听电影学英语-爱不胜防 16(在线收听

  [00:05.84]Thank you for reminding me. 谢谢你提醒我
  [00:13.52]You reminded yourself, Walter. 你提醒了自己 沃尔特
  [00:16.72]I couldn’t hold him. 我不能抱着他
  [00:21.40]At the end, I couldn’t hold him. 最后 我不能抱着他
  [00:24.76]The paramedics said not to move him, so... 医护人员说不要挪动他 所以...
  [00:32.76]I want you to have this. 我想要你拿着这个
  [00:39.32]Beautiful boy, Walter. 很可爱的男孩子 沃尔特
  [00:48.00]If you ever need a remodel. 如果你需要重建 尽管来找我
  [01:19.64]I’ll be right there. 我马上就来
  [01:24.84]I didn’t go to her funeral. And I... 我没有去她的葬礼 还有我...
  [01:29.68]Look, I haven’t spoken to her parents since I... 听着 我再也没有和她父母说过话自从我...
  [01:32.52]Yeah, I didn’t take care of Rocky. 是的 我没有照料洛奇
  [01:35.36]I stopped talking to her friends. 也不再和她的朋友讲话
  [01:37.88]I threw out everything that even smelled of her. I... 我扔掉了所有甚至闻起来像她的东西 我...
  [01:41.88]Listen, I wasn’t judging you or trying to trip you up. 听着 我没有评论你也没有想套你话
  [01:50.60]Can I say something? 我能说点什么么?
  [01:52.60]And this comes from a place of total humility. 这完全是出自一种谦逊
  [01:56.44]With the acknowledgment that my life 因为我的人生就是
  [01:57.28]is a day-by-day experiment in really bad decisions. 日复一日地实践糟糕透顶的抉择
  [02:05.16]But... 但是
  [02:10.48]You’re really messed up. 你真的是一团糟
  [02:14.00]I mean, maybe you need someone 我是说 也许你需要一个人
  [02:15.20]to nudge you to do these things that you don’t want to do, 去推动你做那些你不想做的事
  [02:17.72]like talk to her parents or take care of Rocky, 像是和她父母谈谈或者照顾洛奇
  [02:24.88]whatever Rocky is. 不管洛奇是什么
  [02:25.72]What is Rocky? 洛奇是什么?
  [02:28.72]It’s a parrot. 是只鹦鹉
  [02:29.08]Her parrot. 她的鹦鹉
  [02:30.56]Parrot? 鹦鹉?
  [02:33.76]He’s loud and he shits all over the place. 他很噪舌还到处拉便便
  [02:36.60]It’s a parrot. 是只鹦鹉
  [02:40.12]She made me promise 她让我承诺
  [02:41.44]that if anything ever happened to her that I’d... 如果她发生了什么 我会...
  [02:47.80]I mean, it sounds... It’s crazy. What? 我是说这听起来很疯狂      什么?
  [02:49.84]That I would release him into the wild. 我会把他放生
  [02:54.68]And you haven’t done that, have you? 你还没有做到 是吗?
  [02:55.84]No. No, her parents took him. 没 没有 她的父母把它带走了
  [03:04.72]Didn’t you say her parents live here? 你是不是说过她父母住这?
  [03:07.08]Mmm-hmm. 恩
  [03:07.24]Two birds, one stone. 一石二鸟
  [03:10.92]Come on. Eloise, no. 走吧      艾洛伊丝 不
  [03:12.24]Why? Because it’s her... 为什么?      因为那是她...
  [03:15.76]Her father... 她父亲...

  [03:15.92]H mm... No, you know... 唔...      不 你知道...
  [03:18.92]It’s just... It’s more complicated than that. 这只是...事情比那要复杂
  [03:19.76]I’m sure it’s... I’m sure it’s very complicated. 肯定是...我相信那非常复杂
  [03:23.28]Eloise, no. 艾洛伊丝 不要
  [03:36.68]So, that’s it. 那么 就是那了
  [03:37.68]That’s it. 就是那
  [03:39.20]Do you want me to... 你想让我...
  [03:40.36]Do you want me to go with you or... No. 你想让我和你一起去或是...      不用
  [03:44.04]I don’t think that would go over so well. 我不觉得会那么容易
  [03:50.92]Look, you know what? I don’t even know if they’re home. 你知道什么? 我都不知道他们是不是在家
  [03:52.92]They probably didn’t even keep the bird. 也许他们没留着鸟
  [03:55.24]Burke. 布尔克
  [04:05.64]Did I mention that her father is an ex-Marine? 我提过他父亲是前海军陆战队的么?
  [04:09.80]Ex-Marine. Yeah. 前海军陆战队 提了
  [04:50.48]A! Right, now. So, you add in some of these mega-mergers 好的现在 你加入了其中一个
  [04:54.32]that we’re talking about. BHP... 我们说的大型企业合并 必和必拓...
