听电影学英语-日落之前 14(在线收听

  [00:01.26]-This is where you live? -Yeah. -你就住这里? -是
  [00:03.74]-How long have you been here? -Four years. -住这多久了? -四年
  [00:07.82]-So tell me.... -What? -告诉我.... -什么?
  [00:11.02]Is it all true about your dreams... 你说的梦想都是真的么...
  [00:12.38]...or did you say that to hopefully get in my pants? ...或者只是希望这样可以哄哄我?
  [00:15.10]I said that to get in your pants. 哄哄你的
  [00:19.06]-I use that all the time. -Oh, okay. Does it work? -我一直用这招 -管用么?
  [00:20.98]You know. Sometimes. 有时管用
  [00:25.14]Here's my kitty. Oh, so cute. Look at him. 喔,见到我的小猫眯了
  [00:27.82]You know what I love about this cat? 你知道我喜欢这只猫什么地方么?
  [00:29.82]Every morning I bring him to the courtyard... 每天早上我带她到院子里...
  [00:33.86]...and every single morning he looks at everything like it was the first time. ...每次她都感觉是第一次外出一样
  [00:38.34]Every corner, every tree, every plant. 每个角落、每棵树、植物
  [00:43.42]Smells everything with his little cute nose. 用她乖巧的小鼻子闻着
  [00:44.98]Oh, I love my kitty. I love my kitty. 喔,我爱猫眯
  [00:51.18]-What's his name? -Che. -她叫什么名字? -切
  [00:52.46]Che? 切?
  [00:54.62]-What? -Commie. -什么? -共产党
  [01:01.10]No, "che" in Argentina means "hey." 不, "切" 在阿根廷就是"嘿"
  [01:01.78]-Okay. -Yes. -好 -是
  [01:06.18]Oh, baby. Oh, yes, yes, yes. 好的,宝贝
  [01:13.46]We're having a little party. It's so much fun. 我们在开小聚会,很有意思
  [01:27.54]-So.... -So. -那么....
  [01:45.62]You know what? I was thinking, would you play me one of your songs? 你知道么? 我一直在想你能不给我弹唱一曲?
  [01:49.14]-You're gonna miss your flight. -I won't. -你要误点的 -我不会
  [01:52.50]I'm gonna be in the airport for over an hour, reading... 到了机场我还有一个小时看看书呢...
  [01:55.78]...wishing you'd played me one of your songs. ...希望你给我弹唱一曲
  [01:59.30]One song? Okay, but quickly. 一曲? 好,但要快
  [01:59.78]Okay. 好
  [02:07.34]God, I love these old staircases. 天,我喜欢这些古老的楼梯
  [02:50.38]-Hold this. -What, for me? -拿着 -什么,给我?
  [02:51.26]Hey there, buddy. 嘿
  [02:54.66]Che. 切
  [03:07.02]-Would you like some tea? -Yeah, sure. -要茶么? -当然
  [03:12.10]Wow. 喔
  [03:13.62]-ls chamomile okay? -Yeah. Great. -菊花茶可以吧? -好的
  [03:19.30]-Merci. -Messy? -谢谢 -乱么?
  [03:20.06]-You think my apartment is messy? -No, no. Merci. -你觉得我房间很乱? -不,谢谢
  [03:23.66]-Merci beaucoup. -Ah, merci. -非常感谢 -谢谢
  [03:29.62]I meant to tell you, your French has improved a lot. 我要告诉你, 你的法语进步很快
  [03:33.22]Yeah, you've really mastered the language. 你已经掌握这门语言了
  [03:37.70]All right, all right, what song are you gonna play me? 好的,你要给我弹唱什么呢?
  [03:44.06]No, I can't. It's too embarrassing. It's been-- 不,我不行, 太尴尬了--
  [03:44.50]Whoa. No way. No way. I came up here, you cannot crap out on me now. 不行,我都上来了 不能敷衍我
  [03:50.90]But listen, you're gonna laugh at me. 但听着, 你会笑话我的
  [03:50.98]One song. Anything will be great. 一曲,一切就都好了
  [03:52.78]-You think so? -Yes. -你这么觉得? -是
  [03:56.74]I doubt it. 我怀疑
  [04:00.66]Okay. 好
  [04:00.94]What do you want to hear? I have.... 你要听什么 ?
  [04:05.22]I have three songs in English. 我有三曲英文的
  [04:06.22]One's about my cat... 一曲是有关我的猫...
  [04:09.38]...one's about my ex-boyfriend-- Well, ex-ex-boyfriend... ...一曲是我的前任男友,呃,是再前面一个...
  [04:14.34]...and there's one about.... ...另一曲是....
  [04:16.94]Well, it's just a little waltz. 华尔兹
  [04:19.10]A waltz? Yeah. 华尔兹?
  [04:22.42]-Play the waltz. -Right. -弹华尔兹吧 -好的
  [04:22.78]I haven't played it in a while. You sure? 我已经很久没弹了,确定要听?
  [04:30.86]Okay. 好
  [04:30.94]All right, the waltz. 好,华尔兹
  [04:46.98]Let me sing you a waltz 歌词大意:让我给你唱首华尔兹
  [04:50.66]Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts 穿越时空,穿越思念
  [04:55.42]Let me sing you a waltz 让我给你唱首华尔兹
