
[00:01.00]Module 5 Great people and Great Inventions of Ancient China
[00:08.72]Listen and Vocabulary
[00:11.32]Activity 3
[03:06.01]Culture Order
[03:11.39]Read the passage and answer these questions
[03:15.02]1.What changes happened with the Industrial Revolution?
[03:21.13]2.What do you know aobut the development of industry in China?
[03:27.75]The Industrial Revolution
[03:31.43]In Europe, in the second half of the eighteenth century,
[03:36.59]there was an important change in society.
[03:39.54]This change was called the "Industrial Revolution".
[03:43.70]Until then Europe had been a farming society.
[03:48.09]With the Industrial Revolution,
[03:50.45]factories appeared and mass production became possible
[03:54.49]for the first time.
[03:55.50]The factories were built in towns and as a result,
[04:00.57]the population of towns and cities greatly increased.
[04:04.25]These changes became possible because of inventions
[04:09.46]such as the steam engine.
[04:10.89]This was invented in 1769 by James Watt
[04:15.55]and was the main energy source during the Industrial Revolution.
[04:20.04]At first the steam engine was used in mines,
[04:24.12]but it was soon used in factories and on the railways.
[04:27.81]Duringthe Industrial Revolution,
[04:31.12]factory owners became more powerful than land owners.
[04:35.40]Thousands of people left the countryside to work in the city.
[04:39.54]Often,factory workers lived in poor and crowded conditions.
[04:44.29]From 1830 to the early 20th century,
[04:48.52]the Industrial Revolution spread through Europe and the US
[04:52.59]and then to other countries such as Japan.
[04:55.33]Module 5 Word List
[05:02.75]equal adj.平等的
[05:06.46]importance n.重要; 重要
[05:10.47]philosopher n.哲学家
[05:14.35]philosophy n.哲学
[05:18.57]teaching n.(常做复数)教导,学说
[05:22.29]thinker n.思想家
[05:25.95]kindness n. 善良
[05:29.87]order n. 秩序
[05:33.81]principle n.原则;准则
[05:37.77]position n.职位
[05:41.38]stress vt.强调
[05:45.61]resign vi.辞职
[05:49.61]adviser n. 顾问
[05:53.84]influential adj.有影响的
[05:57.95]love n. 仁爱
[06:01.62]honesty n. 诚实
[06:05.50]justice n. 公正
[06:09.43]bark n.树皮
[06:14.31]contribution n. 贡献
[06:16.31]invent vt. 发明
[06:19.01]leather n.皮革
[06:21.57]monk n. 和尚
[06:24.17]soft adj.柔软的
[06:27.40]category n.范畴;种类
[06:30.63]sutra n.(佛教的)经
[06:34.11]inventor n.发明家
[06:36.72]argument n.争论;辩论;议论
[06:39.70]freedom n. 自由
[06:43.47]fuel n.燃料
[06:46.49]condition n.状况;条件;环境
[06:50.16]Module 6 Old and New
[07:00.59]Reading and Vocabulary
[07:02.91]The Three Gorges Dam
[07:05.28]Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of
[07:10.68]"walls of stone to hold back clouds
[07:14.36]and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges".
[07:19.18]Now his dream has come true.
[07:22.10]The power of the Yangtze River,
[07:25.51]which is the world's third longest river,
[07:28.20]has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam.
[07:32.20]The Three Gorges Dam,
[07:35.79]which is the biggest construction project in China
[07:38.61]since the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal,
[07:42.20]has been built to control flooding
[07:45.24]and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China.
[07:49.93]The dam is nearly 200 metres high and 1.5 kilometres wide.
[07:57.59]It is the largest hydro-electric power station
[08:01.43]and dam in the world
[08:03.59]and has cost more than any other construction project in history.
[08:08.40]Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution,
[08:14.93]first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River in 1919.
[08:21.45]Three quarters of China's energy is produced by burning coal.
[08:26.95]In 1993, China used 1.2 billion tons of coal for heating
[08:34.25]and generating electricity.
[08:35.83]Unfortunately,burnin g coal causes serious air pollution
[08:41.56]and increases global warming.
[08:44.15]The dam will generate electricity equal to
[08:48.52]about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution.
[08:53.83]The reservoir has flooded 2 cities,11 counties,
[09:00.51]140 towns and more than 4,000 villages.
[09:05.28]More than a million people who lived in the region
[09:09.47]have moved from their homes.
[09:11.57]Now they're living a happy new life in different areas.
[09:15.69]The Three Gorges area is one of the most beautiful areas of China
[09:21.94]and the project has flooded some of China's most famous historical sites,
[09:27.47]including the Qu Yuan Temple, the Han Watchtower
[09:32.03]and the Moya Cliff carvings.
[09:33.86]About 800 historical relics have been submerged.
[09:38.93]Some of them are being removed and some are being put into museums.
[09:50.75]Activity 1
[11:33.79]Activity 2
[13:29.01]Read the sentences and underline the relative clauses.
[13:33.52]Now listen and practise the intonation of the sentences.
[13:39.91]Note the difference in the intonation of sentences
[13:43.40]with non-defining relative clauses.
[13:46.27]1.The tallest building that I have seen
[13:51.16]is the Empire State Building in New York.
[13:54.65]2.The Grand Canal,
[14:00.22]which is the world's oldest and longest canal,
[14:03.78]was built in the fifth century BC.
[14:06.88]3.The Three Gorges Dam is a hydro-electric project
[14:14.47]which has brought an end to the danger of flooding.
[14:17.12]4.There is a boat
[14:22.60]which takes you all the way along the Yangtze River.
[14:25.76]5.The river, which is the third longest in the world,
[14:34.04]is an absolutely beautiful place to visit.
[14:37.09]Culture Corn
[14:42.38]Read about the passage and answer these questions.
[14:46.70]1.For how long was the Empire State Building
[14:52.15]the tallest building in the world?
[14:54.22]2. Why do you think there are so many tall buildings in the world now?
[15:01.11]The Empire State Building,New York
[15:05.73]Most of the tallest buildings in the world
[15:09.77]were built in the 1990s and in the twenty-first century,
[15:14.43]but the two tallest buildings in the US were built much earlier.
[15:19.50]In fact, the second tallest building in the US
[15:23.61]is more than 75 years old!
[15:26.28]The Empire State Building,
[15:29.63]which was the tallest building at the time was finished in May 1931.
[15:35.38]It was the tallest building in the world
[15:38.77]until the World Trade Centre was built in New York in 1972.
[15:43.86]The World Trade Centre twin towers,
[15:47.63]which were destroyed in September 2001,
[15:50.90]were 417 and 415 metres high.
[15:56.00]Facts about the Empire State Building:
[16:02.17]Ten million bricks were used in the construction of the building
[16:05.96]There are 6,500 windows.
[16:11.10]From the observatory at the top,
[16:14.96]on a clear day you can see five US states.
[16:18.96]Lightning strikes the Empire State Building about 500 times a year.
[16:25.71]In 1945, a US military plane,
[16:31.92]which was flying over Manhattan on a foggy day,
[16:34.83]crashed into the building just above the 78th floor.
[16:38.97]Module 6 Word List
[16:46.63]bulletin n.小型报刊;短新闻; 报告
[16:48.77]canal n. 运河
[16:52.77]civil adj. 民用的;国内的
[16:55.97]cliff n.悬崖; 峭壁
[16:59.65]dam n.坝; 堤; 水闸
[17:03.25]engineering n. (土木)工程
[17:07.46]gorge n. 峡谷
[17:11.06]hydro-electric adj. 水力发电的
[17:16.17]reservoir n. 水库
[17:20.36]structure n. 建筑物; 结构
[17:24.61]terminal n.(机场的)集散站; 终点站;候机厅
[17:29.70]date vi.始于(某一历史时期)
[17:31.87]accommodate vt. 容纳(乘客等)
[17:36.93]carving n.(尤指木头,象牙等的)雕刻(品)
[17:40.49]construction n.建造;建设;建筑
[17:44.49]relic n.(常作复数)(历史的) 遗迹,遗物
[17:49.13]site n.场所;遗址
[17:52.00]Buddhist n.佛教徒
[17:55.68]generate vt.发(电)
[17:59.50]harness vt. 利用;将(自然力) 变成动力
[18:03.59]historical adj.历史的; 有关历史的
[18:07.46]narrow adj.狭窄的
[18:11.81]poem n.诗;诗歌
[18:14.96]submerge vt.浸人水中;淹没
[18:19.23]global adj.全球的
[18:22.90]watchtower n. 望台
[18:27.31]remove vt. 迁移; 搬迁
[18:30.87]freezing adj. 冷冰冰的;极冷的
[18:34.90]ridiculous adj.荒唐的;可笑的
[18:38.90]enormous adj.巨大的; 庞大的
[18:43.13]observatory n.观察台
[18:47.52]foggy adj.有浓雾的
[18:51.09]crash vi.(飞机)失事; 坠毁
[18:55.00]Module 7 Revision
[19:01.25]Reading and Speaking
[19:03.32]Activity 1
[19:04.94]Read the passage,an article written by a student called Mark.
[19:09.69]Number these countries in the order that Mark visited them.
[19:13.81]My Gap Year
[19:16.26]I decided to spend a year between school and university
[19:21.71]travelling round the world.
[19:23.62]I worked hard and saved quite a lot of money for the trip.
[19:28.10]I started my trip in France and after visiting the capital Paris,
[19:34.97]I travelled down to the south of France,
[19:38.34]which is known for its lovely beaches.
[19:40.88]Then I spent a month walking in the mountains
[19:44.75]in northern Italy.
[19:46.47]I then travelled to Rome, the capital of Italy,
[19:50.90]and spent a week visiting the city's wonderful art galleries,
[19:55.59]churches and museums.
[19:57.22]From there I flew to Athens, Greece,
[20:02.32]and took a boat to a small Greek island.
[20:05.92]I had planned to meet a friend of mine there
[20:09.52]and we took an apartment on a beach
[20:12.10]and had a wonderful time swimming and sunbathing.
[20:15.47]Next,I flew to India,and travelled round it for about three months.
[20:22.37]Although the cities were crowded, the countryside was beautiful.
[20:27.45]I stayed in a small fishing village on the west coast
[20:31.79]and it was the happiest time of my life.
[20:35.04]I then flew to northeast India,
[20:38.74]where there had been a terrible flood three months ago.
[20:41.77]The water had gone but the damage to crops
[20:45.95]and homes was terrible.
[20:47.81]I then flew to China, a country I had always wanted to visit.
[20:54.47]I saw Beijing, of course, and the Great Wall,
[20:58.72]and also took a trip to see some villages
[21:02.28]on the Yangtze River which would soon be under water
[21:05.90]because of the Three Gorges Dam.
[21:08.38]While I was in China,I read a lot about ancient Chinese history
[21:14.52]and became particularly interested in the ideas
[21:18.44]of the great philosopher Confucius.
[21:20.60]Then I flew to Japan where I spent two interesting weeks.
[21:27.32]I was astonished to see that some people in the big cities
[21:31.94]wear masks to protect their lungs from pollution.
[21:35.84]I hope that never happens in my city!
[21:38.72]Then, at last, I flew all the way home again.
[21:43.90]It had been a great experience,
[21:46.63]but, yes, it was good to be home!
[21:50.40]Names and Places
[21:59.72]Athens 雅典
[22:02.09]Greece 希腊
[22:06.57]Italy 意大利
[22:09.67]Lisbon 里斯本(葡萄牙首都)
[22:13.22]Portugal 葡萄牙
[22:16.90]Ireland 爱尔兰
[22:20.73]Scotland 苏格兰
[22:24.70]Wales 威尔士
[22:28.89]Mediterranean 地中海
[22:32.42]Alps 阿尔卑斯山
[22:36.54]Pyrennees 比利牛斯山脉
[22:40.45]Seine 塞纳河(法国)
[22:44.04]Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔
[22:47.84]Louvre 卢浮宫
[22:52.15]Barcelona 巴塞罗那
[22:56.66]Sagrada Familia (西班牙)圣家大教堂
[23:00.93]Florence 佛罗伦萨
[23:04.67]Uffizi Palace 乌飞齐美术馆
[23:09.14]Parthenon 巴特农神庙
[23:13.56]Acropolis 雅典卫城
[23:17.12]Edinburgh 爱丁堡
[23:19.47]Valencia 巴伦西亚(西班牙东部港市)
[23:22.29]Belgium 比利时
[23:25.09]Luxembourg 卢森堡
[23:27.54]Netherlands 荷兰
[23:30.81]Austria 奥地利
[23:35.27]Denmark 丹麦
[23:39.54]Finland 芬兰
[23:41.88]Sweden 瑞典
[23:44.33]Czech Republic 捷克共和国
[23:47.59]Estonia 爱沙尼亚
[23:50.29]Hungary 匈牙利
[23:52.63]Latvia 拉脱维亚
[23:56.61]Lithuania 立陶宛
[23:59.33]Poland 波兰
[24:01.83]Slovak Republic 斯洛伐克共和国
[24:06.09]Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚
[24:09.11]Cyprus 塞浦路斯
[24:11.55]Malta 马耳他
[24:14.28]Iceland 冰岛
[24:17.29]Norway 挪威
[24:19.79]Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂
[24:22.69]Lhasa 拉萨
[24:26.68]Grenoble 格雷诺布尔(法国东南部城市)
[24:30.77]Gulf of Mexico 墨西哥湾
[24:34.79]Atlantic 大西洋
[24:39.11]Canada 加拿大
[24:43.31]Texas 得克萨斯州
[24:45.97]Missour 密苏里州
[24:50.27]Illinois 伊利诺斯州
[24:53.61]Indiana 印第安纳州
[24:55.90]Caribbean Sea 加勒比海
[24:58.90]Maine 缅因州
[25:01.83]Galveston 加尔维斯顿(美国得克萨斯州东南部港市)
[25:04.51]Montserrat 蒙塞拉特岛(拉丁美洲)
[25:08.63]San Francisco 旧金山
[25:12.46]Vienam 越南
[25:16.35]Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡
[25:21.02]Malaysia 马来西亚
[25:25.71]Chicago 芝加哥
[25:28.96]Dubai 迪拜(阿联酉酋长国之一)
[25:39.47]Antonio Gaudi 安东尼奥·高迪
[25:41.90]Michelangelo 米开朗琪罗
[25:46.52]Charles Coghlan 查尔斯·科格伦
[25:50.75]Arthur 亚瑟
[25:55.79]Confucius 孔子
[25:58.29]James Watt 詹姆斯·瓦特
[26:09.06]Module 1
[26:11.07]because of 因为; 由于
[26:13.15]be known as 作为...而出名/闻名
[26:17.25]ever since 自从...一直
[26:21.68]in terms of 据...; 依照¨
[26:25.46]on the other hand 另一方面,反过来说
[26:29.71]little by little 一点点地,逐渐地
[26:34.52]Module 2
[26:38.04]at the top of 在...顶端
[26:40.86]at the bottom of 在...底部
[26:45.40]make effort 努力
[26:49.88]be connected with 与...有关;与...有联系
[26:53.83]be close to 接近;靠近
[26:58.02]Module 3
[27:02.23]pick up 卷起,掀起
[27:04.08]take off 去掉
[27:06.26]on average 平均起来
[27:10.64]end up 结果为... ,以...结束
[27:15.27]set fire to 放火(焚烧)
[27:18.89]catch fire 着火
[27:22.93]put out 扑灭(火)
[27:26.68]take place 发生
[27:30.93]in all 总共;总计
[27:33.95]Module 4
[27:38.50]cut down 砍倒
[27:40.54]be caught in 突然遭遇(风暴等)
[27:44.84]one after another 一个接一个地
[27:49.09]have a bad effect on 对...有坏影响
[27:53.56]take in 吸收
[27:57.25]give out 放出; 发出
[28:00.50]in a nutshell 简言之; 概括地讲
[28:03.79]look through 浏览
[28:07.38]Module 5
[28:11.17]be at war with 与...交战
[28:14.85]bring up 养育;抚养
[28:20.21]become interested in 对...感兴趣
[28:23.37]be proud of 为...自豪
[28:27.38]in conclusion 总之
[28:31.88]for the first time 第一次;结束
[28:36.02]Module 6
[28:40.65]date from 起源于
[28:43.16]hold back 阻止
[28:46.68]come true (梦想等) 变成现实
[28:51.06]make sense 有意义;有道理
[28:55.54]bring an end to 结束;终止
