听电影学英语-返老还童 03(在线收听

  [00:28.08]MAN; Hey! What are you doing there? 喂,你在那里干嘛?
  [00:30.08]What do you have there? 你手上拿着什么?
  [01:32.12]MAN; Come on, Queenie. It’ll be okay. WOMAN; Mr. Weathers - 来嘛,昆妮 - 魏先生
  [01:32.60]Come on, you know I got nothing but work to do around here 别这样,你也知道我很忙
  [01:35.36]MAN; Come on. Just take some time. WOMAN; Stop all this foolishness - 过来,一下子就好 - 别在这里瞎闹
  [01:40.84]Oh, time 暂停
  [01:41.24]The air is sweet 空气很清新
  [01:48.08]You look very handsome tonight, Miss Queenie 昆妮小姐,你今晚很美
  [01:53.80]Handsome as I ever seen 我没见过你这么美
  [01:56.24]The brown matches your eyes 咖啡色洋装和你的眼睛很搭
  [01:59.32]Oh, hush 收声啦!
  [02:02.84]Now, see here. You ain’t no slouch yourself 让我看看,你也长得很帅嘛
  [02:13.76]TIZZY; Hambert’s back in town 韩柏回来了
  [02:17.00]He came home legless, but, uh, he home 他失去双腿,但是回家了
  [02:22.32]-I know you were sweet on him one time-- -Ugh 我知道你喜欢过他
  [02:25.00]Miss Simone messed herself 西蒙小姐尿裤子
  [02:25.76]Sweeter than I should’ve been 我不该那么喜欢他
  [02:29.64]Oh, sweet Jesus. She got to stop doing that or it’s diapers for her 真是的 她再这样下去就得包尿布
  [02:33.36]-Be right there, Miss Jameson. TIZZY; Queenie - 我马上来,詹森小姐 - 昆妮,别走
  [02:35.40]Now, come on. JAMESON; Okay, Queenie. Queenie’ll be right there - 别走嘛 - 好了,昆妮马上就来
  [02:37.32]Come on out back for a moment. Take your mind off things 同我下去,别担心那么多
  [02:37.60]It’s awful nice out here 外面好舒服
  [02:40.48]QUEENIE; You’re so bad. BENJAMIN; Wah! 你真坏
  [02:43.20]-What in God’s name? -What’s this? - 搞什么鬼? - 那是什么?
  [02:55.60]Oh, the Lord done something here 上帝一定在开玩笑
  [02:57.76]Hope I didn’t hurt it none stepping on it like that 希望我绊到他没把他弄伤
  [03:01.24]We best leave that for the police 最好把他交给警察处理
  [03:02.32]Poor baby 可怜的宝贝
  [03:05.76]I’ll go 我去报警
  [03:07.24]QUEENIE; It’s for sure nobody wanted to keep it 一定没人要他
  [03:10.60]Come on, baby 来吧,宝贝
  [03:14.88]JAMESON; Queenie? Where are you, Queenie? 昆妮?你在哪里?
  [03:15.76]Hold your water! You go deal with it 等阵啦! 你去应付他们
  [03:17.76]-Queenie-- -No, go. Shh. I’ll be back 好啦,快去,我马上来
  [03:20.64]WOMAN 1 ; Queenie, Apple, she went and messed herself all over again! 是艾波啦,她又弄得全身是尿
  [03:24.72]Jane Childress, start her a bath! 阿珍,替她准备洗澡水
  [03:27.28]And mind your own business, Mrs. Duprey. You’ll be messing yourself soon enough 别管闲事,杜太太 你迟早也会尿裤子
  [03:31.28]WOMAN 2; Somebody stole my necklace 有人偷走了我的项链

  [03:32.48]Okay. All right, Mrs. Hollister, I’ll be right with you, okay? 何太太,我马上来,好吗?
  [03:35.64]Go on back upstairs, hear? 上楼去,听到没?
  [03:45.52]You are as ugly as an old pot... 你丑得跟茅坑一样
  [03:46.68]...but you still a child of God 不过一样是上帝的孩子
  [03:47.60]WOMAN 1 ; Queenie, Apple, she won’t take a bath without you! 昆妮,艾波非要你帮她洗澡
  [03:51.36]Mercy 真是的
  [03:51.88]I’ll be right there! 我马上来!
  [03:57.84]Okay. You just wait right here for me, okay? 你在这里乖乖等我,好吗?
  [04:04.68]My sister gave me those pearls. I can’t find them anywhere 我妹妹送了我一条珍珠项链 到处都找不到
  [04:07.56]Somebody’s been stealing my jewelry 有人在偷我的珠宝
  [04:11.56]Right around your pretty white neck. Now, come on. Hush all that noise 就挂在你白晰的脖子上头 好了,别再吵了
  [04:11.92]They’re right here, Mrs. Hollister. See? 项链在这里,看到没?
  [04:16.72]-Is Dr. Rose still here? -I don’t know - 罗大夫还在吗? - 不晓得
  [04:22.00]DR. ROSE; Well, your heart is strong 你的心脏很强
  [04:22.16]You just want to avoid any undue stimulation 只要避免强烈的刺激就行了
  [04:27.68]I trust you ladies will help me out with that? 各位女士不会刺激他吧?
  [04:28.64]I have something. Could you come downstairs? 我有件事,你能到楼下吗?
  [04:37.88]Never seen anything like it. Nearly blind from cataracts 从来没见过这种事 双眼因为白内障几乎看不见
  [04:41.08]I’m not sure if he can hear 我也不确定他听得见
  [04:43.24]His bones indicate severe arthritis 他很明显有严重的关节炎
  [04:45.32]His skin has lost all elasticity, and his hands and feet are ossified 肌肤也失去弹性 手脚都很僵硬
  [04:48.44]He shows all the deterioration, the infirmities not of a newborn... 他全身的机能衰退 这些都不是婴儿的病症
  [04:54.76]...but of a man well in his 80s on his way to the grave 而是快进棺材的80岁老人家有的
  [04:57.88]-He’s dying? -His body’s failing him... - 他快死了? - 他才刚出生
  [04:59.76]...before his life’s begun 身体就开始老化
