听电影学英语-足球老爹 04(在线收听

  [00:26.36]You guys? No, I’m cool. 你们呢? 不,我有点冷
  [00:41.40]∮ Bring me my bright red fluro jacket ∮∮ “给我我的大红夹克”
  [00:44.56](Tigers screaming)
  [01:06.12]Powerful kicking. Powerful kicking. 踢的不错 踢的不错
  [01:15.16]All in all, just, yeah, good. 总的来说,表现还不错
  [01:35.36]Yeah, you said it. Yeah. 是的,很好
  [01:44.12]be on a winning team, he’ll get a trophy, 在胜利的球队里 他还能得份奖品
  [01:46.52]and who cares if he’s a benchwarmer? 谁会在乎他是个替补球员呢?
  [01:56.04]’Cause I’m, uh, I’m gonna coach the Tigers. 因为我会是猛虎队的教练
  [02:01.60](laughing) Nothing. Nothing. 没什么,没什么
  [02:09.08]Okay. 好的
  [02:14.92]Okay. Be forewarned, muchacho. 好的,别怪我没事先提醒你,孩子
  [02:17.80]You’re in the show now. 你现在是圈内人了
  [02:19.80]What was that all about? 到底发生了什么?
  [02:24.16]Cool! 很好
  [02:25.68]Honey, that’s great. Yeah. 亲爱的,真的太好了
  [02:30.56]Yay. This could be fun. Yep. 是的,这会很有趣 会的
  [02:47.24]We didn’t get to introduce ourselves last time. I’m Ann Hogan. 我们上次没有介绍啊,我是安 霍根
  [02:52.40]Hi. You can call me "Chief." 你好,你可以叫我长官
  [02:54.40]Okay. This is my son, Sam. 好的,这是我的儿子,山姆
  [02:56.16]Hi. Hey, Sam. - 你好 - 你好,山姆
  [02:57.80]Hi, this is Byong Sun. 你好,这是孙伯洋
  [03:00.84]Byong Sun and Sam, why don’t you guys go on ahead, okay? 孙伯洋和山姆 你们先去玩玩,好吗?
  [03:03.16]Okay. 好的
  [03:04.84]All right. Okay, good. 好的,好
  [03:07.20]This book really helped us deal with it. 这本书可以帮我们处理这件事
  [03:29.40]Not like a lot of the other parents. 不像许多其他的父母那样
  [03:33.44](chuckles) 比他们要好!你们比其他的父母要好的多
  [03:37.84](both chuckling) 哦,她们比其他父母要好?
  [03:52.52]in a different but better way. 在不同的地方有不同的优点
  [04:01.00]Okay, guys, let’s take the field.
  [04:03.28](grunts) 起来,爸爸
  [04:04.28](Sam) Get up, Dad. 摔的不错
  [04:05.56](Hunter) Nice fall.
  [04:08.84](children whooping) 继续
  [04:13.72]Here we go. Fan out. Form a circle here. 开始,散开 站成一个圈
  [04:22.08]but, uh, I really got a feeling like we could catch fire 我们需要燃起激情
  [04:27.92]Now, who’s with me? 谁会跟我一起努力?
  [04:50.88]Start with you. 从你开始
  [05:00.12]How would that help us? 这会对我们有什么帮助吗?
