听电影学英语-傲慢与偏见 11(在线收听

  [00:08.36]We're all in an uproar. 大事不妙
  [00:09.36]You must come and make Lizzie marry Mr Collins. 你一定劝莉琪嫁给柯林斯先生
  [00:13.04] Mr Collins has proposed to Lizzie. But she vows she will not have him. 柯林斯先生向莉琪求婚 她却发誓绝不嫁给他
  [00:16.72]And now the danger is Mr Collins may not have Lizzie. 现在柯林斯先生被惹毛了
  [00:22.08]- Well, what am I to do? - Well, come and talk to her. - 我该怎么办? - 去劝劝她呀
  [00:26.12]Now. 快去呀
  [00:33.12](BIRDS CAWING)
  [00:42.36]Papa, please. 爸,求求你
  [00:42.84]Tell her you insist upon them marrying. 跟她说你坚持要她嫁给他
  [00:43.68]- You will have this house. - I can't marry him. 你会得到这栋房子 让你的姐妹脱离贫穷
  [00:45.00]And save your sisters from destitution. 我办不到
  [00:47.84]I can't. 快回去答应他的求婚
  [00:49.36]Go back now and say you've changed your mind!
  [00:51.20]- No! - Think of your family! - 不 - 你要为一家人着想
  [00:54.72]- You cannot make me! - Mr Bennet, say something! - 你不能逼我 - 贝内特先生,说话呀
  [01:01.92]your mother insists on you marrying Mr Collins. 你妈坚持要你嫁给柯林斯先生
  [01:04.60]Yes, or I shall never see her again. 对,不然我就永远不见她
  [01:08.92]Well, Lizzie, from this day onward, 莉琪,从今天起
  [01:09.28]you must be a stranger to one of your parents. 你必须和一位父母形同陌路
  [01:10.60]Who will maintain you when your father is dead? 你爸死后谁会来照顾你?
  [01:12.12]Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr Collins, 你不嫁给柯林斯你妈就不见你
  [01:18.32]and I will never see you again if you do. 你嫁给柯林斯我就不见你
  [01:20.64]- Mr Bennet! - Thank you, Papa. - 贝内特先生 - 谢谢你,爸爸
  [01:26.20]Ungrateful child. shall never speak to you again! 你这没良心的孩子 我永远都不跟你说话
  [01:31.36]MRS BENNET: Not that I take much pleasure in talking. 反正我这人本来就不爱说话
  [01:36.56]People who suffer as I do from nervous complaints 像我这种神经紧张的人
  [01:39.72]can have no pleasure in talking to anybody. 讲起话来一点乐趣都没有
  [01:40.08]Jane. 珍
  [01:47.92]What's the matter? 怎么了?
  [01:49.28]Jane? 珍?
  [02:44.32]I don't understand what would take him from Netherfield. 我不懂他为什么要离开?
  [02:49.52]Why would he not know when he was to return? 他怎么会不确定几时会回来?
  [02:51.68]Read it. I don't mind. 你自己看,我不在乎
  [03:01.24]Mr Darcy is impatient to see his sister, “达西先生急着想去见他妹妹
  [03:03.72]and we are scarcely less eager to meet her again. “我们也很想再见到她
  [03:07.92]I really do not think Georgiana Darcy “乔治亚娜美丽大方、才华洋溢
  [03:09.08]has her equal for beauty, elegance, and accomplishments,
  [03:10.76]so much so I must hope to hereafter call her my sister. “我真希望能把她当成自己的妹妹”
  [03:12.60]Is that not clear enough? 这还不够清楚吗?
  [03:15.12]Caroline sees that her brother is in love with you 卡洛琳知道她哥哥爱上你
  [03:20.28]and has taken him off to persuade him otherwise. 所以逼他离开这地方
  [03:22.64]But I know her to be incapable of wilfully deceiving anyone. 我不认为她会做出这种事
  [03:28.00]It's far more likely that he doesn't love me and never has. 我想他从来就没爱过我
  [03:28.00]He loves you, Jane. Do not give up. 他爱你,别放弃
  [03:35.04]let it be known you are there, and I am sure he will come to you. 他知道你来了,一定会去找你
  [03:35.20]Go to our aunt and uncle's in London, 到伦敦找阿姨和姨丈
  [03:50.60]Give my love to my sister and try not to be a burden, dear. 帮我问候我妹妹,试着别太麻烦人家
  [03:55.60]Poor Jane. 可怜的珍
  [03:57.80]Still, a girl likes to be crossed in love now and then. 有时候女孩子喜欢失恋的感觉
  [04:01.12]It gives her something to think of, 这让她有所领悟
  [04:03.80]and a sort of distinction amongst her companions. 也让她有别于其他女伴
  [04:08.32]I'm sure that will cheer her up, Papa. 她去伦敦一定会很开心
  [04:09.32]Well, it's your turn now, Lizzie. 轮到你了,莉琪
  [04:12.52]You turned down Collins. 你拒绝了柯林斯的求婚
  [04:12.52]You're free to go off and be jilted yourself. 现在可以轰轰烈烈谈场恋爱
  [04:17.36]What about Mr Wickham? 韦克翰先生如何?
  [04:19.72]Well, he's a pleasant fellow and he'd do the job credibly. 他人很好,也有正当职业
  [04:22.40]And you have an affectionate mother, 你有一个鸡婆的妈妈
  [04:23.88]Father. 爸爸
  [04:25.08]who would make the most of it. 一定会插手女儿的婚事
  [04:34.60](HENS CLUCKING)
  [04:49.16]- Charlotte. - My dear Lizzie. - 夏绿蒂 - 亲爱的莉琪
  [04:51.16]I've come here to tell you the news. 我来告诉你好消息
  [04:54.36]Mr Collins and I are engaged. 我和柯林斯先生订婚了
  [04:57.52]- Engaged? - Yes. - 订婚? - 对
