听电影学英语-勇敢的心 29(在线收听

  [00:07.94]Lord Craig, is it true about Mornay? 克格爵士  莫瑞的事是否属实?
  [00:12.18]Aye. Wallace rode into his bedchamber and killed him. 是的  华莱士冲进来杀了他
  [00:17.58]More a liability now than ever he was. 现在的他比从前更不利
  [00:20.58]And there’s no telling who’ll be next. 不知道下一个会是谁
  [00:24.94]Maybe you. 也许是你
  [00:27.90]Maybe me. 也许我
  [00:35.74]It doesn’t matter. 都没关系
  [00:41.42]So am I! 我也一样!
  [00:57.42]Search the place! 搜查这地方!
  [01:04.70]Lochlan. 是卢克兰
  [01:13.26]William Wallace killed 50 men. 威廉华莱士杀了五十人
  [01:15.90]50 if it was one. 在战胜后杀了五十人
  [01:16.90]100 men... 杀了一百人
  [01:18.82]Cut through them like... 他杀他们如
  [01:23.46]Moses through the Red Sea. 摩西穿过的红海
  [01:56.78]His legend grows. 他的传奇在滋长中
  [01:58.58]It will be worse than before. 这会比先前还差
  [02:03.94]He rallies new volunteers in every Scottish town, 他在苏格兰各城徵召志愿军
  [02:06.94]and when he replenishes his numbers... 当他的人数不断增加
  [02:08.82]They’re sheep! Mere sheep! 他们是羊!只是羔羊而已!
  [02:10.50]Easily dispersed if we strike the shepherd. 杀了牧羊人就很容易分散
  [02:15.78]Very well. 好吧
  [02:16.86]Pick a flock of your finest assassins 挑选个最好的刺客
  [02:21.86]and set a meeting. 安排会议
  [02:26.22]for his ability to smell an ambush. 华莱士对暗算更敏锐了
  [02:31.90]If what Lord Hamilton tells me is correct, 若汉默顿爵士告诉我的属实
  [02:35.66]he warmed to our future queen. 他对未来女皇钟情
  [02:37.66]He would trust her. 会信任她
  [02:39.54]So we’ll dispatch her with the notion 派她去
  [02:42.62]Milord, the princess might be taken hostage 但王妃会陷为人质
  [02:43.02]that she comes in peace. 表达和平之意
  [02:48.10]or her life be put in jeopardy. 性命不保
  [02:48.74]my son would be most distressed by that. 我儿子会悲叹不已
  [02:54.42]but in truth, if she were to be killed, 但事实是  她若遇害
  [02:57.22]we would soon find the king of France 我们会发现法国国王
  [03:00.82]a useful ally against the Scots. 会成为盟国来对敌苏格兰
  [03:04.58]You see, as king, 懂吧  身为国王
  [03:08.82]you must find the good in any situation. 一定要在各方面寻求最佳办法
  [03:40.06]It’s William Wallace, sure. 是威廉华莱士  我确定
  [03:42.42]He’s giving up his sword. 他已收剑
  [03:45.02]Be ready. 准备好
