听电影学英语-落跑新娘 03(在线收听

  [00:03.88]"I have enclosed a list of gross factual misrepresentations in your article. 随函列上尊稿舛误之处
  [00:03.92]P.S. 再启:
  [00:05.12]There are fifteen." 共有十五处
  [00:09.76](Ike) Funny. I like her. 真有趣,我很喜欢她
  [00:11.24]She’s got spunk. 她有种
  [00:15.16]Ike, look. She sent us this list. 这就是舛误清算了
  [00:16.52]Our lawyers say it’s actionable. 我们的律师说她可以采取行动
  [00:19.80]I left you four messages. You don’t return my calls. 你没有回我的电话
  [00:23.16]I never returned your calls. Even when we were married I didn’t-- 我们婚后我从不回你的电话
  [00:25.08]-What’s Fisher doing here? 菲莎干嘛会在这里?
  [00:27.64]-Ellie asked me to offer moral support. 雅莉叫我来,在精神上给予支持
  [00:31.96]Since when does Ellie need moral support? 雅莉几时要靠精神上的支持啊?
  [00:33.32]It’s for you, Ike. 是在精神上支持你呀!
  [00:39.00]What? What? 你说什么?
  [00:40.36]Journalism lesson number one: 新闻行业第一条守则
  [00:42.08]If you fabricate your facts, you get fired. 凡捏造事件者必遭革职
  [00:45.64]Lesson number two: 第二条守则
  [00:49.04]Never work for your former spouse. 切勿为前度配偶工作
  [00:51.12]You cooked this story up, and you know it! 你捏造这篇报导!
  [00:51.60]That has nothing to do with it. 与那件事无关
  [00:55.32]I did not cook anything up. I had a source. 我并非捏造的,资料是有来源的
  [00:57.16]Someone reliable? Some boozehound in a bar? 来自酒吧的醉酒鬼吧?
  [01:00.60]In vino veritas. 古语有云:酒后吐真言
  [01:01.96]Hey, hey, hey. Don’t knock drunk guys in bars. It means they’re not driving. 别攻击酒吧里的醉汉了 至少他们不会醉酒驾驶
  [01:05.20]lam a columnist. 我是个专栏作家
  [01:06.92]Besides,  况且嘛…
  [01:08.60]This is what columnists are supposed to do. 专栏作家是这样写稿的嘛
  [01:10.20]We push, we stretch, 我们力求创新,突破常规
  [01:10.88]It’s what you like. 你一向喜欢我这样写法
  [01:13.60]we go out on a limb. 甘冒危险
  [01:15.40]That’s what makes me good! 这种写作态度令我自得其乐
  [01:15.80]No, that’s what makes you unemployed. 是会令你打烂饭碗!
  [01:22.92]All right. Let’s consider that my wrist has been slapped. 让我受一下轻微的处罚吧
  [01:24.80]There. Slap it. Go ahead, just-- 轻微地打我的手腕吧,来啊
  [01:29.72]Slap my wrist. That’s done. 打我的手腕,功过相抵了
  [01:30.88]Just give me a call when you feel  觉得我受够惩罚就打电话给我吧
  [01:34.48]that I’ve served my time, and move on. 我们可以卷土重来
  [01:38.04]This is permanent, Ike. 你这次是永不超生了,艾基!
  [01:44.80]If you go quietly, I’ll get you severance pay. 如果你肯悄然引退 我还可以按年资给你遣散费
  [01:57.60](Secretary) I’m sorry, Ike. 我很抱歉
  [02:22.48]In the kitchen! 我在厨房
  [02:23.16]- (Maggie)Bob? Honey? - 亲爱的?
  [02:26.92]Honey, she canned him! Honey? 她把他开除了
  [02:27.24]Bob, she canned him! 她开除了他啦

  [02:31.12]- Yea! What are you talking about?  你说什么啊?
  [02:33.08]- Try this on first. - Okay. 先试一试
  [02:33.72]- Listen, it’s in the paper. 听着
  [02:35.08]I wanna read it to you, 我读给你听
  [02:35.56]so come over this way. 你过来吧
  [02:37.28]Ready? "Dear Maggie Carpenter: 准备听吧,“美姬女士雅鉴”
  [02:40.36]I apologize to you for this unfortunate matter.’’ “这是次错误报导,谨致由衷歉意”
  [02:43.72]Here it is. "Ike Graham’s column will no longer be appearing in this paper. “甘艾基之专栏将被本报删除”
  [02:50.00]Best of luck in your upcoming marriage." “敬祝婚姻幸福无比”
  [02:55.48]- You let me know if it’s too heavy. 如果觉得太重就告诉我
  [02:57.48]- Okay. Whoa! 我可以调整一下
  [02:58.68]A little... yeah. Yeah, a little heavy, baby. (Laughing) 是重了点
  [03:11.16]Hi, it’s me. Leave a message after the beep. 请留下口讯
  [03:13.76]If you want to leave a fax,  若想传真过来
  [03:15.28]buy me a fax machine. 先买一具传真机给我吧
  [03:16.92](Beeps) Ike, Fisher. Get up. 艾基?我是菲莎啊
  [03:18.72]I can turn this Runaway Bride story around. 我可把逃跑新娘的报导逆转乾坤
  [03:23.80]I’m doing a photo spread for G.Q. today by the convey or belt. 我正在运用报馆的传递带印照片
  [03:28.68]Meet me. I’ll save your tush. 我要挽救你的事业,请来见我
  [03:30.40]And since I do freelance stuff for G.Q. now, I have an idea. 我帮绅士哥利打散工
  [03:33.96]- What are you saying?  可以想出妙计扭转乾坤
  [03:36.44]- Vindication. 证明你无辜
  [03:36.84]How would you like some? 想吗?
  [03:38.64]A chance to prove that although your story wasn’t entirely factual, 证明你的报导虽然并非全部属实
  [03:42.72]your theory was correct. 但你的理论却是正确的
  [03:45.48]- The real story on Miss Carpenter.  卡小姐的真人真事
  [03:46.68]- All the gory details. 全部细节都是骇人听闻的
  [03:50.44]And if she runs again,  她如果再逃跑的话
  [03:51.12]you got a cover story. 你的报导就可以刊登在封面了!
  [03:54.24]∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
  [03:58.92]∮ Watch out, boy she’ll chew you up ∮
  [03:59.52]∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
  [04:03.52]∮ She’s a man-eater ∮
  [04:06.16]∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
  [04:09.16]∮ Watch out, boy she’ll chew you up ∮
  [04:10.56]∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
  [04:13.64]∮ She’s a man-eater ∮
  [04:16.24]∮ She’ll only come out at night ∮
  [04:17.80]∮ The lean and hungry type ∮ ∮ Nothing is new I’ve seen her here before ∮ “欢迎光临马里兰的小镇”
  [04:27.72]∮ Watching and waiting ∮ ∮ She’s seated with you but here yes are on the door ∮ “硬件店”
  [04:37.08]∮ I wouldn’t if I were you ∮

  [04:39.68]∮ I know what she can do ∮
  [04:42.72]∮She’s deadly, man She could really rip your world apart ∮
  [04:47.28]∮ Mind over matter ∮
  [04:50.72]∮ Oh, the beauty is there but a beast is in the heart ∮
  [04:55.32]Here you go. Right upstairs to the left. 你的房间在楼上转左
  [04:58.12]Thanks. How late’s the restaurant open? 餐厅几点钟打烊?
  [05:00.12]- 8:30 every night. 每晚开到八点半
