广州金太阳六年级下--MODULE 1-1(在线收听

[au:]模块1 变化
[00:04.24]UNIT 1 Xiaoling's New Apartment\n
[au:]第1单元 小玲的新公寓
[00:10.26]1 Look and listen. Then read and act in groups.\n
[au:]1 看和听。然后分组阅读和扮演。
[00:16.55]Xiaoling is sitting on a chair in her living room in her new apartment.\n
[00:22.02]She is showing photos of her old house to her friends.\n
[00:27.50]Xiaoling: Welcome to my new apartment! Let me show you the changes between my old bedroom and the new one. This was my bedroom in my old house.\n
[00:40.09]Mike: It was smaller than your new room. Your bedroom here is much bigger.\n
[00:46.45]Sally: Your new room is much brighter, too. The window in your old house wasn't large, but the windows here are much larger.\n
[00:58.18]Xiaoling: Yes. And there was only one window in my old bedroom, so it was darker.\n
[01:06.59]Yongxian: I can see our school from here. You are nearer to the school now, aren't you?\n
[01:13.64]Xiaoling: Yes, my old house was far away from our school. Now it's a lot closer to the school.\n
[01:22.58]Jiamin: Your bed here is prettier than the one in your old bedroom, isn't it?\n
[01:27.96]Xiaoling: Yes. The bed and the pillows are presents from my grandma and grandpa for my new bedroom.\n
[01:35.74]Jiamin: Oh, this bed is more comfortable than mine!\n
[01:39.70]Mike: Let me try, too!\n
[01:42.07]Yongxian: Here I come!\n
[01:43.91]Jiamin: Now, catch the pillow, Mike!\n
[01:47.10]Yongxian: And catch this!\n
[01:49.39]Mike: Watch my kung fu!\n
[01:52.12]Xiaoling: Oh, no! My pillows!\n
[01:56.23]Xiaoling: My bedroom was nice and clean before, but now it's messy.\n
[02:02.61]Sally: Oh, Xiaoling. Look at you, Jiamin, Yongxian and Mike. She was happy before but now she isn't.\n
[02:12.19]Mike, Yongxian & Jiamin: Sorry. We…\n
