你妻子 我讨厌女人
  [04:39.84]You’ve absolutely no reason to be jealous. 你绝对没理由吃醋
  [04:44.84]Women are not my scene.I’d rather do it with a dog or a goat. 女人不合我胃口 我宁愿跟只狗或羊做
  [04:47.64]Or a boy I knew at school.His name was Dooley. 或我在学校认识的男孩 他的名字是杜利

  [04:52.20]I called him Dolores.I hate women! 我叫他桃乐西 我讨厌女人!
  [04:55.20]Honest.God’s honor. 这是真的 上帝作证
  [04:58.64]Do you believe in God? 你相信上帝吗?
