听电影学英语-贫民窟的百万富翁 10(在线收听

  [00:01.50]Smile! 笑一个!
  [00:12.62]Stop thieves, l’ll get you! 站住,小偷!我要抓到你!
  [00:15.14]rascals, stop thieves. 坏蛋!站住,小偷!
  [00:19.06]This is the biggest Dhobi Ghat in the whole of lndia. 这里是全印度最大的洗衣店
  [00:19.30]Mr. David, 大卫先生
  [00:22.46]That’s amazing. 了不起
  [00:24.74]Come on. Let’s take a real good look at this. 来,我们仔细瞧瞧
  [00:27.02]They say that every man in Uttar Pradesh... 听说北方邦的每个男人
  [00:31.74]is wearing a kurta that has been 身上穿的衣服
  [00:33.10]at least washed once out here. 至少都会来这里洗过一次
  [00:36.90]Formula One! Formula One! F1赛车…
  [00:43.74]Pit stop speed, 很快地维修一下
  [00:44.54]Schumacher style. 像舒马克那样
  [00:50.02]The cows...the buffaloes, what are those over there? 那边的黄牛或野牛是什么?
  [01:02.42]What the hell happened here? 这是怎么回事?

  [01:06.30]l didn’t do it. 不是我干的!
  [01:09.06]Okay, okay.. 好了啦
  [01:11.78]Okay, okay.. 好了啦
  [01:12.34]Cool it! Cool it, will you? Jesus! 冷静!请你冷静点
  [01:16.62]You’ve got insurance, don’t you? 你有保险吧?
  [01:18.74]Are you okay? 你没事吧?
  [01:19.86]You wanted to see a bit of real lndia, here it is. 你想参观真正的印度,这就是了
  [01:23.10]All right! 好了啦!
  [01:23.82]Well, here is a bit of the real America, son. 给你见识真正的美国,孩子
  [01:27.86]Money. 钱
  [01:28.98]Oh, yes...Jesus! 对了…真是的!
  [01:33.22]Here. 钱给你
  [03:17.82]On an American one hundred dollar bill... 在一百元美钞上面
  [03:22.42]there is a portrait of which American statesman? 有美国哪位政治家的肖像?
  [03:27.58]’’A,’’ George Washington... A:乔治华盛顿
  [03:28.66]’’B,’’ Franklin roosevelt... B:法兰克林罗斯福
  [03:31.82]’’C,’’ Benjamin Franklin... C:班哲明富兰克林
  [03:36.42]’’D,’’ Abraham Lincoln? D:亚伯拉罕林肯
  [03:42.86]Pay or play, Jamal? 放弃?还是继续?
  [03:49.94]You decide. 你自己决定
  [03:52.70]He hasn’t got a clue. 他不知道答案
  [03:53.10]Oh, God. He’s looking at the camera. 天哪,他在看镜头了
  [03:55.38]This is gonna be a walk-away, stand by. 他要放弃了,待命
  [03:58.86]No. He’s gonna play with him first. 不对,他要先吊他胃口
  [04:00.98]Jamal? 杰默?
  [04:04.34]Get a lot of $100 bills in your line of work? 你做这行经常拿到百元美钞吗?
  [04:08.30]The minimum tip for my services. 我的小费就是百元美钞起跳
  [04:12.30]Oh...now l know why my cell phone bills are so high. 终于知道为何手机帐单那么贵了
  [04:16.26]They tip the chai-wallah with $100 bills. 送茶水的小费都是百元美钞
  [04:20.14]lt’s ’’C.’’ Benjamin Franklin. 答案是C:班哲明富兰克林
  [04:23.30]You’re gonna play, yeah? 你要继续?
  [04:23.82]l think l just have, haven’t l? 我不是回答了吗?
  [04:25.18]You certainly have. ’’C,’’ right? -right. C. 也对,你的答案是C?  -对,C
  [04:28.10]Who’s on the thousand-rupee note? 千元卢比钞票上的人是谁?

  [04:30.06]l don’t know. 我不知道
  [04:35.26]You don’t know? 你不知道?
  [04:37.22]Gandhi Ji. 是甘地
  [04:40.26]Oh, l’ve heard of him. 有听过这个人
  [04:44.70]Don’t get clever...or l’ll get the electricity out again. 少耍嘴皮子,不然我再电击你
  [04:49.50]Look, they didn’t ask me that question. 他们又没问我这个题目
  [04:53.66]l don’t know why. Ask them. 我不知道为什么,去问他们吧
  [04:56.22]lt’s funny; you don’t seem that interested in money. 真奇怪,你好像对钱没什么兴趣
