听电影学英语-傲慢与偏见 02(在线收听

  [00:05.08](BAND PLAYING)
  [00:34.68] can't breathe. 我不能呼吸
  [00:37.36]KITTY: I think one of my toes just came off. - 这样我要怎么跳舞? - 我跳到脚趾头都快断了
  [00:48.76]Now, if every man in the room does not end the evening 不拜倒在你石榴裙下的男人
  [00:52.24]in love with you, then I'm no judge of beauty. 一定都瞎了眼睛
  [00:53.28]- Or men. - No, they are far too easy to judge. 男隅可不一定 - 拜托,男人都以貌取人
  [00:57.96]JANE: They're not all bad. 不是全都这么糟吧
  [00:60.60]Humourless poppycocks, in my limited experience. 我见过的男人都很逊
  [01:03.44]One of these days, Lizzie, someone will catch your eye 总有一天你会爱上一个男人
  [01:04.80]and then you'll have to watch your tongue. 你的话别说得这么早
  [01:17.68](MUSIC STOPS)
  [01:27.56]How good of you to come. 谢谢你们赏光
  [01:31.56]So, which of the painted peacocks is our Mr Bingley? 哪一个是宾利先生?
  [01:31.92]Well, he's on the right, and on the left is his sister. 右边那个,左边是他妹妹
  [01:34.76]And the person with the quizzical brow? 一眉道人是谁?
  [01:38.28]CHARLOTTE: That is his good friend, Mr Darcy. 那是他的好友达西先生
  [01:39.60]ELIZABETH: (LAUGHING) He looks miserable, poor soul. 他怎么一直穷摆臭脸?
  [01:43.28]Miserable, he may be, but poor, he most certainly is not. 他摆臭脸是真的 不过他可一点都不穷
  [01:45.64]- Tell me. - £10,000 a year - 怎么说? - 年收入一万英镑
  [01:46.48]and he owns half of Derbyshire. 德贝郡有一半是他的
  [01:48.48]The miserable half? 比较烂的那一半吗?
  [01:54.52]He's about the best butcher in the county. 他是全郡最好的屠夫
  [01:59.04]SIR WILLIAM: If I could introduce the ladies in the choir. 我帮你介绍唱诗班的女生
  [02:14.76](BAND PLAYING)
  [02:17.08](ALL CHATTERING)
  [02:17.60]Mr Bennet, you must introduce him to the girls. 你一定要把他介绍给女儿们
  [02:24.44]Smile. Smile at Mr Bingley. Smile. 向宾利先生微笑,快呀
  [02:43.72]Mr Bingley, my eldest daughter you know. 宾利先生,你认识我的大女儿
  [02:44.36]Mary. 玛丽
  [02:49.04]SIR WILLIAM: Mrs Bennet, Miss Jane Bennet, 贝内特太太、珍贝内特小姐
  [02:50.40]Elizabeth and Miss Mary Bennet. 伊莉莎白和玛丽贝内特小姐
  [02:53.92]It is a pleasure. 真是幸会
  [02:54.76]I have two others, but they're already dancing. 我还有两个女儿在跳舞
  [02:56.76]I'm delighted to make your acquaintance. 很荣幸认识各位
  [02:58.76]SIR WILLIAM: And may I introduce Mr Darcy of Pemberley 容我介绍来自德贝郡
  [03:02.76]in Derbyshire. 彭伯利庄园的达西先生
  [03:17.32]MAN: Yes.
  [03:25.04]How do you like it here in Hertfordshire, Mr Bingley? 你还喜欢赫特福德郡吗?
  [03:28.04]Very much. 非常喜欢
  [03:30.04]The library at Netherfield, 内瑟菲尔德庄园的藏书很丰富
  [03:31.72]I've heard, is one of the finest in the country.
  [03:32.88]Yes, it fills me with guilt. I'm not a very good reader, you see. 真不好意思,我不太爱读书
  [03:35.40] prefer being out of doors. 我比较喜欢户外活动
  [03:38.24]mean, I can read, of course. 我并不是说我不会读书
  [03:39.92]And I'm not suggesting 也不是说在户外不能读书
  [03:41.92]you can't read out of doors, of course.
  [03:44.44]JANE: I wish I read more, 我也很想多读点书
  [03:45.60]but there always seems to be  so many other things to do. 只是有太多别的事要做
  [03:48.12]BINGLEY: Yes, that's exactly what I meant. 对,我就是这意思
  [03:49.44](ALL CHATTERING)
  [03:52.80]Mama. Mama. 妈
  [03:53.00]You will never, ever, ever believe what we're about to tell you. 我说了你一定不信
  [03:58.00]- Well, tell me quickly, my love. - She's going to take the veil. 一陕说呀 - 她决定当修女
  [03:58.32]- The regiments are coming. - The regiments are coming. 军队要来这儿驻扎
  [04:01.52]Officers. 军官!
  [04:02.84]They're to be stationed the whole winter. 他们会在村里驻扎整个冬天
  [04:04.68]Stationed in the village, just right there.
  [04:05.20]Officers. 军官!
  [04:06.68]- As far as the eye can see. - Officers ! 到处都会是军官
  [04:14.24]Oh, look, Jane's dancing with Mr Bingley. 看,珍在跟宾利先生共舞
  [04:18.92]Mr Bennet. 贝内特先生
  [04:33.48]- Do you dance, Mr Darcy? - Not if I can help it. - 达西先生,你跳舞吗? - 我会尽量避免
  [04:57.72]didn't know you were coming to see me. What's the matter? 你怎么会来找我呢?怎么了?
  [05:00.08]We are a long way from Grosvenor Square, 这儿离伦敦很远
