听电影学英语-结婚大作战 10(在线收听

  [00:00.72]Maybe Marion shouldn’t be recommending  也许玛瑞安不该这么大力推荐
  [00:05.49]Yeah. I don’t know about Ricky. 是啊 我不看好瑞奇
  [00:07.49]Good for you. Doing warm-ups. 很好 你们做热身了
  [00:11.52]Yeah, I got your voice mail  我听到你们的语音留言了
  [00:14.20]saying you wanted to push the lesson from 1 .00 to 4.00. 说想把课从1点推迟到4点
  [00:15.36]How long have you been here? 你们来了多久了?
  [00:19.32]Oh, my God. 我的天
  [00:22.72]What?       Liv. 什么?      是丽芙
  [00:28.32]Uh,just give us a second.       I mean, who does that? 请给我们几分钟     谁会干出这种事?
  [00:31.80]She’s finally gone completely crazy. Not that I’m surprised at all. 她现在是彻底疯了 不过我也不觉得惊讶就是了
  [00:34.84]I mean, she’s always been nuts. 她一直疯疯癫癫的
  [00:35.40]I know. And messing with our couple style? 我知道 给我们的夫妻风格捣乱?
  [00:38.60]There is no way I’m letting her get away with that.        Good. 这次我绝不会放过她     很好
  [00:41.20]You know who I feel sorry for is Daniel. 我真为丹尼尔感到遗憾
  [00:46.08]He’s not even gonna be able to control his own wife. 他以后连自己的生活都不能掌控了
  [00:49.96]What? 什么?
  [00:53.92]No, I’m just saying- It’s Liv. Because she never thinks about-       And? 我是说 那可是丽芙 她从不考虑     所以?
  [00:57.72]I’m going inside.       What? 我要进去了     什么嘛?
  [00:57.80]The final month before the big day is a litmus test for couples. 婚礼前的最后一个月最能考验新人
  [01:01.28]of how they work together, solve problems, communicate. 考验他们的合作能力 解决问题 沟通的能力
  [01:07.28]The early, happy glow is over, and the nerves begin to set in. 初期的甜蜜过去了 紧张开始进驻
  [01:12.40]With some couples,  对某些新人来说
  [01:14.00]it brings out the fundamental conflicts in their relationship. 这会引发他们交往中最本质的矛盾
  [01:17.92]With other couples, the lucky ones. 对另外的新人 幸运的那些
  [01:22.28]it highlights the essential harmony of their partnership. 这反而彰显出他们关系的和谐
  [01:25.88]Of course, even the luckiest bride  当然 即使是最幸运的新娘
  [01:28.20]needs something to take the edge off. 也需要点东西来缓解紧张
  [01:28.24]Ooh, for me! A jolly Walrus cookie bouquet. Is Daniel a keeper or what? 给我的 欢乐曲奇饼干篮 丹尼尔真是个饲养员
  [01:34.72]I’d just be careful. Miss Wang is a stern mistress. 要我的话可会小心点 王小姐可是很严格的
  [01:36.96]Video montage- If there’s gonna be live pictures and, like, video footage- 视频剪辑 就是图片幻灯 录像带什么的
  [01:38.16]I know. It’s, like, verging on being a digital short. 我知道 像是视频短片那种

  [01:40.56]I don’t know how they’re gonna cut me out of the footage. 我不知道他们打算怎么把我切出去
  [01:43.40]I’m in everything. 每张上都有我
  [01:44.16]Oh, this came for you via messenger. 这是邮差送来给你的
  [01:47.92]I can’t wait to get into this one. 我都等不及吃这个了
  [01:50.60]Mr. Simmons called again asking for the update on the agreement. 赛门斯先生又打电话来要合同的更新了
  [01:54.20]Rutherford Press? That’s my hometown.       I’m just gonna take this. 卢瑟福快报? 那是我老家      我把这个拿走
  [01:58.08]Suppose I should just tell them you’re dealing with a crisis? 我该告诉他们你在处理麻烦?
  [02:00.92]Oh, my God. 我的天
  [02:02.32]They still print engagement announcements. 他们还在刊登订婚启事啊
  [02:06.52]I’m sort of like a celebrity back there, probably. 也许我在老家也算是名人
  [02:08.80]You know, it’s like, local girl makes good. Such sweet people. 像是赚大钱的本地女孩 真是可爱的人
  [02:12.64]What the? 什么?
  [02:15.68]That’s not you. Is it? 那不是你 是吗?
  [02:18.04]Emma looks gorgeous. 艾玛看起来真漂亮
  [02:19.60]But not on the inside, which is-       Kevin. 但她的心灵不美     凯文
  [02:25.12]It’s the best she can do, huh? 她就能做到这样了?
  [02:27.88]So lame. She wants to play dirty? I can play dirty. 真差劲 她想玩阴的? 我也可以
  [02:30.68]You can play dirty. I’ve seen you do it. 你会玩阴的 我见你玩过
  [02:31.64]I went to law school, people. 我念的可是法学院
  [02:33.76]I’m starting to think that 30 is the cutoff. 我开始觉得30岁是分水岭
  [02:35.80]Because it’s the last time men want to date women their age. 因为那是男人们还愿跟同龄女性约会的最大年纪
  [02:41.12]A 30-year-old guy will date a 30-year-old girl. 30岁的男人会跟30岁的女人约会
  [02:44.76]But a 3 5-year-old guy wants someone 30. 但是35岁的男人还是会找30的
  [02:46.76]A 40-year-old guy wants someone 30, too, or 28. 40岁的男人也想找30的 或是28的
  [02:49.68]It’s a terrible planet. 这真是个糟糕的星球
  [02:51.72]I know. You know what I was wondering? 我知道 你知道我在想什么吗?
  [02:55.80]What are the real reasons behind Emma and Fletcher having to tie the knot? 艾玛和弗莱彻结婚背后真正的原因是什么?
  [02:56.92]Why can’t they change their date? Think about it. 为什么他们不能改日子? 想想吧
  [03:02.76]She’s pregnant! Emma’s pregnant! 她怀孕了 艾玛怀孕了
  [03:09.04]Oh, no. 噢 不
  [03:11.20]Oh, no!       Liv? 噢 不      丽芙?
  [03:16.72]Are you all right? What the hell is goin’ on? 你还好吧? 到底出什么事了?
  [03:17.16]Look, let me in 让我进去
  [03:19.16]I gained five pounds. Five pounds. It might as well be 50! 我重了5磅 5磅 怎么不重50磅呢

  [03:24.64]The dress doesn’t fit! And if the dress doesn’t fit... 婚纱不合身了 如果婚纱不合身
  [03:26.64]my wedding’s gonna be a big black hole in the history of the Plaza! 我的婚礼会成为广场酒店史上最大的笑话
  [03:29.08]Well, "A" it’s our wedding, hon. 首先 是我们的婚礼 宝贝
  [03:33.60]And "B"... so what? Let it out. 其次 那又怎么样? 改改
  [03:36.56]You don’t alter Vera Wang to fit you. 你不能调整王薇薇来适应你
  [03:39.36]You alter yourself to fit Vera. 你得调整自己去适应王薇薇
  [03:42.92]What do boys learn in school?       Sorry. 你们男人在学校都学什么了啊?     对不起
  [03:44.84]It’s not the end of the world. 又不是世界末日
  [03:48.08]Really. What-What-What can I do to make you feel better? 真的 我做什么能让你感觉好点?
  [03:51.96]It’s what you can stop doing. This is all your fault. 是你可以不再做什么 都是你的错
  [03:55.04]It’s sweet of you to send me those treats, but I-       What treats? 你很贴心 送我那些糖果 但我      什么糖果
  [04:00.32]You know, the treats. The Truffle-opolis. 就那些糖啊 松露巧克力
  [04:06.28]The truffle tray. 整盒的
  [04:08.60]The jolly Walrus cookie bouquet? 欢乐曲奇饼干篮?
  [04:10.64]International Butter Club? 国际黄油俱乐部?
  [04:12.64]The- Honey- I didn’t send you any of that. 宝贝 我没送过你这些
  [04:16.00]Oh, my God, Emma! 我的天 艾玛
  [04:21.20]She’s trying to make me fat so I can’t fit into my dress! 她想让我变胖 然后就穿不下婚纱了
  [04:22.48]What is that? What is that? 这算什么? 这算什么?
  [04:30.44]The International Butter Club? 国际黄油俱乐部?
  [04:32.44]You mean, you’ve actually been sitting around... 你真闲坐着
  [04:36.60]eating sticks of butter from different lands? 狂吃各国黄油了?
  [04:42.76]The final week before the wedding is do-or-die. 婚礼前的一周是背水一战的时候
  [04:47.72]I expect my brides to be flawless. 我希望我的新娘们都完美无暇
  [04:50.40]Perfect hair, skin, nails, everything. 完美的发型 皮肤 美甲 一切都是
  [04:55.88]Hello there. I need to get to the back really fast. 你好 我需要进去一小会
  [05:00.76]Really, really fast, because I left something there yesterday. 真的 真的就一会 我昨天掉了点东西在这
