听电影学英语-返老还童 24(在线收听

  [00:02.52]...and that driver was momentarily distracted 那位司机正好分心
  [00:05.72]WOMAN; Daisy! BENJAMIN; And that taxi hit Daisy... - 黛丝! - 于是的士就撞到黛丝
  [00:07.40]WOMAN; Daisy! Help! 黛丝!来人呀!
  [00:11.64]...and her leg was crushed 她的一只腿被撞断
  [00:22.40]Daisy? 黛丝?
  [00:26.44]-Who told you? -Your friend wired me - 是谁告诉你的? - 你朋友打电报给我
  [00:31.44]Very kind of you to come all this way to see that I was all right 谢谢你大老远跑来看我
  [00:36.12]You’d do the same for me 你也会为我这么做
  [00:39.88]My God 我的天啊
  [00:43.96]Look at you 看看你
  [00:45.52]You’re perfect 你好年轻哦
  [00:51.32]I wish you hadn’t come here 你不应该来的
  [00:51.52](SPEAKING IN FRENCH) I don’t want you to see me like this 我不想让你看到我这样
  [01:01.96]Her leg had been broken in five places 她的腿有五处骨折
  [01:02.84]And with therapy and time, she might walk again 经过治疗,她应该能再走路
  [01:09.64]But she’d never dance 不过永远都不能再跳舞
  [01:11.68]I’m gonna take you home with me 我要带你跟我回家
  [01:14.20]-I wanna look after you. -I’m not going back to New Orleans - 我要照顾你 - 我才不要回新奥尔良
  [01:17.88]Then I’ll stay here in Paris 那我就待在巴黎
  [01:20.52]Don’t you understand? I don’t want your help 你不懂吗?我不要你的帮忙
  [01:24.52]I know I’m feeling sorry for myself, but I don’t want to be with you 我知道我在自怨自艾 不过我不想跟你在一起
  [01:27.28]Tried to tell you that in New York. You don’t listen 我在纽约告诉过你,你不肯听
  [01:32.84]You might change your mind 你也许会改变心意
  [01:35.76]We are not little children anymore, Benjamin 我们都不再是小孩子了
  [01:40.52]Just stay out of my life 别介入我的生活
  [02:07.16]DAISY; I was awfully cruel 我对他很残忍
  [02:12.36]He didn’t understand 他不明白
  [02:14.04]I couldn’t have him see me like that 我不能让他看到我那样
  [02:20.68]"I didn’t leave right away 我没有马上离开
  [02:24.56]CAROLINE; I stayed in Paris for a while to look out for her. " 我留在巴黎默默看着她
  [02:31.20]I never knew that 我从来不知道
  [02:34.12]Oh, darling, could you get the nurse? 女儿,请你叫护士来
  [02:45.72]I taught myself to walk again 我靠自己学会再走路
  [02:52.80]I took the train to Lourdes 然后搭火车到露德镇
  [02:55.60]NURSE; Let’s take a look 让我看看
  [02:59.96]That’s normal. Pulse rate is slowing 很正常,脉搏慢了下来
  [03:00.84]She is gonna struggle to breathe 她会开始呼吸困难
  [03:03.80]-Will you be all right? -Yeah - 你没事吧? - 没事
  [03:17.04]All right, he says, "I went back home." 他说:“然后我就回家”
  [03:21.72]And then there’s a lot of pages torn out 有好几页都被撕掉
  [03:23.08]"I listened to the sound of the house." 我聆听着屋子的声音

  [03:27.56]I think I read that already 这段我读过了
  [03:32.24]He spilt something on it, so it’s hard to read, Mom 这一页沾了东西,看不清楚
  [03:34.56]Something about sailing. Does that make sense? 他好像去航海,有道理吗?
  [03:37.04]BENJAMIN; I learned to sail an old boat of my father’s from the lake house 我学会驾驶我爸留下来的帆船
  [03:52.24]I can’t lie 我不想说谎
  [03:53.72]I did enjoy the company of a woman or two 我跟一、两个女人有过关系
  [04:05.68]Or maybe three 也许是三个
  [04:44.92]I don’t know why you bother, Sam. Just gonna be there again tomorrow 反正还会落叶,你何必打扫?
  [04:50.48]Mama 妈妈
  [04:56.64]And in the spring of 1 962... 1962年春天
