听电影学英语-落跑新娘 11(在线收听

  [00:01.36]that you’re writing on spec. 你何必靠写产品说明书养活自己
  [00:04.92]And with a first-person interview, you might actually sell that thing. 不如写第一手访问更能挣钱啦
  [00:08.92]- Too much. 你太过狮子大开口了
  [00:09.52]- Seven-fifty. 七百五十块吧
  [00:11.08]- Five hundred. 五百啦
  [00:12.48]- Six-fifty. 六百五十元
  [00:14.36]Done. 好
  [00:21.16]Is that supposed to be a joke? 你这算是开玩笑吗?
  [00:23.64]I know what you’re whistling. 我知道你吹的是哪一首歌
  [00:27.32]This is a birthday present for my cousin. (Motor Whirring) 这是送给我侄女的生日礼物
  [00:34.24](Chuckles) That’s great. 很巧妙
  [00:35.32]Wonderful stuff.  别出心裁
  [00:36.56]All these found industrial parts and things. 你倒可以创出种种不同的用途
  [00:42.00]A lamp tree. 灯树
  [00:44.00]That’s great. 很棒哟
  [00:46.00]- Is this-- That’s your preferred logo?  这是你的商标吗?
  [00:47.40]- I think so. 大概是吧
  [00:49.88]It’s nice. The whole thing is great. 都很精彩
  [00:52.16]I think you could sell these lamps in New York. 你大可以在纽约卖这些灯
  [00:53.12]Maybe someday. 也许总有一天我会的
  [00:55.60]- You afraid to try?  你害怕试一试吗?
  [00:58.52]- No, no. I’m not afraid.Just... someday. 不,我并不是害怕,只不过 总会有一天我会
  [01:03.28]This is Brian. 这枚是白仁送的
  [01:07.68]Oh, Father Brian. 噢,现在是白仁神父了
  [01:08.04]- And Gill’s, of course. 这枚就是纪朗送的
  [01:12.32]And... George. 佐治送的
  [01:12.56]- Gill, yeah. 纪朗,对了
  [01:16.40]He proposed at a butterfly farm in Saint Thomas. 他在养蝶场向我求婚
  [01:19.36]The ring was inside a cocoon. 戒指用卵囊包住
  [01:21.88]Ahh. A little too Silence of the Lambs for my taste, but-- 手法太像沉默的羔羊,我吃不消
  [01:27.56]Well, he’s an entomologist.  佐治是昆虫专家
  [01:29.72]I thought it was very unique. 这一枚才与众不同
  [01:31.44]- And finally, Bob. - Mmm. 最后是波比送的了
  [01:33.80]He proposed during the seventh inning stretch... at an Oriole game. 他在棒球大赛第七局时向我求婚
  [01:39.44]Wait, wait. Wait, don’t tell me. 别,让我猜一猜
  [01:43.36]The scoreboard lit up with  当时计分牌闪出这六个字
  [01:44.56]"Marry me, Maggie." “美姬,嫁给我吧!”
  [01:47.84]It was one of the most wonderful moments of my life. 真是我毕生最奇妙的一刻
  [01:48.36]Highly suspect. 我早知道了,事有可疑
  [01:53.80]What do you mean? It was incredibly romantic. 你说什么?这种手法浪漫得很
  [01:55.16]Look, maybe it’s just me, but... 可能只有我才觉得事有可疑
  [01:59.76]if you gotta dress it up like that, 如果要用到这种手段
  [02:01.92]it just doesn’t ring true. 那就欠缺诚意了
  [02:03.40]You know, l, I think the most... that anybody can honestly say is: 我认为顶多只能这样子坦白说
  [02:10.28]"Look, I guarantee there’ll be tough times. I guarantee... “我肯定将来会有不如意的时候”
  [02:16.24]"at some point one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing. “我肯定我俩其中一个想分手”

  [02:20.72]"But I also guarantee that if I don’t ask you to be mine, “但我肯定如果不向你求婚”
  [02:23.20]"I’ll regret it the rest of my life. “我会遗憾终生!”
  [02:26.44]"Because I know in my heart... “因为我很清楚在我心坎里”
  [02:33.92]you’re the only one for me." “只有你的存在!”
  [02:39.12]I like it. 我喜欢你这种求婚讲法
  [02:42.40]I’d like it better on a scoreboard. 我还是喜欢计分牌闪出来的字句
  [02:46.16]So, is that what you said when you asked your wife to marry you? 你当年求婚时就是这种样说吗?
  [02:51.52]Don’t look so surprised. 别大惊小怪嘛
  [02:53.72]You’ve got "divorce" written all over you. 谁都看得出你是离过婚的人啦
  [02:57.52]I’m a work-in-progress. 我一直很努力
  [02:59.72]So, is that what you said to her? 你是这样子对她说?
  [03:01.08]No. I think I said something very eloquent like, 不,我当年口才非常好,我是说:
  [03:04.36]"So, um, “也许…”
  [03:08.52]"maybe you and I should, you know-- “你和我都应该,你明白啦…”
  [03:11.64]What do you think? Huh?’’ “你觉得怎样?说呀!”
  [03:15.68]Now, that’s romantic. 这样讲才浪漫嘛
  [03:16.28]And with a proposal like that, 你用这种求婚方法
  [03:19.28]you didn’t find eternal bliss? What went wrong? 竟然也不能白头偕老? 出了什么岔子啊?
  [03:22.96]I don’t know. 我不晓得
  [03:24.96]- You don’t know? - No. 你不晓得?
  [03:27.52]Maybe you should ask her sometime. Ever thought of that? 不晓得 试问问她吧,你有这样想过吗?
  [03:43.80](Maggie) Even with everything that’s happened, I have still never been married. 自此我一直都没有结婚了
  [03:48.32]And I still deserve a beautiful dress. 我该有一件漂亮的结婚礼服的
  [03:52.36]- Mrs. Whittenmeyer? 韦太?
  [03:56.08]Where are you going? 你跑去哪儿呀?
  [03:58.04]You’ll have to excuse her. Some of the children are afraid of you... 她只是一见你就害怕
  [03:58.12]- Hi, Polly.  嗨,宝莉
  [03:59.24]- Hi, Maggie. 嗨,美姬
  [04:01.04]since you dragged that little boy up the aisle. 你在教堂逃跑时把小男孩拖倒了
  [04:05.20]Drag-- No. I didn’t, I didn’t-- 拖倒?不,我没有
  [04:07.20]He tripped on his own shoelaces. 他是踩着自己的鞋带才摔倒的
  [04:10.84]You’ve come for your dress. Good. It’s in the back. I’ll get it. 你是来拿礼服吧,我去拿
  [04:11.76]Actually, Mrs. Whittenmeyer, 其实嘛,韦太
  [04:14.96]I decided... 我已经决定了
  [04:16.00]- that I want to get this dress. - Oh. 我要这件
  [04:21.72]The one you have on hold is lovely, dear. 你订了的那件才别致嘛
  [04:24.60]I know, but I’ve just-- I’ve changed my mind. 我知,但我改变了主意啦
  [04:27.96]This is $ 1 ,000. 这件要一千块钱的
  [04:28.16]And I have $ 1 ,000. 我有一千块钱啊!
  [04:33.64](Mrs. Whittenmeyer) The other one is only $300, dear. 你订的那件是三百块罢了
  [04:34.20]Um-- Is that dress for sale? 橱窗那件有减价吗?

  [04:39.96]It’s just a lot of money to spend on one of your dresses, Maggie. 你穿那件礼服未免花太多钱了
  [04:45.84]After all, you only wear them for about ten minutes or so. 反正你只穿十分钟
  [04:54.80]I guess that’s true. 你倒说得对
  [04:59.68]Uh, the other dress is, is nice. 那一件很漂亮
