听电影学英语-爱不胜防 04(在线收听

  [00:07.60]Are you as hot for me right now as I am hot for me right now? 你现在和我一样高兴吗?
  [00:10.80]So hot. 当然
  [00:12.28]Ted Vernon, the CEO himself, is gonna fly in for the end of the seminar. 泰德·弗农总裁 研讨会结束时会亲临现场
  [00:15.64]My guess, a little warm and fuzzy contract-inking party. 要我说 就是为这单签约开派对来的
  [00:19.68]Who knows? 说不定哦
  [00:22.48]Your drinks, gentlemen. 两位的饮品
  [00:24.68]Thank you. 谢谢
  [00:27.68]It’s a long way from booking you gigs 走到今天不容易啊!
  [00:31.04]writing columns for Psychology Today, huh? 以前还给《每日心理》写专栏呢 记得吗?
  [00:38.08]I’ll get you a Learjet. 我给你搞架专机
  [00:43.24]You like Learjets? 你喜欢吗?
  [00:44.60]Lane. 莱恩
  [00:46.60]Come on. You know that’s not why I wrote it. 拜托 我写书不是为了这个
  [00:50.12]You do know that you’re helping people, right, man? 你知道你在帮助别人的 对吗
  [00:56.48]This is your moment. 现在是大好时机
  [01:01.00]You have to give yourself permission to enjoy it, brother. 你得让自己活在当下
  [01:04.16]Come on, man. Live a little. 拜托了伙计 有点活力吧
  [01:08.84]Yeah. 好
  [01:16.88]What? 什么
  [01:34.64]You’re right. 你说得对
  [01:50.84]Excuse me. I’m sorry. 对不起 打扰一下
  [01:54.72]Hi. Do you remember me? From the hallway upstairs? 你好 还记得我吗 在楼上过道
  [01:57.88]You dropped your pen. 你掉了支笔
  [02:00.72]Um... 呃...
  [02:03.92]Would you like to have a cup of coffee? 喝杯咖啡好吗?
  [02:11.12]Right. Um... 好吧 呃...
  [02:11.60]Ah. 啊
  [02:15.60]Well, we could bring him along if you want. Double your pleasure. 如果你想带上他也行 双倍快乐
  [02:25.16]I’m sorry. I... I... You... 对不起... 我... 你...
  [02:33.20]Later, Eloise. 再见 艾洛伊丝
  [02:34.20]See you, Ricky. 再见 里奇
  [02:57.64]Hey, baby. What’s this? Delivery. 嗨 宝贝儿 什么东西      送货上门
  [03:00.64]so I figured I’d bring you lunch 就想着给你送午餐来了
  [03:00.96]Wow. I was in the neighborhood, 哇      我刚好经过这里
  [03:03.48]’cause I knew you’d be working so hard. 知道你工作太辛苦了
  [03:05.84]Wow, you didn’t have to do that. 你对我太好了
  [03:07.16]Polished up, ready to go. 磨好光了 可以出发啦
  [03:08.32]Hi, Ian. 你好 伊恩
  [03:09.00]How’s your boss treating you today? 今天老板对你如何?
  [03:13.20]Oh, he’s all right. 很不错
  [03:14.20]The lead singer of the Stereo Kings trashed his Les Paul. 乐队主唱搞坏了自己的电吉他
  [03:18.36]Look at that fretboard, man. As good as new. 看看这档子板 又跟新的一样了
  [03:19.20]Make sure he signs for it. 务必让他签字
  [03:21.40]No problem. 没问题
  [03:25.40]Did you have company? 还有谁来过?
  [03:27.92]U m... 呃...
  [03:29.40]Yeah. I told you Frank and I were working last night. 我跟你说过 弗兰克和我彻夜未眠

  [03:32.44]Frank wears lipstick? 弗兰克会有口红?
  [03:37.44]Hey, listen. El, it’s not what you think. 嗨 亲爱的 不是你想的那样
  [03:38.28]You know what? You used that one last time. 你上次也是这个借口
  [03:38.80]It’s business. Totally platonic. 纯属公事 没那回事
  [03:41.96]No, she’s got ties to Sony. Hey! 亲爱的 她索尼公司有门路
  [03:44.16]Listen to me. You gotta listen to me. Eloise! 听我说 你得听我解释 艾洛伊丝
  [03:45.48]I don’t want to hear it. 我不想听
