学个词Learn a Word 第1199期 Surprise(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是surprise。 Surprise, 出人意料的。 "U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates made a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Monday," 美国国防部长盖茨星期一突如其来访问阿富汗。女儿生日快到了。 "We plan to throw a surprise birthday party for my daughter," 我们打算给女儿开个惊喜生日派对庆祝。 "Jack bought a diamond ring as a surprise gift for his wife to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary," Jack给妻子买个一枚钻戒,事先没有告诉她,做为惊喜,庆祝俩人结婚二十周年。好的,今天我们学习的词是surprise...
