听电影学英语-结婚大作战 13(在线收听

  [00:03.12]Oh, honey. 甜心
  [00:08.12]It’s not just about the hair. 不只是头发
  [00:14.56]I’m mad because maybe she’s right. 我生气是因为也许她说得对
  [00:16.24]And it’s exhausting having to try to be perfect all the time. 要时刻保持完美让人精疲力尽
  [00:22.44]That’s how I held it together ever since I was a kid. 我从孩子起就是这么过来的
  [00:24.64]I figured nothing- nothing bad would happen again if I was just... 我以为如果我能总是领先所有人 所有事一步
  [00:29.72]one step ahead of everything and everybody, all the time. 就不会再有坏事发生了
  [00:34.44]Life isn’t perfect, hon. 生活不是完美的 甜心
  [00:40.20]It’s messy. 就是一团糟
  [00:46.52]You’re right. 你是对的
  [00:49.56]I mean, I was gonna be perfect for you... 我本打算为了你而完美
  [00:51.56]but now that you say it’s impossible- Hey. 但既然你都说了是不可能的 那
  [00:52.04]No, you don’t. No, you don’t have to be perfect. 不 你不用 你不用做最完美的
  [00:56.24]I’ve always wanted a human wife. 我想要的就是个活生生的妻子
  [01:00.72]Yeah, the other ones are just...too hard to inflate. 其他的 都太难伺候了
  [01:08.68]Hey.       Hey. 嘿     嘿
  [01:10.72]Almost back to normal, huh?      I know, right? 差不多正常了 哈?     我知道 是吧?
  [01:14.44]I have, like, one layer of skin left, but that should be okay for our wedding. 大概还有一层残留 但是举行婚礼应该可以了
  [01:17.68]So, oops, sorry, Liv. 抱歉了 丽芙
  [01:19.68]I wish I had pictures. You know? 有照片就好了 知道吗?
  [01:21.88]It’s like I was up there, and there’s this spotlight, and when I hit that rope- 我在台上 打着聚光灯 当我跳上那绳子时
  [01:28.56]Oh, my God!       Hey! Enough, enough, enough! 哦 我的天      嘿 够了 够了
  [01:31.44]I’ve heard this story 10,000 times, Emma. 这故事我都听了成千上万遍了 艾玛
  [01:34.92]You’ve been acting a little wild lately. Okay? 你最近有点太疯狂了 知道吗?
  [01:35.40]And I’m tired of it. So knock it off. 我已经厌烦了 别再这样了
  [01:39.28]Lately you’ve been very mad and tense and excited. 最近你总是怒气冲冲 神经质还莫名兴奋
  [01:42.84]You know what? I just don’t know how to deal with this. 你知道吗? 我不知道该怎么应对
  [01:44.84]And quite frankly, you have me questioning whether or not... 说老实话 你让我开始怀疑
  [01:46.72]this is something about- to do with the wedding or if this is permanent. 这只是因为婚礼还是你会长期这样
  [01:50.12]Um, well, Fletcher, it is kind of permanent. You know? 弗莱彻 这算是长期的 知道吗?
  [01:53.80]It is possible that I might be mad or tense or excited  在未来40年里 有可能我会不只一次

  [01:57.80]more than once in the next 40 years. 生气 神经质 或者莫名紧张
  [01:59.20]Is it? Really? You know what? You’re doing it right now. 是吗? 真的? 你知道吗? 你现在就已经开始了
  [02:00.36]What?       You’re being, not, I mean, not bitchy, but- 什么?      虽然还算不上下贱 但是
  [02:05.84]I said "not bitchy." But you’re right there in that neighborhood. 我说的是"算不上下贱" 但是你也快了
  [02:08.92]You should have the cab,like, take a U-turn... 你应该叫辆出租 来个大调头
  [02:10.96]drop you off at Pleasant and Nice, where we met. 然后在礼貌且善良处下车 我们是在那认识的
  [02:11.56]Are you upset because of this thing with Liv, or because I’m having feelings? 你不高兴是因为我和丽芙的事 还是因为我有情绪?
  [02:15.84]Totally.        Because it’s kind of hard to read you. 正是      因为要搞清楚你的意思有点难
  [02:17.96]My God! That’s totally it. I’m upset because you have feelings. You nailed it. 我的天 正是如此 我不高兴是因为你有情绪  你说对了
  [02:21.84]Okay. So in other words, then don’t have so many feelings,  好吧 那换句话说 我不能有情绪
  [02:22.40]but if I do, don’t show ’em. 即使有也不能表现出来
  [02:29.08]Do you realize- Do you know how hard this is for me? 你没意识到 你知道这对我最近有多难过?
  [02:29.88]You haven’t tried yet.  你都没尝试一下
  [02:32.04]I don’t even know who you are. 我甚至都不知道你是谁了
  [02:35.20]You have not even tried to ask me about how I’m feeling. 你都没试图问过我的感受
  [02:36.00]I’m so confused. 我自己也茫然失措
  [02:40.60]I don’t even know who you are. 我甚至都不知道你是谁了
  [02:41.68]All right? I don’t want to talk. 行了吗? 我不想谈了
  [02:55.64]It’s a tense time. We’re fine. Whatever. I was gonna go to the gym. 现在是非常时期 我们没事 我是打算去健身馆
  [02:59.72]Bye. 再见
  [03:23.32]~ The blank pages of my diary ~ ~ 我日记中空白页 ~
  [03:30.88]~ That I haven’t touched since you left me ~ ~ 至从你走后我就没再触碰 ~
  [03:36.00]Emma?        ~ The closed blinds in my home ~ 艾玛?       ~ 我家中紧闭的百叶窗 ~
  [03:39.64]Emma! Emma!        ~ See no light of day ~ 艾玛 艾玛      ~ 没有丝毫光亮 ~
  [03:44.92]~ Dust gathers on my stereo ~ ~ 音响上落满灰尘 ~
  [03:51.16]~ ’Cause I can’t bear to hear the radio ~ ~ 因为我不敢打开收音机 ~
  [03:56.36]~ The piano sits in a shady space ~ ~ 钢琴放在灰暗的角落 ~
  [04:02.20]~ With a picture of your face ~ ~ 上面放着你的照片 ~

  [04:07.08]~ Coffee stains on your favorite book ~ ~ 你最爱的书上留着咖啡印 ~
  [04:11.96]Liv Lerner’s office. 丽芙·能纳办公室
  [04:13.24]Hey, Kevin. It’s Emma. Is Liv there? 嘿 凯文 我是艾玛 丽芙在吗?
  [04:18.04]I’m sorry, can you hold on? Just a minute, I- Sorry. 很抱歉 能稍等一下吗? 就一分钟 抱歉
  [04:21.80]It’s my worst nightmare. I’m "cubicle-ized." 这真是我的噩梦 我被赶到小屋里去了
  [04:24.32]I’m sorry, Liv’s dealing with a crisis right now. Can we return? 抱歉 丽芙正在处理麻烦 能回头给你回电话吗?
  [04:28.44]Fine. That’s- 没关系 那
  [04:30.44]Yeah. Okay, I get it. Bye. 是啊 好 我明白了 再见
  [04:31.84]Hey!        ~ I’m scared to face another day ~ 嘿      ~ 我害怕面对新的一天 ~
  [04:34.00]I’m sorry. Who is this? 对不起 请问你是?
  [04:37.92]Hello?       ~ ’Cause the fear in me just won’t go away ~ 你好?      ~ 因为我内心的恐惧不会消退 ~
  [04:41.96]~ In an instant,you were gone ~ ~ 转眼之间 你就消失了 ~
  [04:47.04]~ And I’m scared ~ ~ 让我恐惧非常 ~
