听电影学英语-勇敢的心 32(在线收听

  [00:11.90]I will see the prisoner. 我要见犯人
  [00:14.62]We’ve got orders from the king... 国王有令
  [00:16.66]The king will be dead in a month. 国王快死了
  [00:18.66]Who do you think will rule this kingdom? 你想将由谁统治这王国?
  [00:20.66]Now open this door. 快开门
  [00:23.66]Majesty. 陛下
  [00:30.98]Come on, filth. Up on your feet. 站起来  脏人
  [00:33.50]Stop it! 住手
  [00:36.38]Leave me. 退下
  [00:37.38]I said, leave me! 我说  退下!
  [00:52.78]Milady. 王妃殿下
  [00:54.94]Sire, I come to beg you... 大人  我来求你
  [01:00.82]to confess all and swear allegiance to the king 承认这一切  向国王宣誓效忠吧
  [01:03.82]that he might show you mercy. 他会饶你的
  [01:06.10]Will he show mercy to my country? 他会饶过苏格兰吗?
  [01:08.18]Mercy is to die quickly, 饶你就是让你快点死
  [01:11.86]perhaps even live in a tower. 也许将你关在塔上
  [01:14.62]In time, who knows what can happen... 假以时日  也许会有转机
  [01:17.62]if you can only live? 只要你能活着
  [01:24.66]If I swear to him, 若我向他宣誓
  [01:27.66]then all that I am is dead already. 那样的我  等于早死了
  [01:41.70]You will die. It will be awful. 你若死了  一切会更惨
  [01:42.58]Every man dies. 所有人都会死
  [01:48.74]Not every man really lives. 不是每个人都能活
  [01:58.46]Drink this. 喝这
  [01:59.78]It will dull your pain. 会缓和你的痛苦
  [02:00.78]No. It will numb my wits. 不  会麻木我的智慧
  [02:03.26]I must have them all. 我现在必须要清醒
  [02:07.82]For if I’m senseless, or if I wail, 我若神智不清或哀泣
  [02:09.82]then Longshanks will have broken me. 长腿就会驯服我
  [02:11.86]I can’t bear the thought of your torture. 我不能忍受你受苦
  [02:14.58]Take it. 喝下
  [02:22.06]All right. 好吧
  [03:09.02]I have come to beg for the life of William Wallace. 我来为威廉华莱士求饶
  [03:16.30]You’re quite taken with him, aren’t you? 你真的很喜欢他
  [03:21.26]I respect him. 我尊敬他
  [03:23.34]At worst, he was a worthy enemy. 最起码  他是个可敬的敌人
  [03:26.66]Show mercy, O thou great king, 宽恕他  陛下
  [03:28.26]and win the respect of your own people. 赢取民心
  [03:39.38]Even now...you are incapable of mercy. 直到现在 你仍不懂宽恕
  [03:52.42]And you... 至于你
  [03:58.46]To you, that word is as unfamiliar as love. 这字眼与爱都是你所不熟悉的
  [04:02.26]Before he lost his powers of speech, 在他失去说话能力前
  [04:04.50]he told me his one comfort was that 他曾说
  [04:28.30]You see... 你知道
  [04:31.34]death comes to us all. 我们都会死的
  [04:42.30]But before it comes to you, 但在你死之前
  [04:45.38]know this... 要清楚
  [04:49.42]Your blood dies with you. 你的血肉与你一同死去
  [04:53.42]A child who is not of your line grows in my belly. 一个非你骨肉的孩子在我肚内

  [05:00.46]Your son will not sit long on the throne, I swear it. 你儿子不会长占王位  我发誓
