听电影学英语-足球老爹 09(在线收听

  [00:20.20](boy grunts) 喔哦
  [00:27.48](people cheering)
  [01:43.64]Generals! Generals! Yeah! 将军队!将军队! 耶!
  [01:52.40]We won, Dad. We finally won. 我们赢了,爸爸,我们终于赢了
  [01:55.04]Yes. 是的
  [02:08.88]You definitely had enough candy, I can tell that. 你们真是吃了太多的糖果
  [02:14.92]Hey, guys, I just wanna say: 嘿,伙计们,我只是想说
  [02:25.68]That’s right. You guys, you all played great. 没错 你们每一个人都踢得很棒
  [02:31.44](all chanting) Meat comes first! 卖肉第一!
  [02:35.72]Soccer Dan lnstructional DVD. 足球入门DVD盘
  [02:42.36]This will take us to the next level. Study it. 提升踢球的水平,好好学
  [02:45.08]Watch it. I only watched it for 5 minutes, I already-- I already learned this. 看看这张碟,我还只看了5分钟 我就已经—已经学会了这个
  [03:06.32]Guys, I said no playing soccer in the house. 伙计们,我说过不许在房子里踢足球
  [03:11.08]Who did that? 谁干的?
  [03:12.32]He did. 他
  [03:13.48](all) He did! 他干的!
  [03:23.00](all yelling)
  [03:26.40]Hey! All right! 嘿!干得好!
  [03:33.56]Goal! 得分!
  [03:48.36]Why don’t our two new players 为什么我们那两个新队员
  [04:07.28](Sam) I don’t know. 我不知道
  [04:17.32]Hi, uh, my name is Phil. 嗨,呃,我叫菲尔
  [04:32.52]Or is that-- is that just too weird a thing 要杯这样的咖啡
  [04:53.20](exclaims) 烫死了
  [04:54.76]That was hot. 你应该等我们把杯套套上再拿
