听电影学英语-贫民窟的百万富翁 01(在线收听

  [01:33.82]Name? 叫什么名字?
  [01:48.26]Good evening. 大家好…
  [01:50.82]Welcome to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 欢迎收看“百万大富翁”
  [01:58.06]Are you ready? 准备好了吗?
  [02:03.06]Please give a big round of applause... 让我们以热烈掌声欢迎
  [02:05.34]Good luck, kid. 祝你好运
  [02:05.54]to our very first contestant of the night...Jamal Malik, 今晚的第一位参赛者杰默马利
  [02:10.58]from our very own... amchi Mumbai! 他是我们孟买的本地人
  [02:17.38]Chalo, let’s play. 游戏开始
  [02:25.14]Smile. You’ll be fine. 笑一个,没事的啦
  [02:28.58]Name? 叫什么名字?
  [02:33.18]Motherfucker. 王八蛋
  [02:34.94]Name? 叫什么名字?
  [02:36.34]Jamal Malik. 杰默马利
  [02:38.34]You have a name? 你有名字?
  [02:40.30]Stop crying. 别哭了
  [02:43.82]Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢
  [02:47.46]Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢
  [02:49.10]Thank you very much. 谢谢大家
  [02:50.58]So, Jamal...tell me something about yourself. 杰默,谈谈你自己吧
  [02:58.54]l work in a call centre, 我在客服中心上班
  [03:00.22]ln Juhu. 在朱胡区
  [03:05.90]A phone basher, 是客服人员啊
  [03:05.94]and what type of call centre would that be? 怎样的客服中心?
  [03:08.66]XL 5. Mobile phones. XL5,手机客服
  [03:12.54]Oh, so you’re the one who calls me up... 就是你每天打电话
  [03:13.50]every single day of my life with special offers? 告诉我有什么优惠专案?
  [03:17.42]No. Actually, l’m an assistant. 不是,我是助理
  [03:20.70]An assistant phone basher? 客服助理?
  [03:24.54]And what does an assistant phone basher do exactly? 客服助理是做什么的?
  [03:27.62]l get tea for people and... 我泡茶给大家喝
  [03:30.74]A chai-wallah? 送茶水的?
  [03:33.22]A chai-wallah! 送茶水的啦!
  [03:37.66]Well, ladies and gentlemen... 各位女士先生…
  [03:40.14]Jamal Malik, chai-wallah from Mumbai... 杰默马利,孟买的送茶水小弟
  [03:43.86]let’s play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? “百万大富翁”挑战开始
  [03:57.46]So, has he confessed yet? 他招供了吗?
  [03:59.18]Except his name, l could not get anything out of the runt. 只讲了姓名,死小子嘴很硬
  [04:02.86]You have been here a whole bloody night, Srinivas. 你在这里耗了一整晚
  [04:03.62]What have you been doing? 在搞什么啊?
  [04:04.70]He’s a tough guy. 他嘴很硬
  [04:09.30]A little electricity will loosen his tongue, give him. 电击他嘴就软了,快去
  [04:11.10]Yes, sir. 遵命
  [04:21.94]Okay...so were you wired up? 好吧,你有作弊吗?
  [04:25.38]Mobile or a pager? 用手机或呼叫器?
  [04:26.90]A coughing accomplice in the audience, or... 观众席有共犯在咳嗽打暗号
  [04:29.10]a microchip under the skin? 还是在皮肤底下植入晶片?
  [04:38.22]The chip is not here. 找不到晶片
  [04:39.90]Not here? -No. 找不到?  -对

  [04:40.22]Okay. Leave the chip. 好吧,别找晶片了
  [04:44.42]Leave the chip. Leave the chip. 别找晶片了
  [04:47.06]lt’s hot, and my wife is giving me hell, 天气很热,我快被老婆烦死了
  [04:50.34]and l’ve got a desk full of murderers, rapists... 我桌上堆满杀人犯、强奸犯
  [04:52.90]extortionists, bum bandits and you. 诈欺犯、窃盗犯和你的案子
  [04:59.46]So, why don’t you save us both a lot of time... 给咱们俩省点时间吧
