听电影学英语-贫民窟的百万富翁 18(在线收听

  [00:02.28]Dreams of so many... 这么多人的梦想
  [00:04.20]on the floor. 都幻灭了
  [01:27.20]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
  [01:30.16]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
  [01:40.20]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
  [01:49.24]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
  [01:53.04]Latika! Latika! 拉蒂卡!
  [02:01.16]Jamal! 杰默!
  [02:02.76]Jamal! 杰默!
  [02:12.08]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
  [02:14.52]Jamal! 杰默!
  [02:28.60]Jamal! 杰默!
  [02:36.16]Jamal! 杰默!
  [02:39.28]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
  [02:39.84]Please! 求求你!
  [02:43.84]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
  [02:45.20]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
  [02:51.68]Time for a commercial break, ladies and gentlemen. 要进广告了,各位
  [02:55.36]l know, l know. l can’t stand the tension either. 我知道,我也等不及了啊
  [02:57.12]We’ll be right back. 节目马上回来
  [03:09.20]The guy from the slums 来自贫民窟的人
  [03:11.68]becomes a millionaire overnight. 在一夕之间成为百万富翁
  [03:16.32]You know who’s the only other person who’s done that...? 还有一个人也是,知道是谁吗?
  [03:21.12]Me. 就是我
  [03:25.16]l know what it feels like. 我知道那种感觉
  [03:27.80]l know what you’ve been through. 我知道你的心路历程
  [03:29.08]l’m not going to become a millionaire. 我不想当百万富翁
  [03:33.56]l don’t know the answer. 我不知道答案
  [03:36.20]You’ve said that before, yeah. 你之前也这样讲过
  [03:38.60]No, really, this time l don’t. 不,这次我是真的不知道
  [03:39.80]Come on. You can’t take the money and run, now. 拜托,你没有回头路了
  [03:45.96]You’re on the edge of history, kid. 你眼看就要改写历史
  [03:48.72]l don’t see what else l can do. 我无路可走了啊
  [03:52.04]Maybe it’s written, my friend. 也许这是你命中注定
  [03:57.68]l just get some kind of Godly feeling you’re going to win this. 我只是有预感,你会赢得大奖
  [04:01.88]Trust me, Jamal. 相信我
  [04:04.44]You’re going to win. 你会赢的
  [04:37.12]Stand by, everyone. We’re on live in 30. 大家预备,再过30秒回现场
  [04:42.44]Get him back on the floor, yeah. Prem is waiting. 快叫他回去,普伦在等了
  [04:44.48]Yeah, he’s coming. He’s coming. l’m just getting him. 他马上来,我去叫他
  [04:49.68]Go fast. 走快一点
  [04:51.68]Twenty seconds. 还有20秒
  [04:58.60]Do the right thing, and in approximately three minutes, 只要答对,再过3分钟
  [04:59.52]you’ll be as famous as me. 你就要像我一样成名了
