听电影学英语-战鸽快飞 11(在线收听

  [00:02.28]But I have 终于抓到了
  [00:02.64]It was not easy, "Herr" General.
  [00:06.32]captured their Ieader. 他们的队长
  [00:10.64]Leader? 队长?
  [00:11.84]Or perhaps assistant Ieader. 呃……也许是个副队长
  [00:17.52]-More importantly, "Herr" General. -Get on with it! - 不过,“黑”将军,更重要的是... - 快说!
  [00:21.04]May I present you with 容我向您呈上缴获来的...
  [00:26.64]the message! 情报!
  [00:34.48]The High Command will be pleased. 上级司令部一定会非常满意
  [00:40.36]There will be medals, 大把的勋章
  [00:42.48]photographs, 宣传报道
  [00:44.64]commemorative stamps. 纪念邮票在等着我
  [00:50.00]I will personally deliver it. 我要亲自递送这份情报
  [00:53.08]They must be desperate indeed 他们一定是走投无路了
  [00:57.40]to give the message to this putrid smelling reject. 居然把这么重要的情报交给这么个臭烘烘的废物
  [01:05.80]Oh, no, Dennis, you’ve squished him. 噢,不,丹尼斯 你把他捏死了!
  [01:10.96]He was my favourite. 他是我的好朋友
  [01:14.80]That’s it exactly, I’m putrefied, stinky, rotten. 没错,我又臭又烂又霉
  [01:18.00]Eat me, you’II be sick for a week. 有种你吃我啊? 我要让你病上一个星期
  [01:19.72]-Take him away. -Yes, General. - 把他带走 - 是的,将军
  [01:23.40]I have a doctor’s note. 我有医生开的证明

  [01:23.88]No, you can’t. 不,你不能这样做
  [01:25.40]I have a feather condition. 我得了羽毛病
  [01:29.04]-Considering it, he may be useful. -Yes, oh, yes. - 考虑到这点,他可能还有点用 - 没错,噢,没错
  [01:30.72]Wait. 等等
  [01:38.92]Thank you, you’re very wise. 谢谢,您果然聪明过人
  [01:40.92]What do you Iike? 您喜欢什么?
  [01:42.76]We can play cards. 我们可以一起打打牌
  [01:44.96]Find the pebble? I’ve got a Iovely voice. 我还是有可取之处的 我的嗓音很不错的
  [01:48.04]There’ll be bluebirds over 有兰鸟飞过...
  [01:52.04]the White Cliffs of Dover. 多佛的白崖
  [01:55.40]I was thinking more along the Iines of a celebration dinner. 我在考虑庆功宴的菜单
  [01:55.72]That probable annoys you, no... 可能你觉得吵,不过...
  [02:01.92]Celebration dinner, brilliant, I cook well. 庆功宴,太好了,我炒菜的味道不错
  [02:04.28]Not I cook well, I won’t be in it, I could make breadcrumbs. 不是说我炒起来味道不错 我当然不会被炒啦,我可以帮忙碎面包
  [02:08.80]You haven’t tried my breadcrumb birdseedy thing. 你还没有尝过我做的面包屑食物吧
  [02:12.76]No, pigeon under glass. 不,玻璃杯下的鸽子
  [02:16.64]With a Iovely "Iiebfraumilch" reduction. 加点可爱的浓缩的莱茵白酒
  [02:35.72]-Tickle. -What did you do to him? - 痒 - 你们对他做过些什么?
  [02:42.76]-Pink. -You all right, mate? - 粉红 - 伙计,你还好吧?
  [02:47.16]Wait a minute, it’s feng shui. 等等,等等,是风水的关系
  [02:49.64]The Iittle bell should be over there. 这个小钟应该放在那里
  [02:51.32]Okay, yeah, yeah. 噢,是,是
  [02:56.64]Who was I kidding? 我究竟在骗谁啊?

  [03:00.68]I’ve Iet everyone down. 我根本就不该来这里 我辜负了大家
  [03:02.68]Bugsy wouldn’t be here if not for me. 要不是因为我 巴格西压根儿就不会被抓
  [03:10.88]Chaps, there’s Valiant, follow me. 战友们,瓦兰特在那儿,跟我来
  [03:12.64]-Valiant! -Hey! - 瓦兰特! - 嘿!
  [03:15.96]-Lofty, Toughwood, Tailfeather! -I say, old bean. - 高傲,硬木,尾翼! - 我说,小老弟
  [03:19.48]-You made it. -I knew you’d make it, I knew it. - 你们没事了 - 我就知道你们可以的,我就知道
  [03:22.68]-Chaps. -Commander Gutsy, you’re alive! - 战友们 - 高茨指挥官,你还活着!
  [03:27.68]-Tell us what happened. -PIane exploded, - 快说都发生了什么? - 飞机爆炸的时候
  [03:30.36]chute gave out, free fall three thousand feet, 没有降落伞了 我从三千英尺高的地方摔了下来
  [03:35.68]picked up some shrapnel from a grenade, 还差点被一枚手榴弹打中
  [03:37.16]fought my way to the rendezvous and here we are. 总之是过五关斩六将 终于和你们会合了
  [03:42.68]Let’s dispense with the chitchat. 好了,言归正传
  [03:45.20]I guess the falcons have the message. 我猜我们的情报已经被猎鹰夺走了
  [03:46.56]Yes, sir. 是的,长官
  [03:48.72]-Where’s Bugsy? -He sacrificed himself to save me. - 巴格西在哪儿? - 为了救我,他牺牲了自己
  [03:51.24]The falcons got Bugsy and the message. 现在他和情报都在猎鹰手上了
  [03:53.24]-Which way did they go? -That way. - 他们从哪儿走的? - 这边
  [03:58.92]Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves. Rule Britannia Britannia rules the waves. (英国海军军歌)
  [04:07.00]Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves. Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves.
  [04:11.52]Come on, pull yourself together, snap out of it! 行了,振作起来吧? 别唱了!
  [04:19.04]Come on, Bugsy, old boy, find a way out of here. 加油,巴格西,老伙计 想个法子逃出去
  [04:22.20]Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 有志者事竟成
  [04:25.20]Right, you chaps sit tight. 好了,你们在这里等我
  [04:25.88]I’II fly in avoiding the boobytraps and ambushes. 由我来避开所有致命的陷阱和埋伏
  [04:32.24]Then subdue any resistance and secure the message. 克服一切困难,把情报夺回来
  [04:33.68]-Absolutely. -Gutsy by name, Gutsy by nature. - 帅! - 高茨是我的名字,勇敢是我的天性
  [04:50.20]I will bathe. 我要沐浴一下
  [04:57.08]-Bring me my best cape. -Yes, General. - 把我最好的披风拿来 - 是的,将军
