听电影学英语-足迹 10(在线收听

  [00:02.30]A man was passing your house three nights ago. 三天前的晚上有名男子碰巧从你家穿过
  [00:05.90]He said he heard shots. 他说他听见了数声巨响
  [00:06.50]Passed my house? 穿过我家?
  [00:10.70]How could he do that?It’s private property. 他怎么能那么做? 这里是私人财产
  [00:12.70]He were taking a shortcut. 他当时抄小道
  [00:17.10]Anyway, says he heard shots. 不管怎样,他说听见了几声巨响
  [00:18.50]What kind of shots? 什么响声?
  [00:20.50]Gunshots. 枪声
  [00:22.30]-Fantasy.-Really? -真是奇妙 -真的吗?
  [00:24.30]Bullshit.Codswallop. 狗屎 一派胡言
  [00:27.50]Who is this man?Are you sure he exists? 这人是谁? 你确定真有这个人?
  [00:30.10]Oh, he exists, all right. 哦 真有其人 当然
  [00:33.30]Cheers. 干杯
  [00:34.10]By the way, cheers. 对了 干杯
  [00:39.70]I do want to ask you one more question. 我想再问你一个问题
  [00:50.50]Ask. 问吧
  [00:53.90]You do know your wife’s living in London with another man? 你应该知道你老婆跟别的男人住在伦敦吧?
  [00:58.90]That is my business. 那是我的事
  [01:01.30]My private life is my business. 我的私生活是我个人的事
  [01:03.90]Do you know the name of this man? 知道这男人的名字吗?
  [01:05.10]Why should I answer these questions? 我为要回答这些问题?
  [01:10.30]You don’t have to, but you’d be better off if you did. 你当然可以不用回答 但是你回答会比较好
  [01:16.70]I don’t know the man’s name. 我不知道这男人的名字
  [01:19.30]I never asked. 我从没问过
  [01:22.50]So you do admit that your wife’s living in London with another man? 那你承认你老婆跟别的男人住在伦敦了?
  [01:30.30]Yes.Yes. 是的 没错
  [01:33.30]So what? 那又怎样?
  [01:35.70]Well, I can tell you the man’s name. 好的 我可以告诉你那个男人的名字
  [01:46.10]It’s Tindle. 他叫汀多
  [01:47.50]Milo Tindle. 麦罗 汀多
  [01:55.50]-Is it?-Yeah. -是吗? -是的
  [01:57.90]The bloke who’s disappeared. 就是失踪的那小子
  [02:01.90]The bloke who said he was coming to see you. 那小子失踪前说要来找你
  [02:05.70]We found this note in his room. 我们在他房里找到这张字条
  [02:07.30]At the pub. 在酒吧台上
  [02:11.30]"I look forward to meeting you. “我期待见你
  [02:13.50]Come to the house Friday, 6:30. 周五晚6点半来我家
  [02:18.10]Wyke." 淮克”
  [02:18.30]Is this your handwriting? 这是你的笔迹吗?
  [02:23.70]-It is.-Do you remember writing this note? -是的 -你记得有写过这张字条吗?
  [02:25.90]How could I forget? 我怎会忘记?
  [02:28.90]You forgot earlier. 你之前不就忘记了嘛
  [02:31.70]You said you didn’t know him. 你说你不认识他
  [02:34.30]You said you’d never met him. 你说你从未遇见过他
  [02:55.50]I was lying. 我刚才说谎了
  [03:03.70]Lying to the police. 对警察说谎
  [03:05.70]That will get you nowhere. 只会让你进监狱
  [03:12.50]I don’t understand you, mate, honest. 我不明白你的意思 朋友 真的
  [03:16.10]You’re a clever man.You write clever books. 你是聪明人 写的也是聪明书

  [03:16.50]But you’ve made a balls-up of this one, haven’t you? 但失踪这件事你脱不了干系 我没说错吧?
  [03:21.30]Tindle came to see you three nights ago. 汀多三天前的晚上来找你
  [03:21.70]Have I? 我有吗?
  [03:26.70]-I knew him as Tindolini.-Oh, I see. -我认识的是汀多里尼 -哦 我明白了
  [03:28.10]-He had an Italian father.-Get away. -他有个意大利父亲 -噢 我知道
  [03:29.70]A traditional Italian hairdressing family. 传统的意大利美发家庭
  [03:32.30]-Is he a hairdresser himself?-I think he is. -他本身是个美发师? -我想是的
  [03:37.70]He didn’t come all the way here to do your hair, did he? 他不是大老远来替你做头发的吧?
  [03:39.90]Not at all, not at all. 当然不是 不是
  [03:41.50]So, what did you two do when you got together? 那你能告诉我当时你俩在一起都做了什么?
  [03:49.90]We played a game. 我们玩了一场游戏
  [03:51.50]-A game?-A game with a knife and a gun. -一场游戏? -一场有刀有枪的游戏
  [03:54.50]-A lethal game?-No. -致命游戏? -不是
  [03:56.50]Just a bit of fun, that’s all. 只是有点好玩而已
  [03:57.70]Okay, a bit of fun. 是的 有点好玩
  [04:02.10]So he came to see you. 所以他来找你
  [04:04.10]You played a game with a knife and a gun. 你们玩了刀枪游戏
  [04:06.50]Three shots were fired, then he disappeared. 开了三枪 然后他失踪了
  [04:10.30]-Probably cuddling my wife.-That’s the one thing he’s not doing. -可能正搂着我妻子 -他现在可是做不了那样的事的
  [04:10.70]So where is he? 那他现在哪里?
  [04:14.90]-How do you know?-I’ve seen her. -你怎知道? -我见过她
  [04:15.70]He was nowhere in sight. 到处都没见到他
  [04:20.70]No.She’s an anxious woman. 不 她是个不安的女人
  [04:23.30]She knew he was coming to see you, you see. 她知道他会来找你 你知道的
  [04:24.70]In fact, she insisted that he come to see you... 事实上 是她坚持要他来找你
  [04:27.50]...as I know you know. 我和你都知道这点
  [04:34.70]She thinks you may have killed him. 她认为你可能杀了他
  [04:38.10]She thinks you’re round the bend. 她认为你有神经病
  [04:42.10]She thinks you’re a very dangerous man. 她认为你是个非常危险的人
  [04:42.70]Me?She’s joking. 我? 她在说笑
  [04:46.10]So tell me, between ourselves... 那么告诉我 就我们俩私下谈谈...
  [04:50.30]...did you kill him? 你有杀了他吗?
  [04:54.70]I’ll tell you exactly what I did. 我会如实地告诉你我做了什么
  [04:56.10]I pretended to kill him. 我假装要杀他
  [04:59.70]I shot him with a blank.I frightened the shit out of him. 我用空包弹朝他开枪 吓得他屎都流出来了
