听电影学英语-落跑新娘 22(在线收听

  [00:04.38]I don’t have much choice in the matter, do l? 我没有选择余地了
  [00:04.66]Is it okay that I’m here? 我来这里没问题吧
  [00:07.86]But, I can’t speak for Italics. Traitor. 我不能代它发言嘛,卖“主”求荣!
  [00:14.22]I don’t blame you for being mad. 你生气,我是不会责怪你的
  [00:17.82]Or furious. 或者说愤怒吧
  [00:20.70]Irate? Livid. 又甚至是大怒,怒火中烧
  [00:23.90]- What is it, Maggie? 你究竟想怎么?
  [00:26.86]You here on business? 你是为生意而来吗?
  [00:29.22]By the way, I saw your lamps. 顺带一提,我见过你设计的灯饰
  [00:33.62]- It’s something I’ve always wanted to-- - (Door Closes) 有一件事我一直想做
  [00:37.14]You could make breaking and entering into a new career. 你大可把破门入屋也当作是事业
  [00:44.94]So, what are you doing here anyway? 你来这里干嘛?
  [00:52.22]I wanted to talk to you... 我想跟你谈谈
  [00:54.78]about why I run, 我当日逃跑的原因
  [01:00.34]sometimes ride, away from things. 有时我也会搭人家的车的
  [01:06.22]- Does it matter?  有关系吗?
  [01:08.42]- I think so. 我认为有!
  [01:09.70]When I was walking down the aisle, I was walking toward somebody... 我沿着神坛行婚礼时
  [01:17.06]who had no idea who I really was. 我是朝着一个并不了解我的人
  [01:22.30]And it was only half the other person’s fault... 一半是那个人的错
  [01:26.90]because I had done everything to convince him... 因为我已用尽办法说服过他
  [01:31.26]that I was exactly what he wanted. 我完全是他所需要的
  [01:33.34]So, it was good... 所以我逃跑是好事
  [01:35.82]that I didn’t go through with it because it would’ve been a lie. 否则那个婚礼就成变了互相欺骗
  [01:40.70]But you-- 但是,你…
  [01:46.78]You knew the real me. 你才了解真正的我
  [01:49.82]Yes, I did. 我的确了解你
  [01:51.82]I didn’t. 我却不了解自己
  [01:55.42]Still, I ended up chasing a truck. 结果我还是要去追那架车
  [02:13.22]I can’t, um, do anything about the truck. 我也无能为力
  [02:18.86]But, uh-- 可是…
  [02:26.34]- Benedict. 赐福
  [02:27.82]- Arnold. 你想说什么?
  [02:28.58]I love eggs Benedict. 我爱吃赐过福的蛋
  [02:33.26]I hate all the other kinds of eggs. 其他各类型的蛋我都讨厌
  [02:35.46]I hate big weddings, 盛大的婚礼我也讨厌
  [02:37.54]I’d like to get married on a weekday 我想在周日结婚
  [02:37.74]everybody staring. 人人都凝望着我
  [02:39.86]while everybody’s at work. 那五天大家都要上班
  [02:40.94]And if I ride off into the sunset, I want my own horse. 我可以策骑跑入夕阳所到之处
  [02:44.58]- Should I be writing this down?  要我写下来吗?
  [02:45.98]- And there’s something else. 还有
  [02:51.46]Okay. 好
  [02:58.26]These are for you. 是给你的
  [03:03.58]- Used-- - Well, they’re mine. 用过的? 本来都是我的
  [03:09.98]I’m turning in my running shoes to you. 我把跑步鞋都给了你
  [03:18.14]This is serious. 这次是认真的了

  [03:18.42]And there’s one more thing. 还有一件事
  [03:19.38]I know, the mind reels that there could be more after this. 我思想不平衡时就会想出更多
  [03:22.26]-But, um, if you could just have a seat. -(Clears Throat) 你坐下来吧
  [03:32.46]Let’s just not have that there. 用不着拿它了
  [03:35.22]Okay. Okay. 好啦
  [03:42.18]- Oh, no. My, God, no.  噢,不,老天
  [03:43.94]- No, no. Don’t hide your face. 别掩着你的脸
  [03:45.54]This happens once in a lifetime, 这种事一生人只会有一次
  [03:46.86]and it’s definitely a first for me. 也是我的第一次,别错过啊
  [03:49.14]You’re not gonna want to miss it, so pay close attention. 留心听着
  [03:57.94]I love you, Homer Eisenhower Graham. 我爱你,甘艾基
  [04:06.02]Will you marry me?Will you marry me? 你愿意娶我吗?
  [04:18.10]I gotta think about this a little bit. 我要考虑一下
  [04:21.94]I was - You were not!  你不会
  [04:22.34]- Good. I was hoping you would say that.  我希望你是这样说的
  [04:23.74]Not true. 我是啊   你并不是
  [04:27.18]If you’d said yes, I wouldn’t be able to do this next part... and I’ve been practicing so let me-- 我可以说我一直练习讲的话了
  [04:32.18]Okay.  准备好了吗?
  [04:35.78]- Ready? - I’m listening. 我洗耳恭听
  [04:45.50]I guarantee that we’ll have tough times. 我肯定将来会有不如意的时候
  [04:50.14]And I guarantee that at some point... one or both of us will want to get out. 我肯定我俩其中一个想分手
  [04:58.42]But I also guarantee... that if I don’t ask you to be mine, 但我肯定如果不向你求婚
